Ren'Py - RearRoutine [v0.1.5] [Red Lips Ruby]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    After the first update (0.1.5), the game unfortunately still offers far too little to live up to its description. "The choice is yours."
    It currently only offers three daily actions, and there are really only two possible options: Remain frigid or allow yourself to be corrupted.
    The game certainly doesn't serve a niche, and suggestions for further content should be familiar from other games of this type, because let's be honest, the game has been played out and can't be reinvented.
    So, what would I expect?
    More content with different NPCs.
    More consequences of actions, for example, converting the hotel into a brothel if the FMC has acted accordingly often enough and the hotel has gained a certain reputation.
    More gym members with different actions.
    More visitable locations with individual characters and action options.
    More ambitions of the FMC. What is her goal? Where does she want to go?
    There's still a lot of work to be done here, but also potential, and hopefully a lot of willingness on the part of the developers to learn how to improve the drawings. The fact that a few animations are already included in the drawing style adds a bit of value, but I can't currently give it more than three points, as there are better competitors in both this category and this drawing style.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Games with Female protagonists are always peak! To me! This was a greatly simply game! Go to work -> Build corruption -> Buy shit -> Get fucked!

    My only complaint is that I want a real story within this gameplay loop! I'm looking forward to more man awesome job!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, Ruby hates everyone and everything, my kind of gal. She is stuck in a low life with a shitty job but wants a better life, here comes the corruption. The 2DCG's art isn't as beautiful as Rembrandt's or as ugly as Picasso's, but it's a fair art with good animations. There are corruption points and a monetary system. Written very simply, but straight to the point.