RPGM - Completed - ReBF [v2.05] [The Knights of Asgar]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Started with no expectations, left disappointed.

    I don't get paid to write reviews, so I'll keep it short.
    The game offers:
    • An attractive Tsundere
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    • An entertaining story-line
      • The plot is very, VERY stupid, but it's entertaining because of it.
    • A lot of build variety;
      • You can be an unmovable object, a zoom zoom fast boi, an evasion devotee, or an evil hentai tentacle sorcerer, and more!
    • Some hours of entertainment.
      • The game is about ~10-15 hours long depending on the player's pace, about ~3-5 will be grinding or doing boring side-quests.
    • There's pokeballs.
      • Gotta catch em' all!
        • Sadly, the odds of you capturing them are sometimes of around ~0.3, which I assume translates to 30%. It may sound like good odds, but this means that it takes about ~3-4 balls on average per capture.
        • The pokeballs are expensive, and unless you want to grind for gold, you'll need a lot of patience when capturing.
        • The pokegirls are also pretty useless. They don't actually fight in combat, their role is more of a support character.
          • So, healing, buffs, debuffs, etc. Sad part is, most are shit.
    • An attractive Tsundere
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    The game takes:
    • Patience, a TON of patience.
      • It's a bit grindy; you'll do fetch quests, you'll do crafting quests, etc, etc.
    • H-content is scarce.
      • Yes, I know what you're thinking; "But, this game has a BattleFUCK system! Every fight has scenes!"
        • Listen, the first time you fight a monster, yeah, it's cool, but like every and any other game of this genre, after you see the same animations 50+ times, it becomes stale.
        • It's also very underwhelming; For instance, cunnilingus attacks do NOT have a special animation.
          • Yup, the BattleFUCK combat is very underwhelming when compared to others in the market.
    • Dull Combat
      • The combat is just so fucking easy.
        • It is so easy that there are items that lower your attack to 1. Even then, you're still killing shit in 1-2 turns.
      • As other BattleFucks, it's very repetitive.
      • There are obscene difficulty spikes here and there, but a good build should get the job done regardless.
        • For instance, you can have a build with over 100% Evasion chance. Yeah, good luck losing there.
    • The Story is VERY stupid.
      • In summary: Demon Lord reawakens and you gotta beat it. People you didn't care for die along the way. Yay!
      • There's also multiple plot devices; many characters appear out of nowhere to save the day. Long live the Power of Friendship!
    • Very Linear.
      • If you want an exploration RPG, look elsewhere.
    • The game is not rewarding.
      • With the exclusion of the combat, there are only about 6 scenes in total. Tragically small.
    Yeah, that about covers ReBF. I don't think it's memorable (except for the Tsundere, which will likely be completely forgotten by next week), the gameplay is dull and while build variety is solid, the underwhelmingly easy combat makes it underwhelming. It has innovative mechanics here and there but honestly, they're not enough to make up for the rest of game.

    If after all of this you still want to play the game, honestly, go ahead. It's good enough to be enjoyable :)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I think it's a big improvement over the original game, for one, it actually has a story. The system itself is simplified compared to the previous game (which is third in the series), but it has main systems from it. The captured monsters are rather useful throughout the entire game, so capturing them doesn't feel pointless. The biggest flaw of the game, I think, is that only defeat scenes and a few others have actual dialogue and all of them are femdom, when you win the battle or fuck monsters at your house there's barely any text at all, just animations, which is a waste because the premise of the story is defeating monster girls with fucking, but you don't get to enjoy any male dom here if you need dialogue for that. The grind isn't too annoying, especially in the second half of the game, when you get ways to improve the drop rates and improve monster affection in a few fights. One annoying thing is how hard it is to respec your build, as the items that allow you to do this are very limited and even in the late game still aren't easy to get. As I invested 50 in Luck mid-game I didn't find the game as easy as some people claim, it provided some decent challenge and I died more than once, even against normal mobs. If you invest heavily in vitality in the mid-game, though, I think that certain parts of it can indeed become too easy as you can get ahead of the difficulty curve by boosting defense. In any case, this is a nice 20-hour game, which is rather enjoyable as a game, and not just a porn game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    :PogChamp:[Gotta Fuck ’Em All!] :lepew:

    Well its all about it.
    Game was very long and enjoyable.If you addictive to grind and collecting rare things,it is drag you for veeery long time.

    Main story i said beyond average - Asgard Knights - very good in telling stories,it was entertaing and interesting till the end..
    But in the final it has same cliche as were in "Shera and the Three Treasures".
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    Art style here is Bright Shining.Girls are super cute-charming and poses they take well drawn and lewdy-hot.:p
    Female Orcs here extremely sexxxy by far,they are best!.Shame on you warcraft.And Epsilon..Ohohooho.:love:

    Main core gameplay it is what also give game a sweet tastynes.Fuck the pokegirls till they came to collapse,and even capture them
    to your collection.Each girl has their own bonus to equip.It also differnt animations and interractions with them in base.
    Some of them are extra rare and need to be evolved by fuse with others.And every has also uniqe drops,most valuable thing - rare cards which are very usefull to combine with your playstyle.It the end tho it becomming troublesome to scrool your inventory to pick
    what girl you like in current situation.Anyway Ill advice you to collect ALL of them from the start.:WeSmart:

    Difficulty is well balanced.There is no such thing like you becoming too OP from the start.All the time you will find something
    new to proceed and fight.And some enemies may cause you real trouble along the way..
    What lead you to defeat H scenes..
    Which ones not very good - too much sex text that you tired to read and the cap of cum what hero may produced non stop in them is abnormal.:rolleyes:

    Cant not to say music here also were very good selected.And added in my collection.:)

    I had say it solid RPG more than H-Game.Like 70/30%.If you played and liked "Shera and the Three Treasures" alot
    this is what you should check next.Higly reccomended. ;)(y)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I surely will recommend this game.

    Idea of this game is quite simple, but good.
    Good story. This game is kinda grindy sometimes, but you could use legal cheats (cheap usable items and buffs) to get an extra EXP.

    Artwork is a masterpiece for me. It is mostly an animated characters, but I love how they looks.

    The game itself is polished and I've never meet any bugs here.

    Beginning could be boring a bit, but when the real game starts it become fun
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    + Thought-out and makes sense. You fight monstergirls with sex-skills. Every monstergirl has its own weakness.
    + You can catch monsters-girls, similar to pokemon
    +/- Level system. Alot of different skills. And also stats. But with a bit of time, you will get into them.
    +/- Very long tutorial texts (optional, but recommended, or else you won't really understand the game)
    +/- Your equipped caught monster pet gives you extra stats. But the extra Assist skills are not really needed in battles.
    +/- Only a few armor/weapons, but mostly so called "cards" which give you extra stats/skills/stuff. Most things rather situational
    - Very long game for its sexual content (probably around up to 20h or more, depending on the player)
    - Some battle imbalances
    - Too complex mechanics for how easy the game idea itself is.
    - Very grindy
    - Repetitive

    Frequency of Scenes:
    +/- You fight monsters. You can get the scenes from monsters, when they defeated you. Or later on, you can still watch scenes in your gallery in your mansion, if you defeated them.
    - Human scenes unlockable either extremely late in endgame, or they actually dont really exist with a few exceptions.

    - Event dialogues too long, considering the whole gameplay.

    --> All in one: Mixed feelings. Didnt feel like a porn game. The gameplay itself was interesting and had some unique features. But execution was not that good. Overloaded with too many features. Many features were unnecessary later on, when you trained the right stats and skills. Too much focus on gameplay and story, barely any sex scenes despite of the monster fights. Sex was rather a byproduct. 3 of 10.

    If anyone is interested: I reached the endgame dungeon. But dropped it here. I guess the unique features made me continue playing. But at one point, I just stopped playing the game. For an RPG it has potential, especially when unnecessary parts are removed or changed. But as it is now, for a sex game, it was bad.

    My last tip: If you can get past the tutorials in the Adventure Guild's basement (After the test fights down there, go there again. It will completely change with tons of people explaining you the game), then you are determined to at least test out the game. If you have not enough patience to complete the tutorials, then it is a sign to better not try out this game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: ?/5
    The premise is that you defeat monsters by fucking them, and monsters defeat you by fucking you.
    If you're into that kind of story, you might like it.
    I played about 15 minutes before getting turned off by the nonsensical premise.
    The art is a 5/5.
    Personal enjoyment: 2/5
    Overall: 3/5, In an effort to remain objective, this is an above-average eroge game, though i did not like it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphics: 3/5
    I'm comparing it to the ROBF, which is basically the same game as far as I know . This is a clear progression in graphics. In ROBF, the enemies were blurry and low resolution. The assets used for the game were default, and here you can see more variety and well chosen resources.

    Plot: 4/5
    Again, if you compare it to the previous game, things are much better here. The main character now has his own past, purpose and interests. Unfortunately, there is not much freedom of choice in the dialogues, and at the end you are given two choices, of which only the first is chosen anyway. The game has a more elaborate world and many side characters. Most of them don't play much of a role.

    Sound: 3/5
    I don't know much about RPG Maker, but I assume the standard engine resources are used here. The music isn't that crazy and is well chosen. Well, for a game paid for, that's some crap.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    The game has a cool level system where you can upgrade different fighting styles and other things. The combat itself is challenging and grindy. I ended up not holding back and just hacked the game, giving my character max damage and defense.

    Lasting Appeal: 3/5
    I played for about 30 hours, but I could've easily played for 50 or more. There are some side quests that are fun, but in the end they don't give you much.

    Overall: 3.5/5
    It's a good game, with better graphics, plot and gameplay than the previous one. If you're into RPGs, you'll like it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Translation: 5/5

    I didn't see any major or minor mistake, but english is not my first language. This is a 100% translation, meaning that every scene, story and dialogue is translated. I also didn't see any major bugs at the version 2.05

    One important thing to note is that the names of enemies and places have been changed (I guess it was to escape the ragnarok trademark), but it's not really that relevant. Some examples:

    Poring -> Jelling
    Familiar -> Millia
    ALice -> Liace
    Pronterra -> Prontemple
    Payon-> Payphor

    Story: 1/5

    I honestly hated the story of this game compared to the other games in the series. A lot of irrelevant characters, excessive cutscenes, unnecessary family plot, removal of the protagonist's agency, etc. I prefer the simplicity of the ROBF 1 plot or the perfect balance between ROBFEOY between the RO story and the fanfic story.

    The plot is more or less the same of ROBF 1: You play as Venos (customizable name), a servant of a noble family from Prontemple. The Prontemple government organizes a special force to eliminate the monsters that are leaving Glastheim and Venos goes along, but all are killed except Venos due to the Dark Lord's resurrection. Glastheim is then protected by 4 orbs of magic scattered over all the in the world, being necessary to destroy them before facing the Dark Lord.

    Regarding the continuity of this game with the previous ones (ROBF, ROBFS3U and ROBFEOY): In general, irrelevant. There are some cameos (Novi, protag of 1, helps Venos at the beginning of the game and disappears, the blonde assassin appears in some sidequests, the Orc Hero appears to help break one of the crystals and the ROBFS3U protag
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    In the last scene of the game without counting the bonus boss, it is revealed that
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    Gameplay: 4/5 (if you don't care about the farming) or 3/5 (if you do care)

    One of the best eroge customization systems. As it is a game based on ragnarok, each level you earn 5 points to distribute in your stats and 1 point to learn a new skill. The skill tree is relatively large, with several branches with some skills requiring multiple prerequisites. The skills are quite varied, allowing a good diversity of builds, although some are fundamental (Light up is mandatory).

    In addition, it is possible to equip a weapon and equipment, chosen from 2 dozen weapons/equipment, a pet that has a passive effect and 3 usable abilities, and equip 4 cards, giving an immense possibility of customization.

    Unfortunately, the game suffers from 2 problems that end up making this customization unusable: The game is easy and the farm in this game is absurd, forcing the player to equip things that decrease this grind/farm.

    Firstly, each card has only a 1/20 chance of dropping, not counting other drops (like weapons/equipment) from monsters. In addition, you also need to capture each pet, where it is necessary to drop the monster's hp in half to have a chance to capture (And, to be fair, capturing is easy and you only need to do 1x per monster). Finally, each pet has an affection score that ranges from 0-100, increasing the stats provided by the pets, unlocking new skills and having the possibility to evolve into stronger versions. MVPs can only be picked up as a pet through evolutions, with 1 MVP needing to evolve 3(!) times and 1 MVP needing to evolve 2 times. Putting all these aspects together, it is more or less mandatory to use equipment, cards and skills that improve this grind/farm, in addition to having 50 points invested in the luck status to double drop rate.

    Again, the previous games are better in gameplay: ROBF 1 is more rigid but more difficult and ROBFEOY has even more customization by having even more skills.

    Art-style and H-scenes

    Altogether it has 44 mob characters and 14 MVPs, with some extra enemies (I think around 5~6). I personally like the artstyle of this game, with the enemies being quite cute. All enemies have animation (even if the animation is simple), this game have battle/defeat scene replay system and the types of animations are quite varied, despite the protag being literally drawn as a lifeless doll. This is femdom game, with the protag literally dying in several scenes from too much sex.

    Overall: 4/5, with 3/5 if you care about grinding/farming.

    Personally, I still prefer the other games in the series (ROBF 1 and ROBFEOY) and I see this game as taking "2 steps back and one step forward", but I still consider it a fun game that ends up being destroyed by the plot.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not much different from the other robf games with few improvements. And still it is one the few h-games i consider worth playing. If you are into sex-combat and actually give a shit about gameplay in ur pr0n game then this is for you. The game has alot of build diversity, alot of collectables, gives a good degree of freedom, the story serves its purpose and paced well.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game, but the scenes and characters are a little too seamless, the game's pacing is also very slow, and it's wrapped up in a thin storyline. If the beginning of the game does not excite you, nothing will come of it afterwards.