
Mar 19, 2018
What people seem to forget is that we... the MC, were not the only ones to get the visions, the first was actually a Nosferatu.

If Vision girl (Blood Queen as I once called her) is an ancestor to the MC, and of the Nos that makes her ancient, like pre-carthage ancient, like one of the 2nd, or 3rd Gen, and if she was then she would be very thirsty.

What if Callisto and therefor the MC were of a literaly unknown 14th main clan, she doesnt have that stuck up Ventrue feel, or the artsy Toreador thing, it feels like they are 'Different'.

What if maybe that Nos that had visions had been fed a diluted vitae of Callisto or someone of that bloodline, thinned with other blood so they wouldnt gain the real power, as something of a test, when they went nuts after seeing the visions, whoever stopped the test, and Callisto considered a childe.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Oh! I just want to re point out something before the next update or three drop- this game has the Transformation tag on it.
Can mean anything at all.
From the tag definition:
  • Transformation [A sequence showing a physical, biological change of some kind.]
Would already be covered by the MC and his transformation from human to a vampire or the Nos. One point against that this tag is for Astrid and her transformation is that tags should only describe what content is already in the game. But we won't know if the is also for Astrid or not until it will be revealed.

I also think that a few more things will be answered with the next update and Sharons investure as an Archon. Mostly believe that the next step of Astrid ploting against Sharon and her reactions. Now both of them have some shit one the other. Astrid helped some vampire hunters and capture one of them, so has our MC also done.
Could be quiet an intresting thing at the investure with Astrid try to ensure that Sharon fall in disgrace while much of her own plotting will come to light. Perhaps we will even see some off their shared past.

If this will hapen then I doubt that Astrid will sit idle by if she fails in her agenda, the same goes for our MC if Sharons position would become to compromised. So Ayhsel should be happy as I believe some major cat fight is comming our way.
I think, that it could even force the Prince or Calisto or they cohorts to intervened.

Also who of Sharon/MC cohort will be coming along to her investure? Andrew I'm certained, Carmen I'm certained that she will be ordered to stay "home", as well as Laurie and our Gregor will be lock up in the cellar.
So Laurie has the duty to look after Carmen and Gregor, where I think Gregor will try to break out now or later and we don't know what tricks he has learned from Astrid. For Carmen I think she will try to take her revenge on Astrid, thus I would guess that either Laurie and Carmen will crash Sharons investure and I assume much of the vampire there wouldn't be much amused - other than Callisto.
Or the both stay home and either Gregor break free from his chains and wreak havoc in Sharons house or Astrid or one from her cohort pays a visit to Carmen and Laurie. And seriously who chain up a prisoner in a room wheres on the next table they put their weapons on display?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
I don't care what haters say I love me some Sharon. The battle for number 2 is going to be a mud wrestling content between Carmen and Laurie. Vamp mommy and astrid would round out to fun for the day with an oiled down twirking showdown.

Probably turn out like this
2. Carmen
4, momma milf vamp
6sex nos bitch (god ready her perfect nos tits body.)

7: Cindy maybe.
9: bar owner babe. Ye I'd fucker.
10: black landlorg women so I miter boat the big saggy chocolate tities.

The are more but my brain is hurtng so there you go.

Edit : Apparently I was in a drunk ambian stopper when I did this. Please forgive me.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
I only personally care about Sharon and Laurie. I want Carmen to be used up and played with. I will always be against those that attack the mc and the one's he cares about.

I hope we get to make Astrid pay too. Slowly
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Mar 19, 2018
MC and Sharon may have a hunter captive, but that's far different to Astrid, she actually aided the hunters, and almost exposed everyone, the MC having a "Pet hunter blood bag in a cage" would be looked at far differently, heck they could use the excuse that they are using her to find the betrayer, and it worked... Then point at Astrid before joining in on the red note(I think that was what it was called, right to drain her dry) as it's issued.


Active Member
Sep 16, 2020
If MC & Andrew had half a brain (cause Sharon is blind & ignorant) they would drag Gregor to the investiture and let him loose when Astrid enters to see him throw himself at her feet in a "you fucked up now and you're caught" moment, then let Sharon decide the punishment if she can pry her foot out of her oblivious cooter!
Sharon has given permission to MC to make his own slaves (or at least told him that he doesn't need to ask her to do whatever in those regards) so MC should get a clue & thrall Carmen (cause yes I like her) before somebody kills her and pisses a lot of players off!
Blood dream lady is probably the matriarch of MC's bloodline and is most likely still alive hence her psychic link to MC but we won't find out until 2025'ish given these 8 minute updates...

Then we have the hinted upon next attribute Vicious Power! (w00t) It has been hidden in the rpa's for a while now, when will it come into play? It would be cool if after Astrid is caught in her lies at the investiture that MC fucking obliterates her showing all the supposed higher ups that he ain't no puppy, much to Calisto's amusement...

Yes, some of you like Astrid, but she needs to "die by the sword"...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
If MC & Andrew had half a brain (cause Sharon is blind & ignorant) they would drag Gregor to the investiture and let him loose when Astrid enters to see him throw himself at her feet in a "you fucked up now and you're caught" moment, then let Sharon decide the punishment if she can pry her foot out of her oblivious cooter!
Sharon has given permission to MC to make his own slaves (or at least told him that he doesn't need to ask her to do whatever in those regards) so MC should get a clue & thrall Carmen (cause yes I like her) before somebody kills her and pisses a lot of players off!
Blood dream lady is probably the matriarch of MC's bloodline and is most likely still alive hence her psychic link to MC but we won't find out until 2025'ish given these 8 minute updates...

Then we have the hinted upon next attribute Vicious Power! (w00t) It has been hidden in the rpa's for a while now, when will it come into play? It would be cool if after Astrid is caught in her lies at the investiture that MC fucking obliterates her showing all the supposed higher ups that he ain't no puppy, much to Calisto's amusement...

Yes, some of you like Astrid, but she needs to "die by the sword"...
Astrid already said that she "handled" Gregor so him running to her wouldn't prove anything. If anything, it proves that she actually did handle him and he's not a problem anymore. I don't think vampires have rules forbidding them to play with food


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
yay!!! new update BUT as usual f95 didn't notify me and I did visit on this thread just 4 days ago.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Well I might be completely wrong, but I suspect that chapter 3 will be about the fallout of what was setup and will be setup at the investiture of Sharon. Whether that will be completed in chapter 3 or will be a red thread for whole game is an open question though.

Astrid may well be the major antagonist that will be moving the forces against Sharon and MC in rest of game as Arigon thinks (I agree with him that Astrid is very likely way more as she seems, just not sure if that goes into the direction he thinks yet or completely different, I would not be surprised if she is much elder as she pretends she is and a bit tempestuous and likes to be visible while hiding what she really is maybe even an elder of generation 6-8 herself) or she and Marcius may just be the main antagonist of chapter 3 and she is no more as she seems.

Where we find out what the past is between Astrid and Sharon and that storyline will end in chapter 3 and another antagonist will take over in later chapters, where even C may well at a certain point be an option, especially if Sleeping Beauty is less related to C as we think or has opposing goals. :p

Edit: Just if Astrid is more as what she seems her interest in Sharon and her extreme anger and disgust for Sharon being unwilling to thread her corrupted path as shown to Gregor seems a slight confirmation that there is also more to Sharon as she seems and she may also have a lot more potential possibly. Who knows potential that was limited on purpose by Astrid by keeping her unknowing and unaware of older bloodlines and powers till she would be corrupted.
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Jan 6, 2021
What the hell! This update is totally without any choice lol :")! I know dev you work hard but it would be better with choice! The story is really good!❤


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2018
Well I might be completely wrong, but I suspect that chapter 3 will be about the fallout of what was setup and will be setup at the investiture of Sharon. Whether that will be completed in chapter 3 or will be a red thread for whole game is an open question though.

Astrid may well be the major antagonist that will be moving the forces against Sharon and MC in rest of game as Arigon thinks (I agree with him that Astrid is very likely way more as she seems, just not sure if that goes into the direction he thinks yet or completely different, I would not be surprised if she is much elder as she pretends she is and a bit tempestuous and likes to be visible while hiding what she really is maybe even an elder of generation 6-8 herself) or she and Marcius may just be the main antagonist of chapter 3 and she is no more as she seems.

Where we find out what the past is between Astrid and Sharon and that storyline will end in chapter 3 and another antagonist will take over in later chapters, where even C may well at a certain point be an option, especially if Sleeping Beauty is less related to C as we think or has opposing goals. :p

Edit: Just if Astrid is more as what she seems her interest in Sharon and her extreme anger and disgust for Sharon being unwilling to thread her corrupted path as shown to Gregor seems a slight confirmation that there is also more to Sharon as she seems and she may also have a lot more potential possibly. Who knows potential that was limited on purpose by Astrid by keeping her unknowing and unaware of older bloodlines and powers till she would be corrupted.
When Mc meets Calisto at the temple and they talk about Sharon.

Calisto say's : Sharon a bleeding heart if there ever was one

So this got me thinking Again So Calisto knows about Sharon and Astrid previous relationship.
She knows that something went wrong between them.
And now decided hey for fun lets let them go at each other again and see how our MC and Sharon hold up.
We know from Astrid that she is also from a very powerful clan . And this get me back to you a 20 pages back i also suggested that Sharon has a darker past then she lets us know. But that was more about Andrew and his daughter. I had some suspicion she know what happenend to Andrew daughter. But now i think it goes deeper then Sharon or Astrid or MC and only the future can tell us whats going to happen
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Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
so..fairly new here..quick question...
5-6h of game play at the moment?or more?
Should I start the game now ?or wait for chapter 3?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
thank you for replying :) and help of course :)
Yeah I would agree with Mr Dan, next update or even start of chapter 3 would be good moments to step in, I suspect next update will finish the setup for what is going to happen in chapter 3.
When Mc meets Calisto at the temple and they talk about Sharon.

Calisto say's : Sharon a bleeding heart if there ever was one

So this got me thinking Again So Calisto knows about Sharon and Astrid previous relationship.
She knows that something went wrong between them.
And now decided hey for fun lets let them go at each other again and see how our MC and Sharon hold up.
We know from Astrid that she is also from a very powerful clan . And this get me back to you a 20 pages back i also suggested that Sharon has a darker past then she lets us know. But that was more about Andrew and his daughter. I had some suspicion she know what happenend to Andrew daughter. But now i think it goes deeper then Sharon or Astrid or MC and only the future can tell us whats going to happen
Yeah, though I might be completely wrong I got a very strong impression from last update that Astrid might have had some serious plans for Sharon, that Sharon was unwilling to get into due to being a bleeding heart. Now if you are right and C is putting up Astrid against Sharon and MC it will be interesting why? Is Astrid from a rival group C wants to test and possibly hurt or is it just a test for MC and Sharon?

Also then it starts to really become a very lucky coincidence that MC ended up with Sharon as mentor and somehow I do not believe in those in stories. :p Red herrings ok, coincidences, no. :)


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I had said it and I the feeling has only been augmenting. I love Astrid.. I want her to really make MC's life and the other girls a total challenge...

The bigger the bitch she is the more I love her.

To be fair, the attention she gives MC is pretty much love :love: (probably in a very non healthy way to show it but damn I love that kind of girl)
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