Artemis traits are currently unknown except for Auspex to some obscene degree.
Calisto traits are presumably mirrored by the MC at a minimum, and the MC has exhibited a number explicitly which appear to be bloodline traits and has exhibited some implicitly which are fairly generic for vampires.
Whispers- Not a presence power, though in the night club our MC exerts presence to cause the red head local to look his way. Whispers also is not domination which Sharon has. It is partial mind reading, and partial suggestion as well as a strong charm. Note that when Sharon uses her Domination power, her eyes become green and slit pupil. I refrain from reading into that for a Set like trait, as domination could well have that as a side effect in this Rebirth of WoD

Invisibility- by itself not a special power, though it is exclusive to certain bloodlines, it could be explained away, but since it comes so easily to the MC I will guess it is a bloodline trait. This fits a hunter, which Artemis was depicted as in Greek mythology, and could be part of her legacy.
Claws- these have been ruled out by Markus as the Protean power of claws with little c. Bigger, Badder, could belong to the Bear curse of Hera on Calisto perhaps, or might be Artemis legacy, but is almost certainly a bloodline trait.
MC implicitly has Presence as mentioned above. He is also faster than normal, and while
BigStuffedTiger pointed out that pumping up the dex attribute would make you faster, Sharon can presumably do this, and he is faster than her. In fact when she is assaulted, the MC rushes to her, and the terrain is a blur. That my friends is Celerity.
MC implicitly has a higher level of Auspex than Sharon, who definitely has heightened senses. He was able to intuit and or sniff out Astrid in the morgue.
MC was able to stop the hunter from staking him if you develop his prowess, which could imply potence or simply just better fighting skills, but he catches the axe Andrew tosses, and jams the axe in the feral nos' mouth, as well as simply is physically capable of reversing positions on her to put her against the wall.
Marcius- hot blooded, fast, strong, with a presence. I believe he and his thug boys are domesticated but not True Brujah as in the separate bloodline, but are Brujah that are in the society of polite company of the city. He does not have Sharon's gift of Domination but he wants it, as he expresses when saying he wants her eyes... She comes back very cleverly with they are attached lol.
Sharon- Domination and Presence for sure. To survive the beast attack Fortitude. Some suggested that instead of fortitude she survived due to the MC blood, which is true, but to survive the several minutes between the attack and the feeding of his blood, she demonstrated fortitude. She also points out she is more durable to Andrew on a couple of occasions. I think that Sharon is a Ventrue as I stated before.
Calisto has who knows how many disciplines, but given her MC's traits, which she presumably shares, she is not Ventrue. The MC does notice the difference between bottled blood, vampire blood, and human blood, which all vampires would notice. Sharon's use of bottled blood implies that she keeps a supply of her preferred type on hand.
Markus and company-Nos, they do not even bother to really change the name here. Obfuscate, potence and animalism.
Fabian-Thaumaturge equals Tremere in WoD but could also be Giovanni, Assamite, Settite, or Tzimisce Koldunic Sorcerers. Going with Tremere but with a more legitimate bloodline through Apollo>Hecate>Fabian.
Astrid- well we know, I think she is mysterious and beguiling, and hiding her true bloodline. I think she is Tzimisce Fleshcrafter. Others believe Toreador but of the darker flavor.
Crap I can not remember the vampire's name that teaches fighting, but she is a hound, and Ventrue, and Sharon claims kinship with her.
Vampires, Ghouls, and Blood.
Purely mechanical discussion of the lore.
Humans have 10 blood points of blood in them. Draining this, and giving them a single point of vampire blood will, with moderately regular success grant the human vampire status of the bloodline that killed them and fed them the blood.
Sabbat have a nasty habit of Vampiric Darwinism in which they mass embrace a bunch of humans, sometimes even mixing the blood up in a big ol' cup and pouring it down their throats. Then they stuff the newly turned vampire into the dirt. If they have the strength to rise, and the other traits necessary to survive their blood frenzied attack on the target city, they Might become Sabbat, or they more than likely become Catiff (clanless) vampires without any affiliation.
Camarilla are usually more careful, as are some of the other unaffiliated bloodlines, in that they study their prey and chosen potential childe before embracing, sometimes requiring years to decide.
Calisto may have acted on her own ennui and embraced the MC on a whim, but Fabian's comments later make me think Calisto did it without realizing she was directed to do so by Artemis.
So humans have 10 blood points, spoo vampires have 10, ghouls have 10. The more blood that is vitae-thicker more potent blood, in the vampire and ghoul, the more powerful they are. As the vampire gets closer to the founder, their blood thickens and condenses. They are able to fit more, and use more at one time in combat. There are lines of delineation of power with vampires, and with ghouls for that matter. With Ghouls, the longer they are on the vitae, the less humanity they tend to retain, but the more powerful, and addicted they become. They eventually will become old enough that if they are out of the blood, they will turn to dust, but up to that point they age more quickly based on age. If relatively young, they simply resume aging. If ancient, dust city.
Vampires who run out of blood, enter a state called Torpor. There are numerous reasons to enter torpor, but running dry, grievous but not quite enough damage to kill them is another, and of course there is voluntary torpor to fight the ennui of time.
So anything above the 13th generation (12 steps removed from the original vampire) is considered weak blooded/thin blooded in modern nights. 13th generation used to be considered that at one time, further back 11th, still further 8th generation. However- in modern nights, anything lower than 13th generation is considered to be of stronger blood. They increase the amount of blood they can hold, and at certain points, how much they can expend at one time in combat or to heal at one time. 8th generation used to be considered the top of the food chain of the run of the mill vampire society. They had more blood (15) and could spend 3 points in combat per turn. Very bad assed compared to the average 12-13th generation vampire. 8th generation had a normal cap on what degree of mastery of discipline they could learn as well (5th level) Their max attributes for physical and mental traits were human max.
7th generation and below, become startlingly more rare and more powerful. They hold a lot more vampire blood, spend a lot more, and they develop specialized applications of their blood traits. They become super human in their normal attributes and knowledges.
This is just a quick primer for those unfamiliar with the basics of the inspirational lore.
In another 3 weeks or so we should have the climax of the second chapter, and the set up for chapter 3. I am genuinely excited, and am glad to see more interest in the thread.
Peace Y'all!