^--- this is the perfect summary. All those other posts with memes are just being lazy at physically typing the above.
But the worst part...
this VN's code is a complete ripoff of other VN's including BaDIK.
This is not opinion but provable fact that this dev is blatantly ripping off exact code from other VN's to hodgepodge this mess together.
Here's a small snippet example of such "honest coding" that this dev has "worked so hard on" while throwing a Patreon link, etc to ask for your support (money). Note my notes in "orange":
if fight_hit_tot == 0:
$ fight_attack_multiplier = 0 # SanchoNote: this is exact code from BaDIK
jump tennis_mc_missed_label # SanchoNote: this is exactly a label name from BaDIK
elif True:
$ fight_attack_multiplier = 20 # SanchoNote: this is exact code from BaDIK
if fight_attack_multiplier == 0:
jump tennis_mc_missed_label # SanchoNote: this is exactly a label name from BaDIK
elif fight_isServing:
$ renpy.pause(3.8-t_time)
jump tennis_mc_hit_label # SanchoNote: this is exactly a label name from BaDIK
label ep4_tennis_game_label: # SanchoNote: this is exactly a label name from BaDIK
$ tennis_vs = "tennis_vs_jill" # SanchoNote: this "Tennis"/"Jill" is obviously from BaDIK, it's all from the BaDIK Tennis minigame code.
hide screen phone_screen # SanchoNote: this is exact code from BaDIK
label fight_start_label:
$ renpy.block_rollback() # SanchoNote: this is Pink's signature rollback block before the Brawler minigame, exact code from BaDIK
# SanchoNote: all the below is exact code from BaDIK, and on, and on, and on...
$ bad_hit_array = ["ep4_tennis_jill_hit1_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit2_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit3_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit4_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit5_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit6_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit7_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_hit8_label"]
$ bad_miss_array = ["ep4_tennis_jill_miss1_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_miss2_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_miss3_label", "ep4_tennis_jill_miss4_label"]
$ fight_time_multiplier = 0
$ fight_select_timer = 2
$ fight_starting = True
$ fight_isServing = True
$ fight_attack_multiplier = 1.0
JenMistress, this is why it feels "familiar" to you.
The entire phone code, minigame code, free roam code, etc, is simply taken from other VN's and duct taped together here.
This dev is a complete poser folks... I don't know him nor do I have any vendetta... I'm just giving you the facts at hand. You decide what you want to spend your time and/or money supporting, that's your call.
Regards. I'm out.
Reborn code.
Anyone know if there are there rules with Ren'Py and "borrowing" code, then selling a game?
Or is this all legal in the realm of Ren'Py? Ethically, it feels wrong. But being on a piracy site, it's not my place to judge.
Wow, okay... the vibe is totally Being a DIK. The game doesn't hide its inspiration. One of the songs are the same.
There is a "Derek." The writing feels like BADIK. I have to admit, I do like the game. Mostly because I really enjoy Being a DIK and it's an unashamed clone.
The fraternity is called the "Balls."

Really, you're a Ball instead of a DIK. The MC plays guitar, but in a band. He's financially poor like BADIK MC. There's a "turtle" joke, remember Jill. Emily the librarian has a personality similar to Isabella, icy glare and barely smiles. There are jocks and nerds, but that's a common staple of the genre. Of course you fight the jocks.
Jessica seems to be their "Jill."

Bethany seems to be another Isabella and is Jessica's friend, plus warns against hanging out with the MC, same dynamic as Bella/Jill.

There are two Isabella derivatives.

John Branson is superfly hair Stephen Burke with a teacher wife, and shady student connections.
Bill is a big brother Neil that taught the MC martial arts. There's a Pink Rose derivative. Both MC's parents are possibly dead instead of just his mother. He may have a mysterious familial connection to major players at the college like in BADIK.
They do need to fix the random parts that are in another language. It's lame that the MC is forced to lose his virginity to the promiscuous girl. You should have the choice to reject all intimate scenes.
Bold and unashamed of being born from Being a DIK. It's basically Being a DIK Remixed.
If they can get updates out quickly, I could see it being successful filler between BADIK releases. Otherwise, it will probably fade.