I am not a patreon Supporter so I got no right to ask this but....DUDE WTF!!!! where is the cum ON ass CHOICE??? If you only like creampies then all power to you but Some of us like other Stuff!! like you can doggy her but cant choose where to finish?? please dont be like the later part of "my new family" and give Players Choices please.
You got every right to ask bro, whether I listen is a different thing

Honestly I wanted to add options, but I'm sometimes pretty lazy. I will in the future, for larger scenes, definitely think of it and implement different choices how to end. When 1.0 releases and there are different options, you've played a part in it, so thanks for the feedback

. Also why not, I think I'll go back to their cabin and add some more options. I'll do it this week. Thanks
Weeeehhhh, I love this Ellie, I hope she doesn't end up turning into an ungrateful lesbian bitch like the one from Woky Dog
There is only one last of us game as far as I know, which ends with a pretty big cliff hanger t.t
Dear dev just some minor request: could you stop making every second word either "fuck" or "shit"? It is not that I mind colorful language but an excessive use of it gets boring in time ..
English is tough. You know, I appreciate feedback and it really helps a dev to get better or something. Not like I plan to do this stuff for longer than lockdowns probably, but I like to get better in stuff I'm interested in.
But even more helpful than just feedback, is constructive feedback. So for example, you could add a suggestion what I could do instead. Like, give me 10 different words, sentences. And if they're good, I'll implement them. You can DM me for example with stuff like this. Then I don't just know what you didn't like, but I instantly know how to combat it. Thanks.