RPGM - Relicts of Aeson [v0.16.0] [Doianu Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    shameless rip off of third crisis in plot and assests (except every girl here has tits the size of hot air balloons ~_~), all covered in horrible screen shakes and so many constant white flashes that youll have a fucking seizure lol.
    literally just go play third crisis if you want a game like this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is absolutely horrendous. It’s basically just sex and it’s still managed to make the MC unlikable. No way she was a master thief, she is way to skittish. (also, she can’t pick locks from the beginning) Of course, there is a sex course which makes part of her a giant slut from the beginning, every time that side shows, which basically every conversation, she must deny what she just said/thought with an extreme reaction. Which is supposed to be funny but very childish and loses its appeal very fast. The plot is boring, only exists for the sex. I found not a single likeable character. The art is pretty good, yet there are many light flashes in them which is distracting and ruins them for me. The maps aren’t much to talk about, besides that the MC glows weirdly, the guards always have a sight cone even if it’s not necessary and you can simply walk atop of a lot of scenery. The light cones of the guards in the sneaking parts aren’t the actual vision radius, they only indicate their viewing direction. If you think third crisis is the best game ever made or you have the ability to completely block out every single dialogue, try this otherwise I wouldn’t even bother.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I really hate RPGM engine for H-games, but somehow i gave this one a chance and did't regret this. Average RPGM game on this site is wall of text, usually boring dialoges or world descripitions with mediocore arts and all those pixel sprites if You are lucky enough it's not just slideshow with text but no gameplay (like in most of Ren'py's visual novels)...
    Story is actually quite 'catchy', dialoges decent and pace in quest is entertaining, and arts as good as You can see.
    It's quite good game, -1 star for beeing a little bit too normal and vanila, for setting with crazy horny villages affected by some mysterious desise
    Likes: k2ren
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great RPG with nice art, bot some things should be improved in my opinion.
    1. Would be nice to see this art in increased resolution.
    2. It is kinda easy to make the game crash or inoperable.
    Beside that the animations are satisfying and this is a nice experience as an (adult) RPG. Looking forward for future updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie im shocked this game only has 3 stars. As far as ero games go I would say this is 1 of the best on this forum site. Not only is actual REAL art it has gifs and animations which im sure take alot more time then these half assed shitty 3d ones. It seems almost like it is inspired by Third Crisis which is not necessarily a bad thing because that is one of the best adult games ever made. The game is fun and actually has some pretty good humor and all the female characters are super sexy. I can see the effort that is put into this and I think it deserves a higher rating.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Update to my review:
    New version 0.12.7 is by far best version of this game so far.
    Lots of bu gs have been fixed like cholthing bug and items/scene trickers.

    Also change to remove "option from begining h-scenes that you could not do in anyway is realy good one in my opinion.

    Now i would recomend this game to those i likes games that are done in rpg maker. Previously i could not recomend.

    Im raising score from 3 to 4
    Old Review:

    Oh boy, i would love to like this game, but its just too buggy for me.
    Trickers wont deactivate/disapear after you use them, exsample in begining you can pick your clothes infinated times. You can also tricker same scenes that you alredy watched.

    Other thigh is lust systmem, why in hell you offer options that arent possible in anyway? In start of game there is "option" for 100 lust but there is no way to get that much lust at this point.

    Artstyle is good and scenes are hot.

    This game has alot of potential if trickers get fixed, but i would not hold my breath, after 2 years of devoplement game is still version 0.09.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty solid game so far, some rough edges at times but overall very good! Has lots of dead-ends and teasers for future content, which has me optimistic for the future. Art is great as well :)

    Keep up the good work!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Wasn't terrible
    But as many have stated, having to wait unskippable cutscenes and dialogue is what most of the game is
    The NSFW came to under 10 scenes, w the most being only at the very start and then becoming less and less

    The biggest time waster after that was having to run around every inch until you finally give up to know you've reached the end despite the quest giver saying to "come back later"
    I'd say it was 80% wondering around reloading saves thinking I missed or messed something up
    And 20% actually getting to beat my meat

    Also I know I'm late to the party but I remember I wanted to check this out bcuz I liked the cute artstyle
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game with a very good art style that shows a lot of promise. Currently the game is quite buggy but I expect that to improve with future revisions.

    Art style reminds me of Third Crisis in a good way.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is made during version 0.05 (Non-Patreon) and is possible to be subject to change. It's not personal and everything are written in the hope of providing constructive criticism.

    +Good Arts.
    +Have good potential.
    +Interesting plot.

    -Maps (in some of them you can walk out of a wall to the dark area)
    -Bugs (I can walk in some cut-scenes and straight out leave the jail cell during one)
    -Dialogues (Not the worse but not good either)
    -Conversations can be slow (especially with the innkeeper)
    -The world (town) feels so empty.

    At the current version, I suggest waiting a while as it's filled with bugs, and you don't really have many activities to really do. It's not the smoothest running RPG too. So wait until bugfixes and updates. Overall it's your classic/cliche hentai RPG with stealth mechanic.