not workingJust download Cloudflare WARP. It gives you double MEGA download. It's basically like a VPN that resets your MEGA limit once a day which makes it possible to download larger games like this
not workingJust download Cloudflare WARP. It gives you double MEGA download. It's basically like a VPN that resets your MEGA limit once a day which makes it possible to download larger games like this
I just did it for mines and it worked, start the download normally in Mega then once your quota is exceeded, launch Cloudflare WARP and turn it on then Mega will automatically resume your download and start over your daily quotenot working
partywhats bonus code?
that's on your end then, terminal only takes a few minutes for me4 available download links, all take 1 hour or more to download, really sad.
Yeah Terminal seems pretty quick here as wellthat's on your end then, terminal only takes a few minutes for me
define tb = Character("???", who_color="#006909") Code: episóde 6 please
This isnt working:If anyone else comes across an error during the scene where Ellie doesn't want to let the man in, go into console and enter this:
Code:define tb = Character("???", who_color="#006909")
define tb = Character ("???", who_color="#006909")
I have 100mbps. I just clicked the link and got a 4 minute download.I have a download speed of 100 megabytes. Terminal link downloads in 1 day. WTFFFFFF
Can I get a mega or torrent plsss
not sure what happened, I pasted into the post directly from the console.This isnt working:
View attachment 1681342
There is a space missing between Character and (
Code:define tb = Character ("???", who_color="#006909")
Yeah, just opened it and it's fine.Terminal says file size is 4.45Gb. Gofile says files size is 4.8Gb. Can anyone confirm if the Terminal file is ok?