I agree with you, but in this forum the tag "swinging" include also the "sharing" one... in this case is the girl that let share the boyfriend with other women.
I obviously prefer the opposite, where the husband/boyfriend is eager and excited to share his wife/girlfriend to other men, and she like it too
Just to make it clear, before some mod deletes this, I don't care what the application is, or the technicality. The point I'm trying to make is that it's not used that way. Sharing isn't applied to the MC whether Male or Female. Cheating is the best approximate for an MC sleeping with other woman behind the others' backs, but if the girls don't care, it doesn't need to be added. Then it might fall into Harem, which this game looks like it's going towards.
Sharing or Swinging denote a certain action. That action being, you, as MC, are sharing your partners with someone else (usually opposite sex) or Swinging in that, you don't care about your partner goes with someone else. They are specific because they tailor to a specific niche. If not, basically EVERY Harem game would have a "Sharing" tag. Imagine a game like WVM or My New Family with a sharing tag just because the girls are okay with sharing the MC?
My 2 cents anyway.
Edit: I didn't mean to make it seem like you were directly who I was talking that too. I'm sure you understand, but others sometimes don't. So if it sounded pointed (sharp conotation) in your direction, it wasn't my intention