4.10 star(s) 9 Votes


May 12, 2019
Ok acceptance is somehow easy, but what about loyalty and the other. And another thing... refreshing the shops inventory is still not implemented... com on at the start only 2 comfy clothes.... 2 of my slaves one with comfy was stolen.... now im stuck only with 2 slaves with no comfy clothes


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Hope the next updates will introduce the chance of "nudist slaves", an increase of dimension of the camp, and even the chance to fix broken/damaged gears.
About the acceptance: i'm using the leader skill which everytime, at cost of 40 personal point, can convince a slave to be obbedient.
It takes time, but worthy of the efforts.


Jul 14, 2017
gallery is not unlocked, even though i already got notification in are 8 that the gallery already fully unlocked.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Ok, after this new update, i can finally say few words about this game.

I'll start from the end: the game is a solid 7/10.

The pros: there are the basics, and they are quite solid: managing minions, development of the camp, and so on, even if a bit raw, they are well developed and solid. The gameplay is quite hard to grasp at the beginning, but once you get the first few mechanics, is quite fun to play. And the few minigames like free the minions, push back the guards and more are quite tricky but entertaining.

But, after this, let's analyze the cons.

Principally, all regards the developing of the camp.

First things first: the dimension of the camp furnitures. Some are quite useless, like the hot bath, the alchemist table, and the cross. About the hot bath: i think it could be better, instead of having two different type of baths (the normal one and the hot one), that would be more functional to have an upgrade for the normal one which could give you the chance to wash more minions at same time (like 4 at same time), instead to have a bath which could consume resources to be effective. About the alchemist table: the function, right now, is quite unclear: it's for the camp leader? The minions can learn something? For now is quite a waste of space. Third, the cross and the pleasure bench: i think it could be more usefull have few more pillory, than having three different devices (pillory, bench, cross).

Other things that should be improved or added: the possibility to buy an increase of size of the camp, because the more minions you add, the more will be the space you'll need. The trianing camp: quite useless at the moment in my opinion: the fact that you have a single minion you can train there, and you even need to buy a training dummy for a single minion as well, it's quite a waste. I hope in the next update the training camp will get an increasing size for train at least two minions at the same time. The tents for the minions are a good thing, but: or the dev increase the number of beds in each tent, or better to add an upgrade which could permit to increase the number/size of the tents. The infirmary is usefull, but could be better, instead to have another minion which certain requirements to assist the injuried, to consent the camp leader, who have already the healing perks, to provvide assistance. Will be more efficient and less vexing for the player to have to grind experience for their minions in order to unlock certain perks.

Another last thing: that could be good, each zone conquered, to have A)different place for camp missions, and some interactions with villages/taverns/markets, like mini events for the minions as well, and an option for increase/diminish the random encounters.

As i said, the game is solid, but quite raw, and those at the moment are the missing things i noticed most.

7/10, with lot of progress ahead.
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New Member
May 2, 2021
There are few adult games with actual gameplay. DumbCrow literally has made half of those gamer H-games, to my noob knowledge. If you reply to me please take the time to recommend any game with gameplay; hard pass on VN style games unless it's crazy shit like Custom Order Maids or Corrupted Kingdoms (I need a fairy girl with attachment issues bouncing and moaning on it). Thanks to DumbCrow for making some of the best games i've played in this 'genre'.

I'm going to play through this again and see if I can make decent progress. Some things I'm not sure on:
* Seems like the efficient way to bolster the army numbers is to donate to the officers tent (needs sex skills)
* Other posts claimed the Army Commander tells you they have to move areas every ten days? I don't get that notification; I do get one about the slave market being updated
* I get that every slave has a different emotion chart. Or at least they have different thresholds for each emotion. Is this the only thing to consider when thinking about which emotion to try and keep them at? I think so
* Trying to please the MC is quite annoying to start the game since she always asks for things you can't deliver, either the camp isn't upgraded or you didn't buy a worthless demon male to frick
* Is the demon male you can purchase useless? I couldn't use them for training last game (I didn't try anything but pillory honestly). There is something i'm missing with the demon males.
* Why would you use demonesses in your party? They seem to be way more picky about lifestyle and they don't do anything better than a human slave you trained up to their level. Seems like i'm missing something
* Is the goblin after-siege party the only way to get exp for slaves? I never ran across a brothel in the games i played.
* Someone said you can move the furniture in the goblin after-siege party but I was not able to (I even bought a demon like suggest). Honestly I just use a mouse macro to speed through that screen since the button is finicky. You can't click the button twice unless you move the cursor off the button inbetween button presses :(
* I don't think there is any way to keep 'sisters' from eventually running off together. I never accept the sister even though she always has nice tits godamn you sneaky dev

I'm assuming the Commander doesn't make you move locations since the balance of the game isn't set in stone yet? In any case this is the game I most look forward to in the future! Dungeon Keep Her is close behind
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Jan 13, 2022
There are few adult games with actual gameplay. DumbCrow literally has made half of those gamer H-games, to my noob knowledge. If you reply to me please take the time to recommend any game with gameplay; hard pass on VN style games unless it's crazy shit like Custom Order Maids or Corrupted Kingdoms (I need a fairy girl with attachment issues bouncing and moaning on it). Thanks to DumbCrow for making some of the best games i've played in this 'genre'.

I'm going to play through this again and see if I can make decent progress. Some things I'm not sure on:
* Seems like the efficient way to bolster the army numbers is to donate to the officers tent (needs sex skills)
* Other posts claimed the Army Commander tells you they have to move areas every ten days? I don't get that notification; I do get one about the slave market being updated
* I get that every slave has a different emotion chart. Or at least they have different thresholds for each emotion. Is this the only thing to consider when thinking about which emotion to try and keep them at? I think so
* Trying to please the MC is quite annoying to start the game since she always asks for things you can't deliver, either the camp isn't upgraded or you didn't buy a worthless demon male to frick
* Is the demon male you can purchase useless? I couldn't use them for training last game (I didn't try anything but pillory honestly). There is something i'm missing with the demon males.
* Why would you use demonesses in your party? They seem to be way more picky about lifestyle and they don't do anything better than a human slave you trained up to their level. Seems like i'm missing something
* Is the goblin after-siege party the only way to get exp for slaves? I never ran across a brothel in the games i played.
* Someone said you can move the furniture in the goblin after-siege party but I was not able to (I even bought a demon like suggest). Honestly I just use a mouse macro to speed through that screen since the button is finicky. You can't click the button twice unless you move the cursor off the button inbetween button presses :(
* I don't think there is any way to keep 'sisters' from eventually running off together. I never accept the sister even though she always has nice tits godamn you sneaky dev

I'm assuming the Commander doesn't make you move locations since the balance of the game isn't set in stone yet? In any case this is the game I most look forward to in the future! Dungeon Keep Her is close behind
Sure is great to have some actual game in your game, isn't it?

Bolster army numbers by raising reputation (with rep in the 90s, the army recruits 10 per day). Raise rep by donating a human girl to the arena, a demoness to the campfire, a girl and demoness team to the officers, money to the general or shredded mouse oak leaf to the pipe smoker. With a demoness already donated to the camp fire you can add meat and ale. The officers like to drink wine with their girl+demoness team.

The army now moves when you tell the commander and not before. 10 days was a previous version. Move when you are ready. Resources are limited on each map (except what you can gather from the forest) so move before you run out but after you've stripped the stores of clothes, food, jewelry and booze. Make sure the army has good morale before you move. They fight better that way (rep for recruitment rate, morale for fighting efficiency).

Keep slaves in the mood that is most useful to you. A good camp has a couple of loyal/respectful minions to make money and a couple of submissive/accepting ones to do the ugly chores plus ones you are training to give to the army. When buying slaves, check their mood tree to see how easy it will be to get them into the mood you need.

It'll be a map or two before you can reliably meet the MC's demands. Her moods are like weather. You just deal with it.

Demon males are useful for cutting wood, moving matresses around in the main mission, fucking the MC and some of the other girls, defending the camp etc. You only need one to start with. You might want a second one later in the game.

Demonesses generally have more stamina. In some missions there are customers who prefer them. The mood tree gets changed every update and dumbcrow is talking about completely redoing it, so don't expect it to be perfect yet or to work the same as it has before. I find demonesses easier than humans most of the time. I keep a pretty even mix of human girls and demonesses.

Training and work around camp give experience, but the main mission is the best way to get experience for females. Demons only get experience around the camp. The brothel is currently a bit pointless. When you get the MC well enough skilled, she can train girls for lots of experience in a short time. You can leave a human working in the tavern and she'll slowly gain experience until you come to collect her.

Demons can move the furniture, but you have to get them in a good mood first. That mostly involves feeding them well and letting them use girls in the pillory. They are much easier to please than the girls are.

I always accept the sister. I like her dress so I take it away from her to use on other minions. I train her up then strip her naked and give her to arena for a reputation bonus. No more sister problems after that.


New Member
Feb 12, 2021
When and where you encounter 'sister'? I played few tries and few days and seems never saw her.


New Member
May 2, 2021
Demon males are useful for cutting wood, moving matresses around in the main mission, fucking the MC and some of the other girls, defending the camp etc. You only need one to start with. You might want a second one later in the game.
What do you even do with the wood? Or with scrap food? I thought I might be able to sell it somewhere but I haven't found anywhere I can sell anything. I also thought I may find a place to make the beer/wine items with berries or whatnot.

I use demonesses now but you really need to have a full set of clothes and jewelry to get their mood from the left most to anything else. I kept one at T3 specd into training skills. I haven't been able to successfully use the MC's skill to make a slave "obedient" with any success yet; I tried it from a few base moods but I don't understand it at all. It doesn't seem to move their mood upwards or right-ward on the mood chart despite the base mood of the slave I try it with.

When and where you encounter 'sister'? I played few tries and few days and seems never saw her.
It is a random event you can get when time progresses in your camp screen. It really confused me about the game mechanics for a while since they seem to always try to escape together despite moods.


Jan 13, 2022
What do you even do with the wood? Or with scrap food? I thought I might be able to sell it somewhere but I haven't found anywhere I can sell anything. I also thought I may find a place to make the beer/wine items with berries or whatnot.

I use demonesses now but you really need to have a full set of clothes and jewelry to get their mood from the left most to anything else. I kept one at T3 specd into training skills. I haven't been able to successfully use the MC's skill to make a slave "obedient" with any success yet; I tried it from a few base moods but I don't understand it at all. It doesn't seem to move their mood upwards or right-ward on the mood chart despite the base mood of the slave I try it with.

It is a random event you can get when time progresses in your camp screen. It really confused me about the game mechanics for a while since they seem to always try to escape together despite moods.
The hot tub consumes wood.
You can feed minions on food scraps, saving your food supplies. Some moods don't mind eating scraps. High moods will be offended.
Yes, you need good clothes and jewelry to support high moods. Early game you may have to get by with lower moods. Plan your route to pass jewelry and clothing stores.
Make obedient moves girls from zero humility moods to the lowest humility 1 mood. Try it and look at the girl's mood diagram while it's happening to see what it does.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
Some mechanics are weird.

The main mission is bad. Just bad. Guests can't see 2 meters in front of themselves. You start with disobedient slaves and they can only be put in specific places. And if those places are at the bottom edge of the room, none of the demons get to them.
Most upgrades are something that feels like you need it NOW, bu they are gated heavily. Given that army morale drops, having to grind and spam morale mission is annoying.

Other than that, it does have interesting mechanics and things going for it.
Dev should add female demon guests..and futas.
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Oct 10, 2017
Easy strat for fulfilling the arena slave spot in the army's camp. All you need for it's requirements are strength 2 and dex 1 which can be fulfilled by using a girl from the town's tavern. It's a reliable way to keep getting morale and rep from that without training a girl. You might have to get her opinion up to unlock strength 2.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Reached the zone 10. I hope the next update will introduce a bit of rework for the camp: right now, isn't efficient at all. And i hope at least to have more options for getting food/dresses/jewels.


Oct 10, 2017
Reached the zone 10. I hope the next update will introduce a bit of rework for the camp: right now, isn't efficient at all. And i hope at least to have more options for getting food/dresses/jewels.
I think I just hate the layout of the camp. I think the nice training spot and the demon training spots are pretty good, but because they’re on the opposite side of the camp its annoying dragging everyone around. It seems weird there’s no way to cook better quality food in the camp, I’d think that’d be an obvious include.


May 6, 2018
How do I even get started I don't know what to do. Like how do I get a demon? I need str 1 to entertain camp and humility to work the tavern but I keep getting girls who can't do either so I just restart?


Aug 17, 2020
your mai
How do I even get started I don't know what to do. Like how do I get a demon? I need str 1 to entertain camp and humility to work the tavern but I keep getting girls who can't do either so I just restart?
your main source of income is entertaining the camp, this is done via the mission not the camp itself
the other stuff is for later on when you got money and your camp upgraded

start slow, just remember to buy clothing and food


Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
How do I even get started I don't know what to do. Like how do I get a demon? I need str 1 to entertain camp and humility to work the tavern but I keep getting girls who can't do either so I just restart?
I agree I want to give this a chance but it's confusing as fuck in the beginning.
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4.10 star(s) 9 Votes