I'm telling you guys, it's worth a replay! I worked hard on it.
I know most people don't like it, but I had to add in a lot of coding and new features that require a new game. I rewrote a lot of parts in ep1, and some scenes are completely redone. I made it a lot better.
I figured this all needed to be done sooner than later. I will be getting back to working on new content now with ep5.
I hope you all enjoy it!
Was actually wondering why a remaster was needed, I didn't have any issue with the quality of the first episode.
I was just afraid you planned to change content, so as not to offend certain "fans" of harem games, with very specific demands, if you are just updating the game due to your own demands, I'm not exactly a fan of it (as mentioned, I was perfectly fine with the original), but trust that you will not do something like that for frivolous reasons.
Here's hoping work on actual new story content will be going well and swiftly.
In a situation like this, I can see both your position and those of the people complaining.
You are you and your game isn't any of a dozen others, otoh, a lot of remasters/reboots/updates don't work out, and the games die.
Of course, if you needed changes to go forward with the game, it makes sense to do it now, even if in general my opinion is that one should only remaster early chapters, once you are actually done with the game or at least the specific episode/part of a longer game.
Like I said, both perspectives are valid, both can be right or wrong (wrong being a dev claiming such, but really just having lost direction), I just hope you understand that people getting riled up about the remaster are not really going against you, but against the ghosts of games which have died on them, due to remasters.
Some people trying to defend you, have been pretty insulting, and I get it, because if you like a game and its dev, you tend to be defensive, but for me "white knights" who go after anyone who dares criticize a game they love, are just as bad as those attacking devs on a personal levels, for often ridiculous reasons and with horrible accusations.
To end my somewhat disjointed rambling, I don't mind much replaying the game, as I haven't played it for a long time, and it's fun replaying, as long as it doesn't become a habit.