- Oct 1, 2018
- 3
- 17
A lot of crowd-funded games will disclose their costs; see skullgirl's breakdown of how much it cost them to make 1 character. Though, I wasn't really that interested in the actual cost, just wanted to know of the game was an assetflip.I don't know any game developer that shares how much they spent to develop a game. Look up what a subscription costs for 3ds max, that was what costed the most. It's what I use to do the sex animations. Maya would have been better but I've already learned how to use max.
I had to do them myself because I literally could not find anyone who would take my money to do it for me.
Anyways, I did the digging myself to find that basically everything is straight from the marketplace (I extracted the game's asset pak with unreal engine's pak tool). That's the reason the game is so bloated is pretty simple, there are tons of assets included in the project that aren't used and have massively over sized textures for how much screen space they would use (The hair folder is 600 fucking megabytes). The main character is some sort of DAZ model export, I found a few files with the name genesis 8 on them, and their UVs match how DAZ models operates. The goblin is robbus (another DAZ model, you can google this one), as his texture name's reveals. Everything else is more or less jammed in from the asset store, just thrown into the main directory without even being renamed so you can easily find where everything is from. Here is an image of the content folder, assets used and their marketplace links, for curiosity's sake.

I'll give my quick review here: Game is a shitty asset flip. Literally the only thing with a remote amount of quality is things bought from the asset store (like the main menu is just "pro main menu", go look at the store page for that and see how blatantly the same it is). Lighting is god awful, can't see shit half the time, probably because the marketplace can't do the lighting for you. Combat is terrible and uses animations cobbled together from a bunch of different animation packs from the asset store and none of the animations blend together even remotely well. The dodge roll is super unresponsive and I don't even know if the fucking thing has any i-frames. Also lock on distance is super short for no reason. The goblins don't respond to any of your attacks or you blocking at all (no hitstun, no block-bounce), and their animations are not properly made for dark souls gameplay (go fight against some hollows in the undead burg, that's a good idea of how your "first enemy" should be) Many of the assets are used improperly, for example, the rocks that form the walls have their textures stretched because of improperly scaling the model used for them. I don't think this game has a future, it's just someone slamming together a bunch of moderately high quality things bought from a store and putting them together with absolutely no sense of how gameplay, lighting, or level design operates.
Now: after that negative review, if you want my advice on how to make an actually good game, then I suggest you learn how to do things from the start. Quxiel's megascans assets are free to use with UE4 now, learn how to use those and their mixer program for textures in order to have some semblance of properly made geometry and textures (Quixel's youtube has a good amount of tutorials to get you started). I don't know why you got 3ds max, blender could have done all the animation you needed for free (you are no where near good enough of an animator to be able to use 3ds max features). Learn how to actually light your god damn levels, there is no reason for your "deep elder caves" should be darker than gravelord nito's light-devouring realm. I'd ask you to learn how to do character modelling so you could have all your enemies and characters have consistent art styles, but I don't think that is something someone's who first impulse is "I can just download all these models that someone has already made for me instead of learning anything" would be into doing. Failing all of that, at least making your combat (the one thing you've seem to have actually made) not complete dog shit would help to attract someone to work on your game in an artistic sense while you do the programming.
There is a reason asset flip games are shit, people sell assets for a lot cheaper than it would take to make them, because they can sell them multiple times. However, you don't see AAA studios just buying shit off the marketplace and slamming them into their game because: they have a specific art style, a specific use case, and they have a specific performance requirement. I'd imagine the game only takes place in a cave because an open area would absolutely chug with all these un-optimized assets, and if you made more areas then each area would give you whiplash from the clash in art style between different asset packs.
Anyways, if you're going to actually continue this project, I'd recommend working on the combat first and foremost. Take footage of dark souls gameplay, and then go and watch it back. Learn how enemies react to different situations, how weak enemies will often just bounce off your block, or use attacks with massive end lag where they can easily be hit, stun-locked and killed in one-on-ones. Go frame-by-frame on that footage and take notice of how long attacks (from the player, or the enemies) take to startup, attack and end, and then use that as a guideline to make this game at least not a completely worthless asset flip.