i posted this on patreon but i will also post it here so that people who disagree with me can corect me if i am wrong in my asestment of the story
i'v sean some post about story confusion so i'm going to post here why i think some people get some confusion in the story:
the soundtracks + the way the mc speeks is diferent when compared to the theme of the story, what do i mean by that?
you see the way he speeks and the sountracks give a fealing of a gang from the hood, a fealing that someone is messing out with his homies, and he is going to cap someones asses for that, however the way the "main story" is presented to us is somewhat diferent, it is portraited very soprano-esc way, somewhat remenesent to the italian family mobsters, where names carry a big weight, where respect and proper etiquette are rules set in stones that should not be broken. Thous 2 themes are in contradiction with each other, so when the MC talks likes his from the hood and than all of a sudden he starts talking like his from a soprano movie, it breaks the flow of the story. The same thing happens in reverse, when he talks like he should in the italian mob with proper etiquette and carful attention to the low of succesion in the ring of the leaders in the mob all immersion breaks when he all of a sudden starts talking and behaving like he is in a back street gang from the hood.
i am fine with eather of them ( altho i do preffer the italian mobster path

) the key would be to sticking to one of them.
hope this shared some light as to why some people mentioned that the story confuses them ( idk if this is the case for them but this is what i myself managed to get from what they were saying )
there are A LOT of red lines in it so excuse my engres :|