Yesterday wrote a lot of thing about the head you draw and Oni's version but scrapped it since whatever, so i've thought. But since you are actually interested in hearing opinions i thought ohwell, lets do it again but this time post it as well.
So, i think Oni's Emma face is hotter, sexier, better in most aspect in my eyes. I love her pointy chin with that nice v shaped jaw, very sexy. Your version has a longer face and thus has this blocky jaw shape, not as sexy. Obviously Oni's one is in portrait position so made form a bit from the left side of her which is better than a face-to-face approach like yours.. yet it comes with a flaw, because the portrait position is good exactly to show the nose, so the onlooker can see more of the facial features, a more real vision. Yet thats exactly what Oni's version is missing. The nose. Oni depicts the nose as what we would see from face-to-face. No shape, she basically has no nose

Rogue and Kitty has at least some.
But overall, Emma's original head is better. So if you would stick with that, just draw a more defined nose, that would be best. Oh, yes, the lips. Your version has more defined lips which i prefer over Oni's. Oni's hairstyles are more detailed and hot but i assume its just a matter of time spent on the details and your version was more of a "straight off the sketch board" thing? I like that lush flowing hair of Oni's Emma. But to be honest, the more hairstyle the better.