
Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
So the game is more complex than I thought, huh? I was asking simple questions and get whole essays as replies lol

I really like the game but I feel like I mostly don't know what I'm actually doing because of the whole stats shenanigans. I'm mostly flirting/complimenting the girls and giving them a massage or more recently I've been doing the hand holding stuff. Of course I also make out with them but so far Rogue seems to be the only girl who's seemingly willing to do just about everything with me.

By the way, are 6 girls all of them as of yet or are there any more in the current version? So far I have Rogue, Kitty, Emma, Laura, Jean and Storm. Psylocke and Mystique are definitely characters that come to mind when I think about the X-Men so I wonder if there's gonna be more.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
So, with regards to sex specifically, all stats are equally useful in accomplishing it with any girl (though note that in the case of Jean, her displayed stats are usually lies as I covered here). The basic formula to check if a girl is willing to have sex checks her combine stats (Love + Obedience + Inhibition) alongside a pair of modifiers, and compares the result to 1400. If the final result is at least 1700, she really is into it, if it's between 1550 and 1699 (inclusive) she is into it, and if it's between 1400 and 1549 (inclusive) she'll go along with it. As for the modifiers that are relevant, they are a value called Tempmod and a value called Taboo.

Tempmod is based on the following (and possibly some previous events since it isn't set to 0 at the start of adding all of these):
  • How many time's you've had sex with the girl already. 1 or more times adds 10, 3 or more times adds 12, and 7 or more times adds 15. Note that you only get highest of these three that you qualify for.
  • If the girl is currently at 75 or more addiction, 15 is added to Tempmod. If she has also had at least 3 creampies (combining both anal and vaginal count, and being the total count for the game, not just the current scene) the increase is 20 instead of 15.
  • If the girl's lust is greater than 75, Tempmod has 5 added, if she has greater than 85 lust, instead 10 is added.
  • If the situation is a "shift" which presumably means you are using the shift sex action rather than trying to start from the main sex menu, 10 is added to Tempmod.
  • If the girl is an exhibitionist, 4 times the Taboo value is added to Tempmod.
  • If the girl is in your harem, or she has the "sex friend" petname available, 10 is addedto Tempmod.
  • If the girl is you ex, 40 is subtracted from Tempmod.
  • If yo are not currently forcing the girl to have sex with you, 5 times the number of times you've forced her to do actions in the past is subtracted from Tempmod.
  • If the situation you're in is Taboo, and she's already refused an action due to it being taboo that day, 10 is subtracted from Tempmod.
  • If she's already refused sex earlier that day, 5 is subtracted from Tempmod.
  • If she's already refused sex earlier in the current scene, 10 is subtracted from Tempmod (this stacks with the reduction from earlier in the day).
As for Taboo, I'm not entirely sure how to determine everything that impacts it, but it seems the main factor is if you are currently in private or in public. If in private it seems to always be 0, but in public it seems to generally be 40 or higher. Trying to search for it so far has just resulted in a number of checks using it to see if the current situation is private or not.

Anyway, when determining if the girl will be willing to have sex, after adding up her stats, you then add 10 times the Tempmod value, and subtract 50 times the Taboo value, then compare it to the previously noted values to determine if she'll agree.

I've covered the specifics of how searching the office works previously here.

This is incorrect. The bikini pieces are actually quite poor as far as how much benefit they give. Mind, gifts have stat breakpoints that impact how effective they are:
  • Dildo:
    If the girl has at least 800 combine stats, it increases all three stats by 30, up to the cap of 1000.
    If the girl has combine stats between 500 and 799 (inclusive) the girl will gain 10 in each stat, up to the cap of 1000.
    If the girl has less than 500 combine stats, she will refuse the gift, and if it's the first time you've tried giving it to her that day, she will lose 20 love, and gain 10 obedience and 20 inhibition, up to a limit of 200 for each of those two stats.
    If she already has a single dildo, the girl will accept a second, but without any stat changes. She will refuse a third dildo, again with no stat changes.​
  • Vibrator:
    If the girl has at least 700 combine stats, it increases all three stats by 30, up to the cap of 1000.
    If the girl has combine stats between 400 and 699 (inclusive) the girl will gain 10 in each stat, up to the cap of 1000.
    If the girl has less than 400 combine stats, she will refuse the gift, and if it's the first time you've tried giving it to her that day, she will lose 20 love, and gain 10 obedience and 20 inhibition, up to a limit of 200 for each of those two stats.
    If she already has a vibrator she will refuse a second with no stat changes.​
  • Buttplug:
    Listed in the code as a gift you can give, but has no method of gaining one, has no requirements for a girl to accept it aside from not already owning one, and causes no stat changes when given. So even if you cheat to put one in your inventory, there's no point.​
  • Dazzler and Longshot book:
    Always increases Love by 50, up to the cap of 1000. However, if the girl already has 600 Love she will react far more favourably to getting the book.​
  • 256 Shades of Grey book:
    Girls other than Jean will increase Obedience by 50, though if the already have at least 500 Obedience they'll be more interested in their reaction.
    Jean instead will comment on "what a weekend that was" before she her reaction changes based on the previously noted check for 500 Obedience. If she does have 500 Obedience, she'll gain 5 Love, up to a limit of 500, then gain 3 Love, up to a limit of 900, then gain 5 Obedience, up to the cap of 1000, before asking if the player wants to try some of the stuff in the book. If she has less than 500 obedience, she'll instead lose 5 Love, gain 5 Obedience, up to the cap of 1000, and lose 5 Inhibition. Either way, she will then gain 10 Obedience, up to the cap of 1000.​
  • Avengers Tower Penthouse book:
    Always increases Inhibition by 50, up to the cap of 1000. However, if the girl already has 600 Inhibition she will react far more favourably to getting the book.​
  • Nighty:
    If the girl has at least 600 combine stats, she gains 40 Love, 20 Obedience, and 30 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 600 combine stats, she gains 30 Love, 20 Obedience, and 20 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.​
  • Corset:
    If the girl has at least 1000 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 20 Obedience, and 10 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 700 and 999 combine stats (inclusive) or is Jean and does not have the 1000 combine stats, she gains 15 Love, 20 Obedience, and 10 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 600 and 699 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 10 Love, 25 Obedience, and 15 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 600 combine stats and hasn't already refused a Corset or Bra once that day, she refuses the Corset, loses 10 Love, and gains 10 Obedience and 20 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Lace Corset:
    If the girl has at least 1200 combine stats, she gains 25 Love, 30 Obedience, and 20 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 1000 and 1199 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 20 Love, 30 Obedience, and 15 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 800 and 999 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 20 Love, 20 Obedience, and 25 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 800 combine stats and hasn't already refused a Corset or Bra once that day, she refuses the Lace Corset, loses 10 Love, and gains 10 Obedience and 20 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Lace Bra:
    If the girl has at least 1000 combine stats or is Jean, she gains 30 Love, 20 Obedience, and 30 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 700 (or 600 for Emma) and 999 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 25 Love, 20 Obedience, and 20 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 700 (600 for Emma) combine stats and hasn't already refused a Corset or Bra once that day, she refuses the Lace Bra, loses 10 Love, and gains 10 Obedience and 20 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Lace Panties:
    If the girl has at least 1100 combine stats or is Jean, she gains 30 Love, 20 Obedience, and 30 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 800 and 1099 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 25 Love, 20 Obedience, and 20 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 800 combine stats and hasn't already refused Panties once that day, she refuses the Lace Panties, loses 10 Love, and gains 10 Obedience and 20 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Stockings and Garterbelt:
    The girl always accepts the gift if she doesn't have it already and gains 5 of each stat, up to the cap of 1000.​
  • Pantyhose:
    The girl always accepts the gift if she doesn't have it already and gains 5 of each stat, up to the cap of 1000.​
  • Knee Stockings:
    The girl always accepts the gift if she doesn't have it already and gains 5 of each stat, up to the cap of 1000.​
  • Bikini Top:
    If the girl has at least 1200 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 10 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 900 and 1199 combine stats (inclusive) or is Jean and does not have the 1000 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 700 and 899 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 10 Love, 5 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 700 combine stats and hasn't already refused a Corset or Bra once that day, she refuses the Bikini Top, loses 5 Love, and gains 5 Obedience and 10 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Bikini Bottoms:
    If the girl has at least 1200 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 10 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 900 and 1199 combine stats (inclusive) or is Jean and does not have the 1000 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 700 and 899 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 10 Love, 5 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 700 combine stats and hasn't already refused Panties once that day, she refuses the Bikini Bottoms, loses 5 Love, and gains 5 Obedience and 10 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
  • Blue Skirt:
    If the girl has at least 1000 combine stats, she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 10 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 800 and 999 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 20 Love, 10 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has between 600 and 799 combine stats (inclusive), she gains 10 Love, 5 Obedience, and 5 Inhibition up to the cap of 1000 for each.
    If the girl has less than 600 combine stats and hasn't already refused a Skirt once that day, she refuses the Blue Skirt, loses 5 Love, and gains 5 Obedience and 10 Inhibition up to a limit of 200 for each.​
For the highest stat gain when giving it to the girl, the dildo and vibrator are the best choices. However, Any of the options that allow you to fail to give them to a girl also can be used for a net gain in stats by failing to giving them to her once a day to increase Obedience and Inhibition at the cost of Love, up to a cap of 200 for the two increasing stats. How useful that trade is may depend on how easy it is to boost Love for the girl. Also, if trying to maximise the stat gains from gifts, it's best to wait until you meet the requirements for the best tier of said gift.

Outside gifts, there are three other main ways to speed up the stat grind. Doing new sexual acts with the girls (each time you do an act for the first time, as well as seeing the girls exposed breasts or crotch for the first time, you will get a notable boost to stats). Going on dates with girls can give a boost. Doing the Halloween event in the evening allows you to flirt multiple times with the same girl in a single time slot (you are only limited by the progression of time after each action as eventually you will hit the end of the party).
You're certainly that guy XD. Jk, your in depth comments on the inner system of the game are pretty interesting, specially for those of us who've played the game dozens of times and understand the game instinctively and by experience, but not factually.
Also, when I said that bikinis were the best option, I meant that those were the best clothes, since they actually affect the girls, letting them swim in the pool after that update where they no longer swim with regular clothes. And also all the swimsuits look pretty nice, too.


New Member
Apr 27, 2020
If you're at least level 5, than let yourself get caught. Rogue, Laura, Emma, Jean can stop Xavier with a "plan". Kitty and Storm need blackmail, which you can get at night in his office. Its in the left and right cabinets respectively. Repeat as normal to blackmail Xavier.
You need Xavier off your back with that particular girl and you need to have some threesomes with the girl and the teacher so that they have high opinions of each other. On top of that, the teacher needs very high stats and be an exhibitionist. Once those conditions are met, Xavier won't interrupt you and the teacher will masturbate at the podium instead of making you stop.
I mean when you're in class, storm or frost will stop you if you're performing sex actions with a girl and give you 'detention' I can't find anyway to stop this


Jul 14, 2017
Meh after oni post now i wanna read ыщьу comics with jubilee-vampire. any1 know which comics series it is?;)
Jubes's was turned into a vamipre in 2010s crossover event Curse of the Mutants. That was followed by a four issue Mini, Wolverine and Jubliee Curse if the Mutants Aftermath.
She is a recurring character in the third volume of X-23.
A future version of Vamp Jubilee shows up in Bendis's Battle of The Atom.
Vamp Jubilee is in 2017-2018 Generation X.
I am sure there are more but that, sadly is all I remember this last decade. :(


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
Well Jubilee will probably only be a vampire for Halloween event now that Oni has created that.. makes me realize he can just fine tune Halloween events/future events into just having more shit to to each yeah, huh.
Anyways Jube's design is her 90's comic/cartoon with some liberties done by Oni. Her tits are bigger than kitty's which is great, I'd love more girls with Jube Jubes or Laura's breast size, we just need some wide hipped/nice thighed girls but I doubt we'll see anything besides plain/lithe girls going forwards at least body-wise.


Oct 14, 2020
I mean when you're in class, storm or frost will stop you if you're performing sex actions with a girl and give you 'detention' I can't find anyway to stop this
Like I said, you can't
Yes you can. Chat to the lady who is teaching class, and invite her to join you. Start your sexcapades. As long as you have Xavier ignoring your actions, you will now no longer be interrupted.

Basically - the teacher isn't going to stop you if she is in on the action.


May 10, 2017
As soon as this game is running, my mouse cursor stutters like on a 30Hz monitor.
Using Windows 10, no DPI scaling, fullscreen/window does not matter.
Did anyone else notice this?


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
I mean when you're in class, storm or frost will stop you if you're performing sex actions with a girl and give you 'detention' I can't find anyway to stop this
Like I said, you can't
From what I recall someone explained it earlier, I think it was also CertainlyNotThatGuy.
You need to be good enough with the teacher, have made Xavier not stop you, and the teacher and the girl needs to be on good terms.
She will not only not stop you anymore, but start masturbating.

Yes you can. Chat to the lady who is teaching class, and invite her to join you. Start your sexcapades. As long as you have Xavier ignoring your actions, you will now no longer be interrupted.

Basically - the teacher isn't going to stop you if she is in on the action.
or you can do this
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
From what I recall someone explained it earlier, I think it was also CertainlyNotThatGuy.
You need to be good enough with the teacher, have made Xavier not stop you, and the teacher and the girl needs to be on good terms.
She will not only not stop you anymore, but start masturbating.

or you can do this
Or alternatively, you can check the class, return to your room, call the teacher, add her to party, do same for other girl, THEN go to class for sexy times with students cheering it all on.

so many different ways to do the same thing
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Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
So I more or less finally got around to finally hooking up with Storm for the first time (with her being the first girlfriend over Rogue) End result?
Okay... "May" have over done it with the morning wake up but... I don't have any regrets.

Honestly have to say that I now putting her on my top spot over Lauren. Lauren had a good run but now sits tight and pretty at second place.

Certainly looking forward to the future updates, and hopefully less lag and better animations/content.
Apr 1, 2019
what's change for 96c?
Miscellaneous bug fixes.

From what I recall someone explained it earlier, I think it was also CertainlyNotThatGuy.
You need to be good enough with the teacher, have made Xavier not stop you, and the teacher and the girl needs to be on good terms.
She will not only not stop you anymore, but start masturbating.
I could be quite wrong, but I think that only happens during the note passing event.
As Helivesoncemore noted, that's only for the note passing event. Regarding getting caught having sex, the mechanics are as follows (in order that checks are made). Note this is done each time you perform an action:
  • The game will check if the girl has "uninterrupted" in recent actions, or if the player has "MindFuck" in recent actions. If so, the rest of the check for getting caught is skipped. Not having traced back where these are from at this time I can only say these likely relate to specific events, but it is something a person cheating via console commands could take advantage of with the command 'Player.RecentActions.append("MindFuck")' (without the 's) or similar for the girl, replacing Player with the [GirlName]X and "MindFuck" with "uninterrupted".
  • A variable Cnt is set to how many times "spotted" is found in the main Girl's RecentActions, with a maximum value of 4 and a minimum value of 1 even if there are no instances of it there.
  • Sets the variable D20 to a random integer between 1 and 20 (inclusive).
  • If Jean or Emma is taking part in the activities and has been told to screen Xavier's perception, 8 is added to D20 (This can't actually be enabled through normal gameplay. Code indicates that the intent is, you must have gotten caught by Xavior with Jean at least once, then chat with her until she complains about being caught and comes up with the idea after which you can then enable or disable it with her in her dirty talk menu. However, the code to put that conversation in her chat options is commented out. For Emma it isn't commented out but you must already have Jean set to screen Xavier's perception, then, after having caught Emma masturbating in the classroom, chat with Emma until she comes up with a similar idea. You can use console commands to get around Jean's limit via the command 'JeanX.Traits.append("screen")' without the 's).
  • If D20 is less than 10, notable will notice what you're doing:
    • If Taboo is greater than 20, Xavier will notice if you haven't disabled him catching you with that girl, and your action is not just kissing (which is considered too innocent for him to care). He will have you and all involved girls come to his office.
    • If Xavier didn't call you to his office, it next checks if your in the classroom with either Storm or Emma as teacher (this means at the podium and not in the foreground with other girls). In either case, the teacher will tell you to stop. If the girl has less than 700 inhibition, she'll get embarrassed and run out of the room. There are also some checks in there to see if the girl and teacher will like each other more or less from the event (girl staying and already liking the teacher at least 500 will case an increase, leaving or not liking the teacher that much causes a decrease. Regardless of if the check stays or leaves, the relationship between the two will then improve some, with a check of liking each other 800 to see if it improves even more). If the teacher was Emma, she'll give the player detention.
    • If D20 is 1, only one girl is present, it's not night, and you haven't been interrupted recently, a girl will show up and interrupt. Girl is chosen randomly from those not present who haven't been locked out, then it goes through some various checks that includes seeing if the door is locked, where you are, determining if the girl can get in on her own or will ask to be let in (and if she'll force her way in if refused) followed by seeing if the girl leaves, stops the action, joins in, etc.
    • Any other girls in the room that are not taking part notice what's going on.
  • If Taboo is less than or equal to 20 (meaning you're in a small private space with other people potentially present), any other girls will notice.
  • Otherwise, if Cnt is less than 4 and you're doing more than just kissing, miscellaneous students start noticing.
    • If the girl is an exhibitionist, she's into it.
    • If the girl has at least 650 Inhibition and isn't an exhibitionist, she's fine with it.
    • If the girl has at least 1000 combine Obedience and Inhibition, and isn't in the above two categories, she's uncomfortable, but will go along with it if you tell her to.
    • Otherwise the girl gets embarrassed and leaves.
    • When given the choice to let them watch or stop it's possible to gain some stats with some girls depending on which of the three categories they were in above, and what you choose to do. Mostly, stopping for girls who aren't into it will cause 5 love gain (up to a limit of 900), with some girls potentially gaining more, and Jean potentially gaining obedience as well.
  • If Taboo was greater than 20, you're doing more than just kissing, Cnt is 4 or more, the girl isn't an Exhibitionist, and the girl isn't Jean while she's permitted to mind whammy people to make them forget her indiscretions, the girl will gain the Exhibitionist trait.
  • If the above, but the girl was already an exhibitionist and D20 is greater than 15, the crowd cheers.
  • If Cnt is less than 4, "spotted" is added to the girl's RecentActions.
  • If it isn't there already, "spotted" is added to the girl's DailyActions.

This does mean that in public you generally have a 50% chance to get caught by Xavier, the staff, or other girls on any sex action, but will always get caught by other students. If Emma or Jean are Screening Xavier catching you, it also makes any other named characters catching you far less likely so long as you are in a public area. No matter what happens, other students will always notice what you are doing in public, so long as you aren't stopped by someone before it gets that far. However, you only get told they noticed you if you are doing more than just kissing.

The most exploitable thing however is that you can make any girl an exhibitionist fairly easily by just making out with her in public for four or five turns, then start jacking off (though if she gets mad and leaves if you attempt this it won't work) or start fondling her to make a girl an exhibitionist while skipping all the check of people spotting her and possibly scaring her away. You do still have to succeed on not getting caught by Xavior in the check where you switch, but that's only a single 50% chance of failure. The easiest place to pull this off would be the classroom in the evening, as the Taboo value there is only 30 while every other Taboo value over 20 (which is required for the girl to gain the exhibitionist trait) is 40.

Also note that Jean cannot gain the exhibitionist trait unless you have her set to no mind whammy people, which requires getting caught with her by Xavior. However, she doesn't particularly need it since mind whammying people causes her to be willing to do stuff in public even without it.

As an aside, I did find where the Taboo values are set, and edited it into my previous post.
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2020
Ok, I know I might have asked this question before, but how would I get the one of the girls to change there personality type? I know there is the "act more obedient" "act more lovely" thing, but it is very slow. Is there a way to do it via the console commands? It would help save time and help me experiment with some thing.
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