
Queer Pervert (they/them)
Game Developer
Mar 25, 2020
Hey, folks; I want to keep track of this thread, notify the mods of updates, and respond to questions and stuff. But the more it turns into an amateur roast, the less I'm inclined to do so. It's a real bummer for me to check out this thread right now, which is a shame because in the past I've gotten good feedback from it.

So please don't be mean and please don't keep dunking on someone who's working on their skills. I know I've got a lot to learn, and negativity doesn't make it any easier. Instead of making bad jokes, maybe just check out a game you actually like the look of and don't waste your own time being petty.

And if you're an artist and actually do have constructive feedback on the art that's more than "practice linework and anatomy", please PM it to me.


Jul 12, 2018
Hey, folks; I want to keep track of this thread, notify the mods of updates, and respond to questions and stuff. But the more it turns into an amateur roast, the less I'm inclined to do so. It's a real bummer for me to check out this thread right now, which is a shame because in the past I've gotten good feedback from it.

So please don't be mean and please don't keep dunking on someone who's working on their skills. I know I've got a lot to learn, and negativity doesn't make it any easier. Instead of making bad jokes, maybe just check out a game you actually like the look of and don't waste your own time being petty.

And if you're an artist and actually do have constructive feedback on the art that's more than "practice linework and anatomy", please PM it to me.
If it helps, this is pretty much my favourite erotic game out there right now, and that's taking into account the fact that I've skipped a lot of the extreme fetish content and thus haven't even seen all of it. The plot is interesting and the writing style functions as world-building on its own. I like most of the art and I'd rather have something unpolished and new than the usual bland hentai or rendered 3D art. You're making something that's going to be remembered as a classic in its niche, so please keep going exactly as you have been.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2018
Honestly, last I played this, the one thing I felt it needed, was better Art-work, and remember hearing that the art work is just placeholder anyways.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Normally horror, or anything having gore at all in it, is not something I tend to play/read... But I gave this one a try, and I was pleasantly surprised by how many choices you are presented with... Plus the story telling is top notch... Alas the visuals are not the greatest, but the developer/s did say up front that they are not permanent... I had to muddle through some of the unavoidable content, but in the end I enjoyed my play through, over all... I went ahead and posted a review...



New Member
Aug 1, 2019
Honestly this is one of the games I enjoy most on this site and I don't mind the visuals at all. The writing and premise are a lot more interesting than most other games on here, and even my general dislike for horror hasn't affected my enjoyment of it. Looking forward to future updates!


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the art. This game is as enjoyable as some of the eldritch horror games I've paid good money for on Steam, and after sampling the download of it I acquired here, I am on my way to Patreon to support it properly. It's not often I find a game that impresses me enough to do so, but this is one of them.

Thank you for writing such an enjoyable game.


Dec 12, 2018
Hey, folks; I want to keep track of this thread, notify the mods of updates, and respond to questions and stuff. But the more it turns into an amateur roast, the less I'm inclined to do so. It's a real bummer for me to check out this thread right now, which is a shame because in the past I've gotten good feedback from it.

So please don't be mean and please don't keep dunking on someone who's working on their skills. I know I've got a lot to learn, and negativity doesn't make it any easier. Instead of making bad jokes, maybe just check out a game you actually like the look of and don't waste your own time being petty.

And if you're an artist and actually do have constructive feedback on the art that's more than "practice linework and anatomy", please PM it to me.
first, grow a backbone. Part of getting better is receiving "negative comments", look at how great is five night at freddy's and how awful is yandere simulator. IF you really want to get better at something focus on your strong points and make them great so nobody notices your flaws. Look at the Doki Doki Literature club for example:

the guy who draw the girls could not get the feminine lower bodies right. The girls either have 2 right feet or 2 left feet, hips are way smaller than their shoulders and let's not talk about the proportions of their legs, none of the girls have simetric legs. Also the feet designs are awful. Sayori left and right legs are inverted, for example. Yet the upper bodies are well done, the faces are cute enough to distract the regular eye from the horrible lower body designs. Now, let's see the oppossite effect:

This guy literally uses the same face all the time, yet he has worked his ass off and has been open to criticism, his feet designs are close to superb and the scenarios make up enough for his flaws so i am even watching him on deviantart.

whatever you do, I know you don't want to end like this:

your current style pairs with dingo pictures' ms-paint animation and, by reading some other people's comments, i see that the writting is your strong point, maybe if you gave a text only game you would not receive that much roast. Many games out there are text only, like freecities or lilith's throne, and they have huge fanbases.

About fan art trends to either enhance or destroy the original designs, but first you must do something more attractive, specially since you are literally on a porn site, this is not calarts or cartoon network where mediocrity can thrive, people comes here expecting something worth a fap. If your models suck people is going to tell you, that's why you are receiving criticism. I want you to succeed but seriously, you need to offer something better than these doods, redraw everything and see if it gets better this time, if you start feeling ashamed of your early works (specially these ones) is because you are doing proggress.

Second, Lower the head proportions, Betty Bop was only popular with straight girls anyways, use layers and see if your drawings have standards, play with the styles a bit more, lower the detail on some parts or increase it. Personally, I don't publish stuff because i know that my hand designs are even more awful and those stupid parts always appear on sight. Find your own style and stop crying, get better, it's nothing but rough love what makes you stronger.

If you really don't like receiving negative critics then don't publish stuff, simple as that. Stay in your comfort zone and make absolutely no progress. This century has enough crybabies out there and, if you think like that, then you are just another brick in the wall. Or hear all those stupid snowflakes that are praising your currently awful drawings and maybe, one day, you will become the next rebecca sugar with your own toxic fanbase that none wants.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
You entirely missed the point I believe. There's a huge difference between constructive criticism (like many parts of your post) and "This fucking sucks, creator should burn his pc and never make a game again", don't you think?

First of all, that's a shitty attitude for something freely available where you can decide to consume or not, and secondly -and more importantly- it provides absolutely no actionable feedback.

"Grow a pair" is not a valid response to an entitled ass-hat being rude just for the sake of it.


Dec 12, 2018
You entirely missed the point I believe. There's a huge difference between constructive criticism (like many parts of your post) and "This fucking sucks, creator should burn his pc and never make a game again", don't you think?

First of all, that's a shitty attitude for something freely available where you can decide to consume or not, and secondly -and more importantly- it provides absolutely no actionable feedback.

"Grow a pair" is not a valid response to an entitled ass-hat being rude just for the sake of it.
neither does the "you are awesome" yet nobody complains with that. I am tired of that double moral. Useless praising is never frowned up, but god forbids if somebody uses a strong word


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
neither does the "you are awesome" yet nobody complains with that. I am tired of that double moral. Useless praising is never frowned up, but god forbids if somebody uses a strong word
Let's assume you enjoy something someone made. You probably want that someone to continue making this, right? The most common ways to enable that is:
- monetary support
- words of encouragement
- constructive criticism.

I do agree that comments that treat games like the second coming of Jesus lack substance. They still achieve more than outright negative comments.
Both are opinions, but the positive tells the creator that he should keep it up and the negative tells the world that it's not your cup of tea but it's not telling anyone what could be different.

It's hardly about "double moral", you are still missing the point, maybe intentionally.


Jan 10, 2018
To be blunt, being pointlessly aggressive with your feedback will lead most people to ignore your criticism, regardless of how valid it may or may not be. Yelling at a person that they're terrible simply doesn't make them receptive to the points you're trying to make - and may very well cause the subject of that criticism to dig in even when they know there's a problem, because it establishes an adversarial relationship and humans are hardwired to disregard what an "enemy" has to say.

It's honestly more helpful to stay silent if you can't refrain from sniping at the person you're supposedly trying to help - and I say this as someone who can be rather harsh in her criticism at times.

If you really don't like receiving negative critics then don't publish stuff, simple as that.
I, and presumably most other people who have spoken favorably of the game, would find that an extremely unsatisfactory outcome. And frankly, "suffer our abuse or stop giving your fans stuff they enjoy" is an extremely toxic proposition - do you really think it's that much harder for people to just not be jerks? Because I've seen plenty of places where people can get useful feedback without being insulted every other line.


Queer Pervert (they/them)
Game Developer
Mar 25, 2020
Thanks for the support from those who have given it; please don't worry that I'll stop creating. :) It's just a question of what platforms I give my attention and how I manage the feedback I read. I totally don't need endless praise; I just want the feedback I get, negative or positive, to be something I can use to get better!

Second, Lower the head proportions, Betty Bop was only popular with straight girls anyways
This is legit useful stuff! I've been thinking about whether I should go for something closer to a standard 7-head frame instead of 6, and it's helpful to know that the bigger-head look is something that's turning some folks off (even if I'm totally cool appealing to straight girls). And while I know you didn't mean it as a compliment, I'll always be happy being compared to Rebecca Sugar, even unfavorably.

Praise totally does feel good and is appreciated more than complaints, but the most useful thing I'm looking for from any feedback is specific tips on what you did or didn't like about what I'm doing. I know what I'm getting into with F95, and can handle a certain amount of toxicity, so as long as it keeps being worth the time and energy I spend here.


Dec 12, 2018
i am giving you a chance, i was willing to wait for an art upgrade. But as i said, respect is something that must be earned, not granted, and your attitude, will and conviction made you earn respect. I am Downloading right now
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Jan 10, 2018
Praise totally does feel good and is appreciated more than complaints, but the most useful thing I'm looking for from any feedback is specific tips on what you did or didn't like about what I'm doing.
Hm, I actually wrote a paragraph about this earlier, but it seems to have been deleted (probably because in the larger comment, I and another user had started getting snippy with each other, and it was getting off-topic) - about how "I love this!" or "I hate this!" are both fairly limited in value as feedback, and that going into detail about why you liked or disliked certain elements is the only way feedback really becomes useful.

After all, if you think you've written a good love story but everyone else loves it because they consider it a great horror story about a stalker's obsession, that's important to know - or if you've written a great NTR story, but everyone outside of your target audience hates it because, well, it's an NTR story, it's important to understand that you still made what you intended to make, and are just having trouble getting it to the right people. Not everything needs to be super-detailed, of course - but just being able to point towards a couple of moments that really stood out in a good way or bad way really helps an author understand the strengths and weaknesses in a work. And even besides that, there are plenty of parts an author might worry about in their work that go completely unnoticed by the reader (Nobody noticed how the hero's companion just completely disappeared for half the book when I forgot about her? Really?), while something they didn't think about at all might become a huge issue (What do you mean, it's weird that the hero knows what her sister's flower tastes like?).

...Though I don't really have any actual useful feedback to offer myself, mind you, since I'm still a couple of versions behind, but I really did want to reinforce the notion that the specific content of feedback tends to matter a lot more than whether it's praising or condemning a work. ...Maybe I'm just starting to get a bit fed up with empty "Thanks for the update!" comments elsewhere?
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