4.30 star(s) 25 Votes


Dec 11, 2018
This game is weird ... i mean without the rape game overs it would have been just a dungeon crawler with a story and dialogue written in the sadest way possible .. i mean in a lot of h games the story is weirdly just there and not interesting ...but this one even triggers sadness... i mean you really start to feel bad for the characters as events happen ... kinda wasted for a game labled as H.... i mean i played through the entire thing without the h stuff beacuse i was intrigued by the story ... i usually download games here for the H and skip through the text that is not sex related
You're right. This game could be a hit if it wasn't a H-game (nice story, good gameplay, enjoyable side missions). But a kinda 7/10 as a H-game due to lack of sex events and H-scenes. The gameplay and story actually saved the day.


Dec 11, 2018
another ending ? what kind of ending ?

I find it hilarious that the creator allowed us to actually reject the help from vise from the start for a little Easter egg. If you reject her help at the start you will get some meta speech in between and after about 100 times she actually gives up and the stubborn main character goes back immediately to the ruins and we get a "Bad end"
Totally unnecessary but I love that they actually add it in.
No CG for doing that thou. If only they added a special CG just for that.


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
Can anyone share a download for the unpatched version of this game? (No lewd scenes)
I do like myself some occasional spice but the flavor that the scenes from this game does not quite cut it.
I still want to play it because of the content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
Can anyone share a download for the unpatched version of this game? (No lewd scenes)
I do like myself some occasional spice but the flavor that the scenes from this game does not quite cut it.
I still want to play it because of the content.
Wow, such an odd and specific ask, and as a first post at that! :)
Well, that would require someone to buy (redownload?) from Steam (again), and sharing that (dunno, but probs gonna need a Steam_crack, though),
or, baring that, someone to get the v1.00 (unpatched) Steam version, compare that with the v1.01 here, and based on that compare, sharing the v1.00 files (which the V1 Kagura content-restore patch modifies)...
Wouldn't hold too much hope, if I'm being honest. lol

But, as an alternative, since the H in this is Game-Over-Rape (GOR), just be sure to never lose (or if you do, hit F5 immediately) and save often, and for the first -one- compulsory scene, don't look, turn the sound down and skip it, or something... (dunno if that can be easily done though, or if there is e.g. clothing damage in the H-version which can't be avoided this way; I have a huge backlist and still haven't played this one, yet... xD - just a suggestion and my 2cents).

Though if I'm wrong about any of the above, everyone, please feel free to correct me.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Can anyone share a download for the unpatched version of this game? (No lewd scenes)
I do like myself some occasional spice but the flavor that the scenes from this game does not quite cut it.
I still want to play it because of the content.
Adding to Zippix's reply, things are easy if you're only asking out of personal preference, but do not try the existing version if you have kids around, abuse-related trauma or legal concerns regarding the H content.

There is one mandatory scene in the prologue which you cannot skip outright AFAIK, but you can hold Ctrl and zone out for a few moments to make it fly past. And mute your speakers for the duration if you really need to. There is one other scene you experience by getting drugged in the tavern within the adventurers' guild, this can be skipped entirely however by simply playing the dungeon as soon as Vise allows it. All other scenes occur upon defeat, and if anything reloading your last save (F5 instantly takes you to the main menu) is more in line with how most dungeon explorer games work than the "you wake up from a bad dream" cop-out after the GOR scenes.

The standing avatar cannot be disabled from what I've seen but there's no nude version or clothing damage, just an erect nipple barely visible through her clothes while afflicted with the "horny" status. Honestly even if you do have kids around I would be more concerned about them seeing the optional quest boss (Alucard goes Cthulhu) rather than gawking at the boobies.
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New Member
Jun 5, 2018
Adding to Zippix's reply, things are easy if you're only asking out of personal preference, but do not try the existing version if you have kids around, abuse-related trauma or legal concerns regarding the H content.

There is one mandatory scene in the prologue which you cannot skip outright AFAIK, but you can hold Ctrl and zone out for a few moments to make it fly past. And mute your speakers for the duration if you really need to. There is one other scene you experience by getting drugged in the tavern within the adventurers' guild, this can be skipped entirely however by simply playing the dungeon as soon as Vise allows it. All other scenes occur upon defeat, and if anything reloading your last save (F5 instantly takes you to the main menu) is more in line with how most dungeon explorer games work than the "you wake up from a bad dream" cop-out after the GOR scenes.

The standing avatar cannot be disabled from what I've seen but there's no nude version or clothing damage, just an erect nipple barely visible through her clothes while afflicted with the "horny" status. Honestly even if you do have kids around I would be more concerned about them seeing the optional quest boss (Alucard goes Cthulhu) rather than gawking at the boobies.
You can also just skip the bar scene by not accepting the person's offer to drink. AFAIK nothing is locked behind it so nothing is lost by just ignoring him (outside of an h-scene, which isn't a benefit in this case).


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Finally got all weapons (simultaneously!) now, the Sword Breaker does drop VERY rarely in the Deep Green Jungle. Once you have all weapons in your inventory go talk to the Nui on the top floor of the adventurers' guild to receive your reward. That item can be re-used and grants you a massive stat boost for a time (+100% ATK +52% SPD).

No lightsaber nor any hints at it so that probably is a dev tool or something. I did manage to kill the Nui Legion with the Nui Lance but got nothing special for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
I love this game, but god fuck farming for the Rock Smasher. I've easily done 15-20 complete run-throughs of the mines, going for ?s at every possibility, since someone said the coin flip guy is the only way to get it. I've seen him a handful of times, and every time I win I just get an ember or something. It's literally the last weapon (and its evolution) I have left, to my knowledge. Also really wish there was a 50 floor and roguelike version for the final dungeon.

A small tip for anyone farming for specific drops, if you use the Legion Lance you get from killing the Legion Nui after killing a shopkeep in the dungeon, it only updates your health to 1 if you enter the menu, pick up an item, or use a save crystal. So you can enter a dungeon, cast Regenerate and Life Burst to rapidly heal up to full health, then just ignore all items and save crystals while facerolling through all 50 floors with the strongest weapon in the game with no downsides. If you find an item you want to pick up you can just get it, then use mana potions and cast the two spells again. Make sure you sleep at the inn before going to the dungeon to get 80 extra max health.

Also, as a side question: Does anyone know what the red icons for dungeon rooms really do? When it's a red shop it seems to have more items to choose from, but I don't notice any difference going to red enemy rooms or those elite enemy rooms. It seems like they'd be supposed to have better or more loot, but it doesn't feel like it at all.

Edit: Just to clarify, Regenerate + Life Burst is a complete full heal. I saw it was mentioned previously that it gets you to 161 health. The regen effect from both seem to multiply each other, so I've tried it with 600 health and it took me from 1 to max over the course of the effect. Because of that you can easily full health with the Legion Lance if you want to save or pick something up provided you have items or flowers enough to get 70 MP.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
someone said the coin flip guy is the only way to get it
As "that guy" a slight revision: I have also gotten one from a mimic by now, and based on my vague understanding of the loot system I believe it should also (again very rarely) appear in red-icon shops as well as possibly the non-mimic chests in "question mark" rooms. The gambler guy still has the highest drop rate in my experience.

facerolling through all 50 floors with the strongest weapon in the game with no downsides. If you find an item you want to pick up you can just get it
At least for my research purposes the more efficient approach was to faceroll to 42F, save there, and reload with F5 upon making it to 49F without any remarkable drops. General drop rarity increases the further down you go and each dungeon has a handful of semi-unique weapons to collect. As the Nui exploit won't work for that you'll have to stick to regular farming setups.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2018
As "that guy" a slight revision: I have also gotten one from a mimic by now, and based on my vague understanding of the loot system I believe it should also (again very rarely) appear in red-icon shops as well as possibly the non-mimic chests in "question mark" rooms. The gambler guy still has the highest drop rate in my experience.

At least for my research purposes the more efficient approach was to faceroll to 42F, save there, and reload with F5 upon making it to 49F without any remarkable drops. General drop rarity increases the further down you go and each dungeon has a handful of semi-unique weapons to collect. As the Nui exploit won't work for that you'll have to stick to regular farming setups.
Interesting, I'll try running the last stretch a while and see if I have better luck. Nothing else has been this rare for me. Though the Nui exploit would still work between 42 and 49 if you just save with full mana, then you can just cast the two spells upon loading each time. Though honestly I still find it easier and faster to rush through levels even at 1hp with the Legion Lance + Supreme Bow Nemesis than to use other weapons. Supreme Blade Hermes + Supreme Bow Nemesis or Explosive Blade is also a very effective combo.

As a side note, another question if anyone knows: Is there any point to the NPCs that have heart icons on them? It might be only during the final chapter, but a few NPCs get heart icons instead of the normal ... before you talk to them, due to the curse or something. A few examples are a boy outside the east side weapon store, a guard in the bottom right of south side, a knight in south side's pub, a whore in the south side brothel, and a guy in one of the rooms at the inn. They all just seem to have slightly suggestive lines, but nothing happens even if you make yourself Horny beforehand. Almost seems like they were supposed to have scenes/animations. I guess it's just a small flavour thing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
As "that guy" a slight revision: I have also gotten one from a mimic by now, and based on my vague understanding of the loot system I believe it should also (again very rarely) appear in red-icon shops as well as possibly the non-mimic chests in "question mark" rooms. The gambler guy still has the highest drop rate in my experience.

At least for my research purposes the more efficient approach was to faceroll to 42F, save there, and reload with F5 upon making it to 49F without any remarkable drops. General drop rarity increases the further down you go and each dungeon has a handful of semi-unique weapons to collect. As the Nui exploit won't work for that you'll have to stick to regular farming setups.
Funnily enough, right after you said that I got it from the very first Mimic I met on floor 43. Took me a bit longer to find a second one after ascending it, but I got it in a shop eventually. The 42-49 trick is definitely a huge benefit, so thank you very much for that tip. Overall I saw way more high-tier weapons lying around. Turns out I'm not 100% done yet anyway though, since I'm missing the Sword Breaker. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I had that at one point early on, but lost it in a crash and didn't realize how rare it was. Back to the grind.

Edit: Nevermind, I did have the Sword Breaker, I just already turned it into the ascended form and didn't pick up a new one. Got that pretty fast. Still missing more weapons it seems though. Really wish that guild Nui listed more than one and maybe gave you a hint as to which area to find the weapons in or something.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Though honestly I still find it easier and faster to rush through levels even at 1hp with the Legion Lance + Supreme Bow Nemesis than to use other weapons. Supreme Blade Hermes + Supreme Bow Nemesis or Explosive Blade is also a very effective combo.
Explosive Blade is a death sentence, tosses enemies right at you. I agree with Nemesis being the top ranged pick (Bone Needle for getting around town or if you OHKO everything regardless) but in melee I go with the Blessed Treasured Sword. Farming is way easier when you don't even need to worry about dodging most of the time, or can deliberately eat a hit every room to finish the fight more quickly. Also won't break your mouse or cause carpal tunnel if you don't have an autoclicker unlike the daggers/Nui Lance.

Is there any point to the NPCs that have heart icons on them? It might be only during the final chapter
As far as I can tell this is merely for "flavour" during the final chapter as the curse became stronger and now starts affecting regular innocent people around you. The heart icon NPCs have their one line of dialogue replaced but there are no H scenes associated with them, or at least none with any artwork.

Really wish that guild Nui listed more than one and maybe gave you a hint as to which area to find the weapons in or something.
Totally not a Nui but if you go back through my comments here I posted a pretty extensive item/farming guide. Might be missing the Sword Breaker (Jungle+Residential shop rare find) and Mitum (Dwarven Mine rare find) but neither have any special effects worth mentioning.
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Oct 15, 2018
Game is pretty good. Gameplay is fun, finding weapons and upgrading them, bunch of sidequests and time travel, butterfly effect concepts. You change the future outcome of specific individuals. Only problem is, the game's kind of easy, you get weapon upgrades so fast and one shot everything with weapons like battle axe. I've finished chapter 2 and haven't seen a single hscene. You have to intentionally lose the battle against monsters to see them and if you're reading the dialogues getting immersed, you don't feel like doing that. Of course I haven't finished the game yet, it might get harder to avoid sex scenes. Good game but not the best on h events department.
Maidensnow for example is a perfect example of an h-game. There are traps and enemies swarm you it gets really hard to avoid hscenes. I wish this game was a little bit more like that.
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4.30 star(s) 25 Votes