k most of those is unimportant knowledge, its good you put in the destroyer's outfit in but that part should go b4 you and whis start your 1st training session mission, and come on again those are berrus's moves not every destroyer is going to have the same moves, since there's barely any animation on them you can at least create some new name for them. I did liked the animation for the energy ball, but since the mc is a destroyer shouldn't it be purple with a black outline? there's nothing wrong with being wiary build, but the build needs definition, you need to try something that visually shows what is bicep and what is triceps, and the chest needs it too, you need to be able to tell they're in good shape and not flappy bitch tits. and the abs are there but they're barely visible try put a darker color for the detail or make it more pronounced, or what ever either helps it show up better, and you need to be able to tell where shoulder ends and your arm begins. again try using black lines if you dont like how it looks then just try to darken the lines you already have so you can see the different muscles. and do better on the animations, the ki blast and the ultimate look good but the middle attack

, come on you can do better judging by the other 2 ones. and again try to change the way you unlock super Saiyan, for a ironic joke you can have frieza piss off the mc before you fight. and final note - again since the mc is given dna from the strongest fighters from
MULTIPLE UNIVERSES shouldn't he have some physical features to show it? maybe not as extreme as cell, but still some a few things non the less.