Unity - Completed - Runaway Girl Simulator [v1.0.1] [Rabbit Club]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    it's a good game, with a lot of potential, i hope next updates will improve immersion like adding some different dialogues depending on your behavior

    The grind is not that bad if you're horny enough

    It's fun to figure out how the pregnancy system works
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad little game, but as other have said, wish there was a bit more corruption that happens and bad stuff that can happen.

    For those that don't know how to use dildos, didn't know either, apparently it only happens when you take a shower (completed the game, saw it in gallery).

    3D sex scenes unlock after a while.

    To get all unlocked as fast as possible use cheat engine, cheat either the main level or what I did as I wasn't sure if it wouldn't break the game, cheat the points you earn everyday, set it to 300 and give yourself infite money, don't bother with people in the city, just do the bunny/crab mini game in the hostess club, 2 a day, gives you 2 levels a day, so you can be at max level (50) in about 25 days.

    As for encounters, you can do service (no penetration) in the hostess club, in the city you get grope/bj encouters at first and later sex (all 2D), there is single encounter (grope) that can happen at the parking lot (you may have to skip time few times by sitting on the bench so the guy shows up, has hearts above his head) and for sex you first get slots mini game in the brothel, then regular encounters where you select clients and select position (2D) and later you get 3D option (the 3rd one).

    To go full screen or change image size, it says how to do so in the main menu.

    Beware game may frezee when doing the encounters in the city, so save before you do one (or don't bother with them).

    Good for 30-60 minutes, after that little to no replay value and not much happens after level 50, just endless waiting for the pregnancy (which isn't that great anyway, birth scene is included but it's 2D, can be viewed in the galler).

    X-Ray is really basic, no condom breaking, no faulty birth control of any other kind, no forced sex/rape, clothing doesn't seem to improve the stats I think (at least didn't notice anythign new when walking outside in slutty clothing as opposed to regular one), no bulges, no cum inflation.

    No idea if the game has any story, aside from the intro I didn't notice any, dunno if it has any ending either, you can talk to the guy in the cafe but that's about it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Some tips

    Buy upgrades for food eventually you will be able to sleep with out losing money.

    Pro tip find the secret dancing crab shop by clicking on the dancing crab on the world map.

    Buy the item to skip time from the crab.

    Get preggers use the ovulation stuff from Market store.

    Fast forward through he pregnancy, give birth.

    Make alot of money, do this over and over again buy all the items.

    Or unlock the rock papers scissors upgrades and just make money that way.

    Ok now that is over the game is 3/5 because the grind is terrible if you don't cheese it. I Spend 250 days before i figured out how to skip time.. lol

    The dialog is pretty funny at times and the scenes are ok for a few watches.

    And you can play one handed :devilish:
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Runaway Girl Simulator

    Bro seriously i want to give more than 3 stars for this game. This kind of game remind me of hazumi and pregnation from mihiraghi. i played already for 50 days and 3 times fertilized her but still cant make her pregnant

    Pros :
    1. This game is segmented for pregnancy lover like me, but still this game is good without the pregnancy system but just boring if not add other genre.

    2. The CG is good

    3. The cosmetics or clothing system is also good.

    1. Grindy game, just use Cheat Engine instead to get money and buy the sex style from shop

    2. Repetitive

    3. How to activate the event is too long enough.. so much time money to waste just to unlock it.

    4. Pregnant RNG is trash. I did my best to make her fertilized everytime in ovulation cycle but still, never get her pregnant. Like seriously.

    Afterall i would give this 3/5 for now, i will edit later if finally i can get her pregnant and get some other scene that make me want to give more stars for this game.

    EDIT : well i already get the pregnancy system, and yeah its good, but not good enough
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for pregnancy enjoyers. Let's break it down.

    1) Story - pretty simple, but nothing great. It's pretty much a sandbox where you just roleplay as a runaway girl to prostitute yourself and earn money, or try and romance the "Master" (owner of the cafe) which means working at the cafe for quite a bit. That one can be quite grindy. Game ends after 365 days and you can start a NG+ or continue past 365 days and just do whatever in the sandbox. Has multiple endings based off what you did ingame.

    2) H-Scenes - Fantastic and fappable. There's also a 3D Live Model mode where you can roam around the city in your chosen outfit (exhibitionism unlocked after finishing the game at 365 days with Ending 4, didnt see other endings yet) or have sex with other people in 3D sex. In my opinion, the 3D live model sex part isnt that great, but I loved the 2D one. The game is centered around pregnancy, so CGs dont change as you gain H-levels or Charm, but they do change as your belly grows due to pregnancy, and the 3D model and 2D model updates accordingly. The game, true to its namesake, is really a simulator - your belly literally grows every week and it's shown in your stats how many weeks pregnant you are. Every week your belly gets more swollen and your nipples will darken at the 2nd and 3rd Trimester which leads to changes in the sex scenes accordingly, so pregnancy enjoyers, rejoice! If you just want to see the changes fast, simply go to the hospital and you can fast forward the days, seeing how your belly grows in real time. Yum. After 40 weeks or so, you will give birth and get a nice simple birth scene as well as 500k from the govt. EZ.

    3) Gameplay - Grindy in the beginning to grind for all your bunny suit/doll outfit to prostitute, but it gets better later on when you can prostitute yourself to Sugar Daddies for $11k - 35k each time, lessening the grind. It's very easy towards to end to get all upgrades and buy whatever you want, but it can be annoying in the beginning if you just want to see all scenes right off the bat. Still, I think the progression is not too bad, considering there are multiple options you can do to prositute yourself, with Sex Hotel, Simple H scenes with daddies on the map, working as a bunny, and as a sex worker.

    4) Replayability - Well, this one may depend on how much you get off the H scenes, so I can see why for some it may be grindy if they don't like the H from the get go. But if you're a big pregnancy enjoyer you will probably like it alot more. I dont think grinding for the multiple endings is worth it, but it's definitely great for at least 1 playthrough.

    Conclusion - Great game, fast game (not that grindy towards the end), done in 4 hours, nice scenes, great pregnancy mechanics. A hard recommendation for pregnancy fans, 100%. The only drawback I'd say is there needs to be more variation in CGs besides just how swollen her belly and darkened her nipples are.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Mini games are cool and the music is solid despite it being the same song mostly on loop. The girl is also attractive with quite a bit of costumes and customization even allowing you to go full gyaru tan with multiple underwear choices.

    Animations are very nice and allows you to adjust the camera angles. With mutiple positions and different interactive scenes u can unlock along the way. The voices are good as well and increase depending on lust levels. Pregnancy if you want and the open world is fun even tho there isnt much to do besides look at your character or manually travel to stores.

    If your someone who wants to just blast in and get sex scenes on the first render maybe its not for you but it doesnt have many cons imo. Maybe just lack of quest/story elements but it gives you enough freedom that i dont mind. Hopefully there will be DLC or similar games in the future from the creators i like the gameplay design.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    too grindy. also there is a visual bug where when youre in 3D mode then press the mouse wheel, you are unable to move because the mouse wheel menu is active (but invisible) and you have to press it again to remove the menu and be able to move again
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    For pregnancy scenes, if your character is already pregnant then wait 200+ days to make her belly bigger. As for the scene with the master, even though I've been increasing my relationship with him by working at the cafe continuously, the scene with him still doesn't open... does anyone know how to open it?
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    this feels more like a proof of concept demo rather than an actual game.

    the pros:
    2d, Live2d, and 3d Scenes. the 3d ones look pretty basic but the others are nice
    there was an attempt made at a decent preg system with diffrent cycles and actual time based big bellies but it falls under the main problem of the "game"

    the cons:
    The game is pretty lifeless. theres no interaction between MC and her actions. no dialogs reflecting on her behavior. she acts the same at lewd lv 0 as 50.

    The game is a pretty brutal grind to get more money to purchase more skills to see more H.
    there are multiple costume options but they don't actually change anything

    I really wanted to like this game but theres just not enough there atm
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    For a 3D game the renders (and censorship) are pretty average and the quantity left much to be desired. Ater the prologue it's pretty much a grind to level up the H by going on 'dates', then purchasing the sex skills at the adult shop. Seriously recommend using cheat engine for money and H-experience.

    The main issue is the writing, or lack thereof. Having practically zero writing means it's just 3D models doing the deed .The FMC can start as a innocent virgin but its not expressed in the character monologue, nor do the H-scenes reflect it (no pained expression, or blood) - just the log message saying you've lost your virginity. There's no corruption to be seen in the form of progressively lewd dialogue - so there's no sense of progression.

    The pregnancy suffers from the same drought of words. There's cycle tracking but there's no reaction to getting creampied whether it's safe or dangerous day. While the belly does get bigger there's no reaction from the FMC no does the world react to it. It's a superficial pregnancy system at best.

    All in all, a fappable but poorly executed title.