Hi dev, I spent few pleasant hours playing this game, thank you. A nice story and nice characters.(Elly is by far the best

Few remarks/suggestions:
1. As Rolo said, the time line not very well syncronized with the quests duration, IMO the game must be played without cheats, like time back. You need to train, procure the food/materials, do quests(BTW, from where Elly gets the ingredients for cook?).
2. Also, I think the quests must be better syncronized with the levels of intimacy/corruption/love of the characters-the quest with Randy robbering trigerred in Dewsberry.
3. I think is better to clarify the MC relation/behaviour with Elly and Kelly and find another way to rise the corruption without Randy, at least as MC pretend Kelly is his girlfriend.
4. Also, I suggest to keep better the main line of the story and manage the quests like branches and maybe warn the user if some quest can't be finished in time/manner, maybe with some penalties or so.
5. Phase II seems to be ok, except the warning on Valentina regarding of later implications. Rolo has a some nice explanations - he,he,he maybe you hire him/her for a nice WT, you need one.
6. Phase III is a little confused after the first scenes, you need somehow to know better what and when MC need to do. Also I think is ok to warn the user about the choice of Valentina/Wendy live in the MC house(or both xD). Same comments about syncronize levels of intimacy/corruption/love with the quests and time(can't trigger Joan second sex visit and broken quest of Kelly at Brian).
Overall, I nice game, I can't wait for the next updates. Hope this comments help you. Good luck

(and sorry for my English)