Well i think i will openly post a list so that MABY the developer becomes aware of some mistakes:
I will post the Mistakes by apperance in the game/Story (as far as i remember them)
1. If you try to climb Gennis Tower, you sometime raise your acrobatic, problem is, it doesnt consume any time at all! If you have enought healing Potions, you can skill your acrobatics in a single (ingame) houre to the max.
2. The Key that you find in Gennis Box is a Story object, but has no purpose?
3. The Genni Quests say "... come there and there at that time to do the quest". But they always only work on the NEXT DAY, although the time might not have yet come that very day.
4. You can not sell alcoholic drinks. I found a lot in the game, saw no meaning in using them, but couldnt sell them eighter.
5. If you walk into the forest and perform a task at nighttime, the renders are all daytime renders.
6. At Midnight the forest becomes dangerouse?! So why is there no negative effect or enemy arround? Might even be nice to start some fighting before the journey.
7. At a certain point hunting in the forest did not raise my hunting stats anymore. I did a LOT of huntig, no change in stats after 18 or something. (I used the console to have more time)
8. Sometimes when i used the "Back" Button, the renders went backwards, but the time (clock) didnt. Sometimes even the gained stats didnt go back/vanish.
9. The Questlog is a bad joke. So much information are missing there.
10. Potions are way to heavy compared to other stuff, should be 0.1 instead of 1
11. Starting with the finding of the Prinzess, Elli sleeps in your bed. So why is there NOTHING you can do to her, although sharing the same bed?
12. The journey quest says "find a companion" why doesnt it say "find 1 companion"? That would clear the fact that you can only take 1 with you.
13. I decided to take Kelly with us, after i made her my girlfriend. Why is there 0 content with your girlfriend the whole journey? No kiss, touch, bathing, sleep together whatsoever?
14. Lots of times, when i started a fire while resting, it vanished when the main hero did something. Sometimes it burned till the end of the resting.
15. Whenever there is a "Meanwhile showing Elly" while resting, the Sleep is stopped and you are back on the journey screen, also the fire is gone and found water recources (river, pond) are gone/have to be found again.
16. When fighting, there is no formation. Unarmed heroes (for example Kelly and the Prinzess) are in the front row fighting bare handed?
17. Why doesnt the game tell you BEFORE the journey, that you might need extra weapons? Why is there no armor for sale before the journey?
18. The journey movement does not always work properly. For example, my dice shows a 6 but the hero performes only 4 jumps/movements.
19. "Kelly Part time job" at the Tailor starts with you talking to her in her room. If you do not follow the option to visit the tailor imidiately, the quest does NOT show again ever after! Then all the following content is unavailable.
20. But if you follow the conversation at night, then you find yourself at nighttime inside the empty tailors hause, ready to "steal" as much as you like. But still no story progression.
OK, thats my first 20, i have more, will post them later.
Sorry, i am a german native, i try my best english, but i myself recognise, that there is room for progress