thanks for the answere and time! learned something new today!You can just right click the attachment link and click on "Save link as..." or open it as you mentioned and then go in your browser menu (the three dots on chrome by you user profile picture) -> More tools -> "Save page as..." -> cheats.rpy
Either way works
Scratch that, made a zip file instead. Just download as usual.
yes but no1 knows when.will this game get any update? the story was interesting
well............... ummm.......... oh well some1 needs to do this: i'd say that if there'll be update on next 3 months i'd be surprised (pleasantly ofc if dev doesn't make us restart from scratch again).Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for an update. This quickly became one of my top games on this site and I really want to know where the story is heading! And I wanna keep corrupting Kelly![]()'t Sukebe(?) helping work on this, I think I remember them saying something like a month ago that work was being done but Mobum got sick or something
i think you left from 1st town before completing that quest so before leaving 1st town complete all quests.i think i encountered a bug. while i was in the second town (can't remember the name, it's the one you arrive at after your first adventure) i was dragged into a quest with genni robbing randy's house, and now ive been "teleported" back to the first town, and i can't get back to the newer town with all the quests. what do i do?
*Look at username*Hmmmm… I’m not sure why, but I’m getting a strange feeling that we’re about to hear some good news in the very near future…
i'll bite the bullet and ask: soon by whose terms?Hmmmm… I’m not sure why, but I’m getting a strange feeling that we’re about to hear some good news in the very near future…