Ren'Py - Completed - Sakura Dungeon [v1.0.5] [Winged Cloud]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a quite enjoyable dungeon crawler.
    Of all the sakura games i think this is the most "game" of them and the one i would recommend.
    Scenes are not animated as far as i remember but collecting, capturing and using the girls is quite fun.
    Presentation is very good overall.
    Just a neat game you can enjoy for a few hours.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I would consider this game quite average.

    The art is good and there are lots of different girls, but it's also kind of bland, cute but not really sexy. Also, all the girls seems to have the same body base, which makes it generic.

    The gameplay is fun for ten minutes, then it's all forward, forward, chest, forward, fight, forward, fight............
    There is a very much welcomed option to just skip the fights in about 2-3 seconds, that I ended up spamming, but it says a lot about how fun it is.
    Yet there was truly some effort in it with the technics scrolls, different immunities and such, but it lacks some fun into it. Better go play pokemon on my GB.

    The dialogues are terribly childish, poorly written and unnecessarily long !
    I know the japanese are so chatty in their game but here, it seems you are trapped in a loop where situations and lines repeat over and over but with different costumes.

    Had to play for 2hours to get a bland scene that didn't get me hard, so that was the end of it for me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game years ago and just came to check the page again, can't believe no one has reviewed this. This is one of my favorite games of all time. The dungeon gameplay is super fun, there are tons of different girls, and the scenes are all really hot. Most Sakura stories are kinda lazy but I really loved this one and it has a ton of scenes. I really wish that this game was more popular so they were incentivized to make more.

    Seriously a super fun game alone with the dungeon crawling and tons of great scenes, dialogue, and girls.