Tbh I would've done it when she was "held captive" trying to play mind games in the basement lol Watching her still talk shit while she bled out slow would've been very entertaining.
Entertaining for us, yes, but Carmen is worth a lot more alive than she is dead. They want her alive.
Three's plenty of snow and a lot of forest area around... wouldn't be too hard to make Carmen's body disappear. I guess it is to imply that the 4 party members are not intelligent/cunning enough to pull it off maybe ?
If they did want to kill her (I've covered why they don't really want to) then they could leave her body in the watchhouse. It might tie back to their employer but it won't tie back to them, much less risky than going somewhere they might be seen.
having no big sex scene for each epilogue makes it feel kinda empty. i guess such will be added with the next updates so i advise for those who have not played yet to wait for them. or become a patreon

i really wanted an ending where Roman becomes Carmen's favorite toy. now you are either
and a scene where we see how good of a pet Carmen is to her Queen.
Yup. We've got three epilogues out already, and we're releasing more at a rate of about two a month. We host polls for our Officers ($10+ patrons) where they vote on which epilogues they want to see most. Currently there's the Crow's Knight epilogue (wherein Carmen entertains guests at her home by having Crow fuck a tied up Roman), the Commander epilogue (where Roman fucks his harem, elf is present), and the Broken Crow epilogue (Carmen humiliates Crow by having her fucked during a negotiation).
Polls haven't closed yet, but the next pair of epilogues looks to be Queen Anastasia domming Roman and Carmen, and Roman and Crow being wholesome in Hythe.
Are all the epilogues out already on your patreon? I see that you have released 3 epilogues. Is that it or do you plan on releasing any more? I ask because I want to play the game when it is completed.
We're still releasing epilogues, aiming for two per month.
I love it.
The writing is great the characters are awesome and the art is outstanding. I get a bit jealous when I see art like that, i'm not very creative like that and don't have an artistic bone in my body. I'd love to be able to draw like that but I do enjoy seeing other peoples work.
It's one of those games i'd love to see a few spin offs from or like on of those fan disks the big Japanese VN's sometimes get.
I'd love a Crow and Roman after story or to hear how Roman and Glasha met. I'd love for Carmen to have more stories but I don't know if that would lessen the badassery about her. The problem with a character that good is you need an antagonist just as good and that would be hard. It worked perfectly here because she didn't have any interest in killing any of the people that captured her, she wanted who hired them so was content to play games. In her own tales you'd want something more proactive but she'd chew up anyone not on her level and then we'd be stuck in a Dragonball Z "aha but that's not even my final form, I can be stronger" ... "but wait, I can get even stronger" and then the world explodes.
I know something bigger was planned originally but personally I think the smaller scope worked far better than something longer would have.
All characters got to shine without overstaying their welcome and it tied up nicely.
Thank you! Showing how Roman and Glasha met would be... Fun. I'll have to talk to Duski about that one. I agree about Carmen. We very deliberately set up the game so that nobody wants anyone dead at the start. Carmen wants information, Roman and Markus want a reward, Glasha is there as a favour to Roman, and Crow isn't a killer. It let us have a lot more fun with the characters than we could have done if they all hated each other. I think if we return to Sanguine Rose in a later project, we'll go for something similar. We had a jokey suggestion on our Discord a while back to create a tabletop setting involving Carmen's home, and I genuinely think a one night heist game in Carmen's seat of power could be a lot of fun. You'd have to manipulate your way past Carmen's slaves, her Officers, her 'students', and maybe even the mad woman herself. And of course, if you're caught you wouldn't be
killed but you'd certainly be used for someone else's pleasure.
Apparently it is so hard for 2 armed men and one big orc to kill a naked prisoner armed with a dagger....The Dev treating Carmen as if she is Gregor Clegane and Tywin Lannister fused into one...
If you're talking about the ending where Carmen burns down the watchhouse, only Glasha is in any position to fight by the time shit goes down, and she's drugged. In almost every other path Carmen is unarmed but the gang have no reason to kill her. Alive she's one of the most valuable people on the continent, dead she is a corpse worth basically nothing.
Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be the type to love someone... maybe she was capable of that sometime in the past but don't think Roman can do anything to bring that part of her back in the time he has with her.
You're right. Carmen's had an unusual upbringing and it'll take more than 3 days with Roman to change that. In some of the endings she is interested in him though. Roman is pretty capable for someone with very little training or learning, Carmen wants to see what he can become if he had the opportunity. The Commander epilogue goes into this a bit. Essentially, Carmen isn't going to fall for someone who doesn't
become her equal. Roman isn't there, yet, but he could get there eventually.