It seems Orcs in this world have a high sex drive and she's half Orc (if I remember rightly) and just finding out about that side of herself. I think she'd be more likely to experiment until either Roman tells her he wants her or Carmen ties her to a bed ... whichever comes first. Can't say i'd complain with either of those.
Pretty much this. Orcs are widely regarded as being more sexually proactive, or at least half orcs are (the term half orc doesn't necessarily mean 50/50 split though, Crow is more Human while Glasha is more Orc). Of course, the question then is
are Orcs more sexual than humans, or is it a placebo of sorts? Maybe sexually active half orcs use their heritage as an excuse to fuck as much as they like. Carmen definitely enjoys exploring the issue though.
Do anyone know if the latest alpha version is gonna be public and if so.. when?
We're planning three releases which are currently overdue. One of these will be public, one will be for our patrons, and a third will be for our Officers ($10+).
I just stumbled across this game by accident and boy am I glad I did. Even with only 1 day I can see this is going to be a very fun game. Carmen is awesome, and I can't wait to see how she continues to "play with her new toys." When I first saw the 3 companion characters I was positive Markus was going to be the weak link, all I had to do was keep him away from Carmen, and bam easy win. Crow took me completely by surprise, I never expected that out of the 4 she was going to be the one to give in to Carmen immediately.
I'd like to thank the guys making this for giving us something different, this genre is so overrun with incest clones it's really nice to see someone making something unique and entertaining. I also really like the art style, whoever is doing the images keep up the good work.
Thank you! We're glad you're enjoying it so far. We wanted to make something a little different to most of what's out there, and it's always a pleasure to hear when someone thinks we've succeeded in that

For the art you have Duski to thank, she has a HentaiFoundry account with a little more of her work if you're interested.
My game crashes every time I try to follow crow to tavern.
Are you getting an error message? Which version of the game are you playing?