First things first, the graphics and animations are good. Nothing spectacular, but well above average. I was a bit afraid of loli content after seeing the preview pics, but it was ok imo, for the most part. The daughter looks pretty young though, her face especially, so keep that in mind before downloading. The game deliberately doesn't mention any ages.
So, the story. There's a lot of it, like REALLY a lot. You spend 80% of the time trying to find out what happened to the MC before he lost his memories.
It's not bad, far from it, although not exactly original, but at the same time I didn't really connect with the characters because the game spends so much time on the plot that there's not nearly enough time to explore them. That's a big problem imo.
Which leads me to the second big issue I have with the game: The sex scenes and they suffer from the same problem as the characters do. They don't get enough time.
There's no build up or tension. The sex just ..... happens. I can't really explain it, the sex itself isn't bad, the dialogue isn't bad, it just feels so disconnected. Like the dev remembered that this is a porn game and needed sex in it.
What's also a problem: All the women are extremely open minded and horny. Nothing wrong with that per se, (although different personalities are definitely appreciated in a game), I certainly don't miss a naive daughter who behaves like a 12 year old, but as a result, there's no tension or taboo in any of it, which is kind of shocking giving the premise of the game. They are also all instantly attracted to the MC, so again, no build up or tension.
Something positive now. I actually liked the writing for the most part. The game gets something 95% of these games fail at: understanding that it's a VISUAL Novel.
So no explaining what's happening on screen, no endless monologues explaining the character's feelings, the game uses the visual part to show it.

I really can't praise it enough for that.
The dialogue is short, but conveys all the import information without boring the player, again

So, this review is a lot longer than I planned it to be. I think it's because I can see the potential for something really good here, but in the end it didn't convince me in its current state. I will definitely give it another try later though.
Edit: Oh, I nearly forgot. So far the game is completely kinetic. So be warned. If you want a game where you can influence the plot or who to be with or the MC's behaviour, or simply where to cum, this ain't it.