RPGM - Completed - Sara's Market Adventure [v1.0] [Pixel-H1]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is OK to decent, the animation is a little bit.. lifeless? Needs more energy.

    The story: It's just sex. MC is "hey wanna sex?" to everything, and everything is "hey wanna sex?" to the MC.

    Dialogue is mediocre, occasionally funny

    Also, it's super easy to miss some scenes, which is crazy when there isn't even very many scenes to begin with.

    I dunno, it just wasn't very interesting.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    the art is good, the story Is funny at times, and passable, but the game Is just really short, and pretty linear so It feels a little hard to recommend fully. At least the main character got some sort of personality.