VN - Others - Completed - Saving Mrs. Hinako [2024-03-11] [Studio Pork]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At first i was just finding some Netori game just to have fun but it turns out i got diabetes from this. After finishing this 10/10 for me the game is the most wholesome netori for me

    if your finding Netori game this will be the best pick for you story is hella good would like to find out best story games out there

    this would probably be in the list for me for the best story game out there :>
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is literally the most insufferable protagonist of any nukige I've ever played. Actually, I'd say Kiichi is the worst protagonist of ANY type of media I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. This dude makes Makoto from School Days look like a pretty chill guy. Normally I try to write some decently comprehensive reviews about everything that a game has to offer, but I can't with this one. I just can't. Everything this game does well is completely eclipsed by the dogshit protagonist.

    I'll just go over what this VN does well.
    1. Amazing art as usual from Studio Pork.
    2. Good VA.

    That's it. That's the list of good things about this nukige. Now, the protagonist.

    If you woke up today with an itch for playing a Nice Guy Simulator™, then this game is perfect for you. You'll play as Kiichi, an insufferable manchild with the personality of a doorknob who lacks even the slightest self-awareness to be considered a sentient being. This is a story about begging your way into stealing someone's wife, constantly apologizing for being braindead until the woman of your dreams becomes infatuated with your pitifulness.

    You know something doesn't smell good when even the translator has to write a section in the TL notes to warn you about the shitty protagonist, but I ignored the writing on the wall. God bless the translator for sitting through this shit.

    What I hate the most about Kiichi is how disgustingly creepy and clingy he acts under this twisted pretense of expressing his love for Hinako. I just couldn't find any moment where the writing seemed self-aware about this, and that scares me. Not once does Hinako show discomfort over things that would make anyone else consider filing a restraining order, and it's not like she was in love with Kiichi from the beginning.

    Kiichi pouts, bitches and moans every time Hinako is supposed to leave. Someone literally wrote the line "My world is colorless without Hina-chan" and thought "Yep, this looks good. Publish it." Kiichi practically wins Hinako over the same way an annoying child convinces their parents to buy something by throwing a tantrum at the supermarket.

    Kiichi will show how much of a good boy he is by saying he won't force himself on Hinako... before proceeding to do just that. I have nothing against rape. Most of my favorite porn games are basically just rape simulators. What I hate is this type of spineless weasel with inconsistent values. He has one brain cell, and that one brain cell is fully dedicated to the following modus operandi: "Hina-chan...! Haa... Haa... Hina-chan!!" That's it. That's what goes through his mind 24/7. Kiichi is a weird mixture between a nice guy and a simp. He shows all the slimy and selfish traits of a nice guy, but he also balances that out by being disgustingly clingy, childish and devoted to Hinako.

    There's just... something about the way he acts. You know when you look at someone and think that something is just... off? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't think Kiichi is human. The way this grown man talks as he guilt trips Hinako into spending more time with his sorry ass is just odd. The translator also noted that Kiichi's lines are very repetitive, which goes to show how something about this guy just isn't right.

    You can enjoy this game if you're one of two types of people: You either see Kiichi as the Supreme Gentleman™ doing a "cock-based rescue operation," or you hate Kiichi's antics but are able to suspend your disbelief enough to pretend like his actions are completely normal.
    Or... you could just skip the text completely, which is what I advise you do.

    Am I blowing things out of proportion? Yes. This is a nukige with the sole purpose of providing fap material. I simply can't suspend my disbelief when a protagonist's personality and thought process are so incredibly jarring to watch. But am I overanalyzing things? Not at all. As Kiichi loves to say, I'm just stating the facts, and the fact is that Kiichi sucks. The protagonist is the most integral part of your experience as a reader. The protagonist is the one character who's with you 100% of the time, so if the protagonist sucks, then the experience sucks. I can't focus on the sex scenes as I watch Kiichi moaning like a little bitch as he either calls "Hina-chan...! Hina-chan...!" or apologizes nonstop. This isn't what I signed up for when I decided to play a netori game.

    Oh, but don't worry. Even though Kiichi has the personality of the one who usually gets cucked, the game won't let you believe for even a second that he's not good in bed. He's not a hunk at all, so Hinako has to overcompensate by having multiple orgasms at the mere touch of Kiichi's clumsy, brainless hip-swaying. The sex scenes are extremely dull because of that. It all boils down to Hinako moaning her brains out as Kiichi does the same thing the same way. The sex scenes are so vapid that half of them feel like filler. A few sex scenes in and things are already stale, because the protagonist sucks and his head is completely empty.

    Hinako isn't much better either. Things don't move forward because for some reason she refuses to leave her unfaithful, useless husband. The husband, Jouji, is nothing but a walking trope. The VN lays it on so thick that he's a cheating bastard, it's genuinely obnoxious to read. Hinako doesn't have sex with him because that would make the reader feel jealous and maybe see her in a bad light. She doesn't even love her husband, because again, we can't have that. The main heroine belongs to the protagonist! :mad: The husband is only there for the sake of making it "netori," but this VN is as vanilla as it gets. There's no struggle on Hinako's part, and it doesn't feel depraved to steal her from someone who doesn't even care about her (and who she also doesn't care about). The netori aspect falls completely flat on this one. This is a vanilla nukige.

    I like to compare this to Studio Pork's previous title. Kouman Tsuma Kanraku had some smooth progression that felt genuinely satisfying. Not only was the protagonist much more interesting than Kiichi, but also none of the sex scenes felt like filler. Every sex scene felt like one small step forward, and the writing for the sex scenes was phenomenal. There was this strong sense of steamy passion that really pulls you in and makes every sex scene worth looking forward to. This game, however, has none of that. Still, just like someone below said, I guess there's a market for games with this kind of garbage protagonist. It's the norm.

    If nothing I said was enough to dissuade you from playing this thing, then you'll probably enjoy it. Have fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a kinetic nukige so there's no choices, but the plot isn't bad and the writing (translation) has little to no errors.

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  4. 4.00 star(s)


    "Save the Princess"

    If you only play their 'Breaking Stuck Up Wive" or just look at the title, you would think it's some kind of cheating and domination work but this is as vanilla as it can get. You're finally found your childhood crush and not only did your old feeling come out again but seeing her in a shitty marriage made you decide you gonna 'steal' her from the shitty boyfriend and live your life happily ever after with her.
    Studio Pork is always filled with some good forced kisses and boi you ain't gonna bored seeing that, their sex scenes are good too and it gets spicier the more the time goes. The VN is pretty long so enjoy and take your time with it.

    Rating Distribution:
    +1: Obligatory
    +1: Ex-Delinquent Waifu Is Best Waifu
    +1: Studio Pork Kiss Scenes
    +1: Baby Making Sex With Result and More
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    7/10 Very good kinetic visual novel. (*cough* for mothers in unhappy marriage *cough*) Like, come on! Title of this vn couldn't be more missleading. This novel is not about 'MC' and his "conquest", it's about 'Hinako', litterly! Yes, this game IS self-insert, but not really for guys. (for them too, but way less) It wasn't obvious from the get go (at least not for me), but at some point of reading *tink* and I got "epiphany" about nature of this story! (It was fun expierience~) I "LITTERLY" see or/and talk to these types of woman almost every single day, that this game was made for!! And to add more, it's freaking anime that they'll never gonna play, ha!

    Again! Very stable 7/10, VERY good "steamy" visual novel. Check it out!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished this and I'm blown away. I will admit, I came for the netori and found a wildly heart-warming and well written story by the end. No bad ends, drama that gets resolved, and even an epilogue that gives closure. I've read many VN's in my life; too many to count. However I can count how many have made me cry. This one shares that list with only two others and I was crying tears of joy by the end.

    TL;DR To my fellow readers: If you're on the fence...READ IT! You will not be disappointed. To the creator: Bravo! simply a magnificent work! I will be watching your work very closely from now on. I honestly don't think I could've made up a better story myself.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wholesome story, art, voice acting, and music all done right. Individually, none of it stands out, but they are all good which makes a great and enjoyable final product. Kudos to the translator as well. I don't remember picking up any mistakes after playing through the game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    A strangely wholesome story for a VN so focused on NTR. I suppose that's because it's reversed from the normal formula. Instead of watching your girl get taken, it's your turn to be Mr. Stealyogirl. Basically, the story follows a boy's attempt to steal his childhood friend from her husband.

    I don't really have any complaints about the story. It wasn't absurdly deep by any means, but it was wholesome and cute enough to keep my interest. The addition of a little bit of taboo and just a little bit of corruption only made it spicier. Hinako and the MC also get just enough development to make them more than blanks.

    My complaints are a mishmash of other stuff. The music was repetitive and frequently inappropriate. Namely, they really like playing slow/sad music during raunchy sex. While I liked Hinako's voice actress, she could get a little screechy during coitus. It's unfortunate, because her bedroom voice was great. There were also some absolute gems of terrible writing throughout the story, usually metaphors or similes so god damn ridiculous that whatever mood the game was trying to set was instantly annihilated by some mixture of wtf/lol. Lastly, our girl Hinako apparently has a hair trigger on her orgasm. While getting a girl off is the best part of sex, it's a little ridiculous when a girl's getting off at like a 10:1 ratio against the guy (or better).

    All in all, the complaints are minor, but enough to place it firmly at four stars. I'm not gonna desperately urge anyone to play this one, but if you're looking for a decent VN or have a thing for tan girls or reverse ntr, you won't go wrong here.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Ahh. White Knight Simulator. You'd think it'd be cringey and at times it is. However, Hinako is cute so it's alright.

    Story 8/10

    As a child you were shy but there was this big onee-san who helped you open up. Then you played together every day until you caught her kissing her boyfriend and you disappeared like a fart in the wind. Years later you're going to college and you go to meet your next door neighbor and lo and behold, it's your onee-san. Except she's got a child and a husband.

    The story from there, and the bulk of the game, is how you netori (not netorare) your childhood crush from her loser husband.

    I do like the pacing of the story. It doesn't jump from "O hai!" to fucking like rabbits immediately. It's a more gradual process and from a reader's perspective I really enjoyed that. You definitely get to know each other over time. One of the really cute scenes is where you note that Hinako's tiger print is sexy while Hinako insists that it's cool.

    However, this game is truly white knight/nice guy simulator. You're continually nice to Hinako and pay attention to her and that's all it takes to win her affection. I wish there was little more... something.

    Characters 5/10

    Hinako, the only and main love interest in the game, is well written. She's a simple person but she has values and a good personality. She hates cheaters and you can see the internal turmoil it causes her since she herself becomes a cheater.

    Kiichi (you) is so transparent I'm surprised they even bothered to give him a name. Kiichi is extremely generic. He "goes to university" and "studies" but otherwise he doesn't exist. The easiest self-insert character ever written.

    Jouji (the cuckold) is comically bad. He's a serial cheater with absolutely no redeeming characteristics. The game would have been a lot more complex if he has some likeable characteristics.

    Hinami (the child). Also a very shallow character (shallow as in not a lot of depth of character, not shallow personality). She catches you kissing her mom and she unpromptedly goes, "Oh, I shouldn't tell Daddy right?" And when she's told that her mom and dad are having a divorce she goes, "Okay! Is Kiichi my new Daddy now?" without a single hint of sadness. Like I get that Jouji is a bad father but... really?

    Gameplay N/A

    Gameplay? What gameplay? This is kinetic novel. The only way forward is forward.

    Art 7/10

    Hinako is cute and sexy. She's a little chubby and you know what? It works.

    There's around 10-15 base CGIs so the amount is pretty average. However, there's very low number of variation CGIs and honestly, I really like variation art. It really brings still images to life.

    Overall 7/10

    One of the better games I've played, if you can call a kinetic novel a game. I did enjoy the story even though it was a little shallow. At one point I just wanted to know how the game would wrap up. Game length is about 5-10 hours which is about what you can expect.

    To improve the game, I'd flesh out the characters more and introduce some conflict. Like you never got Jouji's POV and saw why he was the way he was. Bad writers write an antagonist that readers hate. Good writers write an antagonist that readers love but disagree with.

    Hinako is a simple person whose only desire is a happy family life. Similarly, the game was a simple one track minded game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Was so damn wholesome and good, MC had the perfect blend of chad and naiveness to him.

    Actually saving this one and keeping it for another playthrough someday.

    10/10 one of my favorites. The art really catered to my taste as well.

    VA wasn't too bad either, had that milf-effect.

    Whoever made this is a magnificent human being.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game both in the graphical department and in the story. Don't worry about NTR. Girl's husband is a cheating jobless leech, and protagonist, who loves her very much but didn't act on it because of her marriage, after learning about this decides to stop being miserable and make the girl his.

  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Artwork is great and the girl is really hot.
    But the protagonist is your typical dense, beta protagonist that keeps repeating " Hina-chan, Hina-chan, Hina-chan i love you so much" in almost every sentence like some broken record.
    I get it, 99% japanese protagonist are like this so i dont know what i expected, i just dont understand why the japs would make an idiot MC a thing

    Being intimate is fine, but protagonist is more the creepy type of intimate where he practically stalks her and is simping for her big time.
    I dont know how people can like this cringefest, but i guess this is a thing for some people.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Eroge I played so far.
    The story and the characters are just so good and also the artstyle is gorgeous.
    Therefore for me it is a masterpiece.
    So I would highly recommend it to anyone, to at least give it a try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Compared to last game, felt that the story was better. UI is a lot better, being able to see through to the art and not that distracting . Art definitely improved as well, having some more scenes with various different backgrounds and assets. Voice acting made it all the more enjoyable as with most StudioPork games so far. Overall, Came for the fap, Stayed for the story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game (if you can call it a game, since it is a kinetic novel) opened up the netori genre for me.
    Looked in one breath.
    A very beautiful story, good characters and excellent drawing.

    I myself did not expect to like it so much. I highly recommend it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously... This is my 3nd favorite game of all time.
    ~ Cute story
    ~ AMAZING scenes
    ~ Stunning art

    The only CON this game has is:
    It's slightly short.

    I would HIGHLY recommend it to anybody.
    Even if Vanilla does not interest you that much the scenes and the passion would blow your mind.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a Netori (NTR) Game, meaning that the MC does the stealing.


    1- Good translation quality, with no major glaring errors.
    2- The story is short, but it resolves nicely. MC has a childhood crush on the heroine since she helped him stand up to his bullies back in the day, she's kind of a delinquent if you'll. After he witnessed the heroine making out with her boyfriend he stopped hanging out with her and eventually they grew apart. Years later, now in college, he moves into a new apartment and is surprised to learn that the heroine, nowadays married, is his next-door neighbour.
    3- Art by Kuzumi


    1- Short
    2- Only a single heroine
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR that even vanilla fans can get behind.

    This game is another offering from Studio Pork and a translator by the name of Darg777 (a really, really good translation, by the way). I gave a quick rundown of the plot in the comments that I'll add in here:

    "The MC had a boyhood crush on the heroine, who was an older delinquent girl who taught him to stand up for himself. He's too young for her but they are good friends until she falls in with a guy who gets her pregnant and marries her. MC is devastated and doesn't see her anymore.

    Fast forward to him being college age, he moves into an apartment next to her and her family. They reunite, quickly recovering the bond they had but now the MC is ottermode and has some balls. He's still madly in love with her and sweet, sweet netori ensues. She is a good wife but her husband is a peice of shit, so there's a slowish burn as he doggedly persues her and she comes to realise nobody loves her like MC. You can see where this going.

    If it matters, she does have unsatisfying off-screen sex with her husband in the early stages. This one of the ways she falls harder for our main man.

    To put it simply, this is a netori story about reclaiming a love that couldn't be persued in the past. Kiichi (the protagonist) isn't pathetic or unrelatable, he simply had to grow up and be reunited with Hina for them both to fully realise a relationship together. Besides the sweaty, musky and thoroughly excellent sex scenes, there is simplistic but effective love story. Hina's husband is a cunt, so we don't have to feel bad about homewrecking, it's really more of a cock-based rescue operation. The only question is if having mention of our heroine sleeping with her husband or the initial "stealing" in the prologue will be enough to turn some people off. It should be once again noted that Kiichi really was too young for romance at the beginning of the story. The other thing is that our heroine already has a kid, so I don't know if some readers see step-fatherhood as "cucked". As long as you don't get hung up on shit like that, I would encourage just about anyone to pick this up. It's really more about romance and hot breeding sex with a gyaru housewife. If that's not good enough for you, then you truly are beyond the grace of god.

    Studio Pork has some fucking really nice art, see their previous netori work (also translated by Darg777) for further illustrative examples. As in that game, our heroine is thicc, without being too fat. The linework here emphasises shapeliness, imo this is one of the best body types for these kinds of games. She is depicted as a huge titty housewife with plenty of ass to hold onto without being too unrealistic. The work on facial expressions for her and the other characters are also exemplary, there's plenty of passion and raw sex appeal to the CG from start to finish. I really can't find much about the game that isn't great to look at apart from the backgrounds; but who really cares about them?

    This is a simple, fun VN about knocking up the girl you always liked. It's not going to win any awards but I can't see the overwhelming majority of people not enjoying it. It looks great, the UI is unobtrusive and the music is inoffensive.

    In short - Don't ignore this game out of hatred of the NTR tag, people who want to be netorare'd are actually the people who will get less out of this game.