This is literally the most insufferable protagonist of any nukige I've ever played. Actually, I'd say Kiichi is the worst protagonist of ANY type of media I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. This dude makes Makoto from School Days look like a pretty chill guy. Normally I try to write some decently comprehensive reviews about everything that a game has to offer, but I can't with this one. I just can't. Everything this game does well is completely eclipsed by the dogshit protagonist.
I'll just go over what this VN does well.
1. Amazing art as usual from Studio Pork.
2. Good VA.
That's it. That's the list of good things about this nukige. Now, the protagonist.
If you woke up today with an itch for playing a Nice Guy Simulator™, then this game is perfect for you. You'll play as Kiichi, an insufferable manchild with the personality of a doorknob who lacks even the slightest self-awareness to be considered a sentient being. This is a story about begging your way into stealing someone's wife, constantly apologizing for being braindead until the woman of your dreams becomes infatuated with your pitifulness.
You know something doesn't smell good when even the translator has to write a section in the TL notes to warn you about the shitty protagonist, but I ignored the writing on the wall. God bless the translator for sitting through this shit.
What I hate the most about Kiichi is how disgustingly creepy and clingy he acts under this twisted pretense of expressing his love for Hinako. I just couldn't find any moment where the writing seemed self-aware about this, and that scares me. Not once does Hinako show discomfort over things that would make anyone else consider filing a restraining order, and it's not like she was in love with Kiichi from the beginning.
Kiichi pouts, bitches and moans every time Hinako is supposed to leave. Someone literally wrote the line "My world is colorless without Hina-chan" and thought "Yep, this looks good. Publish it." Kiichi practically wins Hinako over the same way an annoying child convinces their parents to buy something by throwing a tantrum at the supermarket.
Kiichi will show how much of a good boy he is by saying he won't force himself on Hinako... before proceeding to do just that. I have nothing against rape. Most of my favorite porn games are basically just rape simulators. What I hate is this type of spineless weasel with inconsistent values. He has one brain cell, and that one brain cell is fully dedicated to the following modus operandi: "Hina-chan...! Haa... Haa... Hina-chan!!" That's it. That's what goes through his mind 24/7. Kiichi is a weird mixture between a nice guy and a simp. He shows all the slimy and selfish traits of a nice guy, but he also balances that out by being disgustingly clingy, childish and devoted to Hinako.
There's just... something about the way he acts. You know when you look at someone and think that something is just... off? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't think Kiichi is human. The way this grown man talks as he guilt trips Hinako into spending more time with his sorry ass is just odd. The translator also noted that Kiichi's lines are very repetitive, which goes to show how something about this guy just isn't right.
You can enjoy this game if you're one of two types of people: You either see Kiichi as the Supreme Gentleman™ doing a "cock-based rescue operation," or you hate Kiichi's antics but are able to suspend your disbelief enough to pretend like his actions are completely normal.
Or... you could just skip the text completely, which is what I advise you do.
Am I blowing things out of proportion? Yes. This is a nukige with the sole purpose of providing fap material. I simply can't suspend my disbelief when a protagonist's personality and thought process are so incredibly jarring to watch. But am I overanalyzing things? Not at all. As Kiichi loves to say, I'm just stating the facts, and the fact is that Kiichi sucks. The protagonist is the most integral part of your experience as a reader. The protagonist is the one character who's with you 100% of the time, so if the protagonist sucks, then the experience sucks. I can't focus on the sex scenes as I watch Kiichi moaning like a little bitch as he either calls "Hina-chan...! Hina-chan...!" or apologizes nonstop. This isn't what I signed up for when I decided to play a netori game.
Oh, but don't worry. Even though Kiichi has the personality of the one who usually gets cucked, the game won't let you believe for even a second that he's not good in bed. He's not a hunk at all, so Hinako has to overcompensate by having multiple orgasms at the mere touch of Kiichi's clumsy, brainless hip-swaying. The sex scenes are extremely dull because of that. It all boils down to Hinako moaning her brains out as Kiichi does the same thing the same way. The sex scenes are so vapid that half of them feel like filler. A few sex scenes in and things are already stale, because the protagonist sucks and his head is completely empty.
Hinako isn't much better either. Things don't move forward because for some reason she refuses to leave her unfaithful, useless husband. The husband, Jouji, is nothing but a walking trope. The VN lays it on so thick that he's a cheating bastard, it's genuinely obnoxious to read. Hinako doesn't have sex with him because that would make the reader feel jealous and maybe see her in a bad light. She doesn't even
love her husband, because again, we can't have that. The main heroine belongs to the protagonist!

The husband is only there for the sake of making it "netori," but this VN is as vanilla as it gets. There's no struggle on Hinako's part, and it doesn't feel depraved to steal her from someone who doesn't even care about her (and who she also doesn't care about). The netori aspect falls completely flat on this one. This is a vanilla nukige.
I like to compare this to Studio Pork's previous title. Kouman Tsuma Kanraku had some smooth progression that felt genuinely satisfying. Not only was the protagonist much more interesting than Kiichi, but also none of the sex scenes felt like filler. Every sex scene felt like one small step forward, and the writing for the sex scenes was phenomenal. There was this strong sense of steamy passion that really pulls you in and makes every sex scene worth looking forward to. This game, however, has none of that. Still, just like someone below said, I guess there's a market for games with this kind of garbage protagonist. It's the norm.
If nothing I said was enough to dissuade you from playing this thing, then you'll probably enjoy it. Have fun.