Who Does MC Call To Help Him "Study?"

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XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Look other games of this genre, good ones. You don´t see every change in facial expression. For example, you don´t see the face of the MC all the time. There are game in which you don´t even see the face of the MC at all. You don´t need it because MC´s reactions are the player´s reactions and also you can deduce the reactions and moods of the MC and the other characters from the text. Also, there are important scenes, and transitional ones. You don´t need a lot of renders for transitional scenes, and you don´t need to artificially raise the level of importance of a scene by adding flirting or lewd content if not needed. For example the scene of the MC and the teacher in her office is really long and boring, and I don´t even know why the teacher is dressed like that, and why she flashes the MC. Nothing of that is needed. It could be a shorter scene, an the teacher could just flash the MC at the end to mess with him or something.
I acknowledge that that is what you think, and I accept your right to think so.
I think otherwise.

I like this game so far. There aren´t a lot games with mature models this level of quality, although a would like a bit more realism in the bodies. Big tits and asses usually come with wider waists, specially in older women, and that kind of bodies can be attractive too.
There wasn't a game that featured exactly what I liked.
So I went and created my own game, with my own character designs, exactly the way I liked them.
Because I knew there was no point trying to make someone else like exactly what I liked...

That is, BTW, why I keep telling some guys here that I will finish this game - because I'm doing it for myself (I just hope others enjoy it, too. Games are more fun when shared).

And the idea of changing the body of the mother is she goes to the gym is great. But I see flaws in this game too. Some people are complaining that updates take too long, and you complain that is because of lack of time and resources...
I don't complain.
I explain.

Well, if you don´t want that people play this game once and forget about it, like happens with a lot of new games like this one in this site, you should release monthly updates, and if you don´t want that those updates are too short, you should optimice your workflow and don´t spend time and resources in renders that are not really needed, and filling material into the scenes. But that´s just my opinion.
I know you're just trying to help, and I take your intentions in the good spirit that they were given.
But the whole point of doing this game, for me, is to enjoy the process itself, and bring others the vision - my vision of the story.
That's why I made movies, that's why I made animation series for children.
I want to tell my story, my way, and bring joy (all kinds of joy...) to those who like it.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
You create your game, your story, your way, because you like it the way you like it, for you, you you and the few people that could like something that you do for you exactly the way you do it... OK. But also you have a Patreon, a Discord and a Suscribestar. This is not something that you do for you, and when it´s finished you upload it to a website just to enjoy it with others, and don´t care if those others are two or two thousand. You have put your product in the market, asked for financial support for it to customers, set some pretty ambitious goals in Patreon (from getting money for a workstation to hire people and being able to create an Indi gaming studio and make a living from that), and participate in this forum, where people is going to criticize your product and there is even a section to rate and review it. Its a contradiction, isn´t it?
I fail to see to contradiction, but then again - I fail to see quite a few of your other points.
But that's on me, I guess.

Anyway, I only wanted to give you some feedback that I think could be good for your game and save you some work and time. If you are not interested, its OK. Good luck with your project and dreams.
I actually thanked you for you trying to help.
But just as I am willing - and actually did - take into consideration some arguments by others, I would expect you to accept that I disagree with you.
And thank you - both for your attempts to help me, and for your wishing me luck.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Once a developer has very clearly spelled out in the genre just what kinks are planned and has also identified what kinks are optional based on the players' decisions, I figure they have done their due diligence. Kudos to XTZ for doing just that. I look at that list and decide what to play based on it. It's the developers' game, and if it's a good one they already have mapped out where it's going and what the content is. If you don't like it, play another game. Telling us you don't like particular content and the developer should change to meet your special snowflake demands just screams entitlement. From what I see so far I think the lez-dom content will be an important plot point and will drive the MC to "rescue" his sister from that situation (unless the MC or sister wants the situation to continue). For those who insist on unsullied virgin LI's in a one (usually inflated) dick game with no rivals and vanilla relationships, there are plenty of options out there (boring as fuck to my mind but YMMV), go and find one. And if you decide you can't abide certain content in a game, just leave. No one cares about your personal reaction to content. No one cares!
Last time I looked at this it was a free opinion forum. People have the right to express their opinion and what they feel. If you can't stand a free environment, that's your fucking problem.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
The mom-son dynamic is perfect in my opinion.
It's a shame the game hints at ntr with Kevin-Paula and Jess-Leticia.:cry:
I hope it will be available.
The NTR, if you so choose, is far more reaching than just the couples you've mentioned.
If not, then not even that.
But choose. Don't wait for someone else to choose for you.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Last time I looked at this it was a free opinion forum. People have the right to express their opinion and what they feel. If you can't stand a free environment, that's your fucking problem.
If you want to be the Mesiah of your faith and spread your word, it's your right.
It's also my right to not have to listen to you.

There are so many pages here, so many good games. Please go and enjoy them.
Because I really don't give a fuck about your opinion about MY game.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
You fail to see that, if you ask money for a product and even have the big ambition of creating a business from that and make a living for you and your employees, you have to try to give people what they want and be open minded, and not only the things you like, the way you like, when you like? Really? Then, you fail to see that telling people in this forum, the very people that could support your future dreamed business "So I went and created my own game, with my own character designs, exactly the way I liked them." and "I want to tell my story, my way, and bring joy (all kinds of joy...) to those who like it." its a terrible marketing approach, since most of the people will not share you view and you are telling them that this game is not for them. Intelligent devs are flexible.
You seem not to understand, so I will be clear: I am not looking for a job.
I already have a job, in which I do what other people want, and it pays quite well.
I want to do something I enjoy doing.
If I can, I would like it to be my full-time job, so I can stop doing what other people say.
So if I have to listen to bullies and know-it-alls who can't have anything other than what they want, without them making it themselves or even paying for it, than WTF am I doing this for?!

I´ll tell you as clearly as I can, since you fail to see quite a few of my other points: your game is boring to play because the scenes are long and boring, and that´s because you introduce way too many renders. And I think that´s because you have done movies and animation series for children, and that´s great, but this game is made with STATIC IMAGES, not moving images. This game is not a movie or an animation, but you are using a cinematographic language, that is different of the narrative techniques you should use if you only have static images.
I'll tell you this as clearly as I can: I really, sincerely, don't care what you think.
And you have no idea, whatsoever, what I did or didn't, except what I wrote. But of course, you know everything already...
Please, please, leave me and my game alone.

The language and the way you structure and mount a scene in a game like this one should be closer to the way that is done in comics than to the way it´s done in movies and animations. Both products, this game and comics, use static images. That thing of continuos shot/reverse shot of two characters during the dialogues to see the reactions and facial expressions is cinematographic language, and you can´t do that with static images because it makes the scenes long and boring and makes you spend a lot of time an effort in creating renders that actually make your game worst. But OK, It´s your game, your way, the way you like it. Again, good luck.
Sir, please go and make your own game.
I'll even play it if I find it interesting.
And no worries, I won't tell you what you should and shouldn't do with it.
But that's just because, unlike you, I'm an idiot.


Active Member
May 4, 2019
You fail to see that, if you ask money for a product and even have the big ambition of creating a business from that and make a living for you and your employees, you have to try to give people what they want and be open minded, and not only the things you like, the way you like, when you like? Really? Then, you fail to see that telling people in this forum, the very people that could support your future dreamed business "So I went and created my own game, with my own character designs, exactly the way I liked them." and "I want to tell my story, my way, and bring joy (all kinds of joy...) to those who like it." its a terrible marketing approach, since most of the people will not share you view and you are telling them that this game is not for them. Intelligent devs are flexible.
Intelligent devs also do not make games by committee, but tell the story they want to tell. Minimizes the chance for a burnout and improves the product. You have caught the "investor disease" that plagues everything from universities to charity organizations. Just because you give your money willingly does not mean you are entitled to have a say about anything. "Giving the people what they want" is a joke of a sentence because 100 people will want close to 100 different things. What you mean is "cater to the vocal minority", in which case you have it ass backwards.. If YOU want a project made according to YOUR tastes then you have to be the one to COMMISSION it.

You could make an argument that chasing trends and bending over backwards to the most rabid of fanbases (furries come to mind) gets you paid, but it is far from a requirement to be successful.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Intelligent devs also do not make games by committee, but tell the story they want to tell. Minimizes the chance for a burnout and improves the product. You have caught the "investor disease" that plagues everything from universities to charity organizations. Just because you give your money willingly does not mean you are entitled to have a say about anything. "Giving the people what they want" is a joke of a sentence because 100 people will want close to 100 different things. What you mean is "cater to the vocal minority", in which case you have it ass backwards.. If YOU want a project made according to YOUR tastes then you have to be the one to COMMISSION it.

You could make an argument that chasing trends and bending over backwards to the most rabid of fanbases (furries come to mind) gets you paid, but it is far from a requirement to be successful.
One of the main reasons I posted this here myself, besides the fun I have (well, most of the time...) with the community here, was to be as clear as I can be about what people can expect to be or not be in this game.
I know how it is to be invested in something only to find out you've been mislead just to milk you.
So here are my game's tags, and you can take it or leave it.

But it's utterly appalling that there are those who want to decide for others what they should play or not, what they should like or not.
Worse still are those who claim to do it in the name of free speech - by criticizing others' right for free speech (in the form of a game tag).

Please, all those who can't let others do what they want, leave this thread.

XTZ Adult Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Why are you participating in a forum with a section for rating and reviewing games like yours if you don´t care about other people´s opinions and can´t stand criticism?
My last and final answer to you, just because I am still optimistic on regards of the human spirit:
You are not giving criticism.
You are trying to force me do your game for you.
When it was just criticism, in two very long posts, I have answered you in detail.
I even thanked you.
Now, you are not criticizing.
You are trying to prove yourself right. Basically - to yourself.

That's it.
It became a circular discussion between you and yourself.
I'm done with you.
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Reactions: Derek Wildstsar
Apr 18, 2018
he first step towards establishing a gaming empire!
A very small monthly sum that will demonstrate for me that my dream is valid, and potentially economical.

Reaching my second goal will let me commit full-time to the game, letting me update it more often.
I will also build a dedicated workstation for the game, and upgrade the poor RTX 3060 card to an RTX 3090 or better, and produce the renders much faster.

Reaching my third goal will allow me to hire some help, especially with the coding, and will let me concentrate more on the art and story.

My fourth goal is to establish a small studio, where I'll have a full-time stuff working on content-creation, having a long-term plan for game development.
I wish him luck in those goals, which he clearly and openly stated, and I even help him in my small way.
I just don't get your point of copying and pasting it here, but it seems I'm not the only one who doesn't get your point.
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Reactions: XTZ Adult Games
4.10 star(s) 43 Votes