I admit that I'm still looking for the right tempo of the game, especially the dissolve transitions: although I have no doubt as for the number of images I render, and also no doubt about the need for transitions (for many reasons that I will not go into right now), I do have an inner argument about the duration - usually it's 0.2 and 0.5 seconds, depending on scenario.
Sometimes it's to much, sometimes not enough - depending on mood, time of day and changing tastes - and that's just
me, let alone the (thousand?) of individuals who play the game!

So I will, I hope, find that groove in the end.
As for NTR:
There is no "NTR route," or at least a major one, I'm afraid - mainly because I don't like it...
That said, there will be options, if you play your cards right (or wrong, as the case may be), to drive Paula and Jessica to other guys' arms, and then there will be carnage!
Or, at least, some really abusive and perverted shit.
But the goal of the game is to
save Paula (and others) from such a fate.
You may, of course, fail to do that...