
Feb 27, 2019
I downloaded v7. I opened v7. I confirmed in "About" it was v7. I reached the end of gameplay and it says "End of v6".

It ends when he is fighting the "stormtroopers" at the farm in the "Other Universe" and he disappears. Is that the end of this update or is there more (if yes, how do I get to it)? BTW, I played through from a fresh start, not an old save. TIA



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Dev did a little fat fingering here in script3.rpy:

        "I'm Sorry But...":
            if v6_ow_daisy_route > 0:
                $ v6_ow_daisy_route == 0
                jump v6_mc_daisya
That should be "=" and not "==" there. So instead of zero-ing out the alternate daisy relationship route, the dev effectively inserted a no-op by making it a conditional test instead of an assignment statement.


New Member
May 21, 2018
How do you continue where you left off on 0.7 as I came from 0.6a and if that is not possible and you have to go through the story again, how do you get through training with Allison when she is punching, I was able to get past it with ease on 0.6a but for 0.7 I am unable to get through with the correct options.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
I did a restart anyway since it had been a while and I decided to go with a good path play (by looking at the code). I didn't have to do anything special to get past the Allison training. Watch her hands. Go in the direction of whichever one is swinging out and stay in the center when it's neither. You have 3 seconds to react on each.

If you want to just blow by the minigame you can probably open the console and do:

jump v4_allison_takedown1
Any time during the game or right at the very start. I don't remember off of the top of my head whether you need to escape out of the console before that jump takes effect.

How do you continue where you left off on 0.7 as I came from 0.6a and if that is not possible and you have to go through the story again, how do you get through training with Allison when she is punching, I was able to get past it with ease on 0.6a but for 0.7 I am unable to get through with the correct options.
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Engaged Member
Jul 8, 2020
Look I reached the end where the MC is back home and there is a scene where Maeve talks to someone in the coffee shop, the game then says this is the end of version 0.6 - confused I'm playing version 0.7 so why does it end this way
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Brain fart on the dev's behalf I suspect. 0.6 ended with mc tporting back with the gestapo captain in his clutches if I remember right.

Look I reached the end where the MC is back home and there is a scene where Maeve talks to someone in the coffee shop, the game then says this is the end of version 0.6 - confused I'm playing version 0.7 so why does it end this way
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Feb 27, 2019
Brain fart on the dev's behalf I suspect. 0.6 ended with mc tporting back with the gestapo captain in his clutches if I remember right.

That's where v7 ended for me (even though it said end of v6. Really liking this game, but frustrating i can't get to play v7


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
But those scenes between when mc gets back with the capt in tow and when Maeve runs into the coffee shop are what's in the 0.7 "beta". Dev just had a brain fart labeling the end screen as 0.6.

That's where v7 ended for me (even though it said end of v6. Really liking this game, but frustrating i can't get to play v7
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New Member
Jun 25, 2021
A well thought out story, realistic enough to allow easy suspension of disbelief. It has some real drama and emotion to it, with interesting character development and (dependant on choices made) some really sweet romance (yeah, I'm a sucker for that mushy stuff). Well executed action sequences, and beautifully crafted visuals. I doubt English is the primary language of the developers, but by no means is the spelling or grammar as horribly mangled as most (obvious effort has been applied to make it fluent and understandable).

I'd pay to see it as a mainstream movie, and would be interested in discussing developing a screen-play of it with Purple Fellas!


Feb 27, 2019
But those scenes between when mc gets back with the capt in tow and when Maeve runs into the coffee shop are what's in the 0.7 "beta". Dev just had a brain fart labeling the end screen as 0.6.

It may be a "Brain Fart," but it doesn't let me continue past "End of v0.6." It ends with them getting pulled out of the Alternative Universe, but I don't get a scene of them returning to the "Home Universe," Maeve running into a Coffee Shop or anything in between.
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2019
It may be a "Brain Fart," but it doesn't let me continue past "End of v0.6." It ends with them getting pulled out of the Alternative Universe, but I don't get a scene of them returning to the "Home Universe," Maeve running into a Coffee Shop or anything in between.

A well thought out story, realistic enough to allow easy suspension of disbelief. It has some real drama and emotion to it, with interesting character development and (dependant on choices made) some really sweet romance (yeah, I'm a sucker for that mushy stuff). Well executed action sequences, and beautifully crafted visuals. I doubt English is the primary language of the developers, but by no means is the spelling or grammar as horribly mangled as most (obvious effort has been applied to make it fluent and understandable).

I'd pay to see it as a mainstream movie, and would be interested in discussing developing a screen-play of it with Purple Fellas!
I'm guessing you're talking about a screenplay minus the Incest Option? :)
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Dec 27, 2020
Reading the last two sites of this thread, I have to say that the dev could be giving answers to all your questions.
But he was seen the last time at F95 on June 27 and his last post is from May 14.
Maybe you should try his Discord.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Interesting. I did a fresh playthrough both because it had been a while and I wanted to follow the good points route. So I did see the new content. I've seen this sort of thing in other games before where I got an immediate "that's all folks" loading a save I took at the end. However backing up to load a 2nd or 3rd most recent save instead let me continue on. Not sure if this would be the same deal here where you might be able to load from a save on or just before you end up in the alternate universe and continue on.

It may be a "Brain Fart," but it doesn't let me continue past "End of v0.6." It ends with them getting pulled out of the Alternative Universe, but I don't get a scene of them returning to the "Home Universe," Maeve running into a Coffee Shop or anything in between.


New Member
Jun 25, 2021
I'm guessing you're talking about a screenplay minus the Incest Option? :)
Actually, with the incest being legal and not biological, I'd be inclined to keep it in, particularly to highlight how arbitrary some people's views are. The overview states "... genetically engineered by his scientist parents due to infertility" suggesting that neither the siblings or parents are biologically (or maternally) related. It's an interesting philosophical debate about whether or not non-biological incest is "wrong", and a perspective that more people should be encouraged to think about and discuss.

Personally, I don't see biological incest as that big of a deal, as long as there aren't children being produced (for genetic reasons more so than any moral consideration), in fact I personally know a biological-sibling couple (she's sterile from a childhood accident so they adopted, and the kids are more well-adjusted members of society than most their age). I'm happy for anyone who finds true happiness in another (gay,straight,mono,poly,bdsm)... my only moral stipulation is consensual!
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Jun 18, 2017
Ok so i am stuck on Allison and she is kicking my ass no matter if i choose the right dodge button she still eventually punches me in the face and the whole cycle starts over...

And i don't even get a chance to use the middle dodge button she only every goes left or right it does the block when i do those but it goes into an automatic punch to the face and resets to the start of the training...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Savior-0.7-pc/game $ find . -name "*.rpy" -exec grep -iH "flashb" {} \;
./script2.rpy:    scene v4_flashback1 with beyaz
./script2.rpy:    scene v4_flashback2 with beyaz
./script.rpy:        define flashb = Fade(1.0, 0.0, .75, color="#000000")
./images.rpy:image v4_flashback1= "images/v4/night/flashback/1.png"
./images.rpy:image v4_flashback2= "images/v4/night/flashback/2.png"
./script3.rpy:    scene v6_outside4 with flashb
./script3.rpy:    scene v6_outside5 with flashb
./script3.rpy:    scene v6_outside6 with flashb
It looks like the author defined flashb as an effect, but it only gets used so far in the script3.rpy file which I think doesn't appear in the releases until maybe 0.6. The trouble is that they put the define for it in the original script.rpy behind a label jumped to in the choice of drinks path for Amber. So depending on your choices, you may never have gotten this defined. This would be especially true if this define was backfitted in a later release, and you had loaded from a save where you were already well past this scene.

Ok your eyes may glaze over from all of that but that define flashb statement from script.rpy looks like this with a little more context around it:

    mc "I'm gonna cum..."
    am "Slurp Slurp"
    scene gun2
    am "Yes! Cum all over my face!"
    mc "Oh god, I can't hold it anymore."
        define flash = Fade(.25, 0.0, .75, color="#fff")
        define flashb = Fade(1.0, 0.0, .75, color="#000000")
    scene gun4 with flash
    pause 0.3
    scene gun4 with flash
    pause 0.5
    scene gun4 with flash
So yeah, the thing is put smack in the middle of some earlier game script but is never used until now. And it may be in a script section that is never shown because of the choices that the user may have made. Not a good idea at all. The real kicker is if you look at the top of script.rpy, you will see a series of init blocks for initializing this sort of stuff up until this section a couple of hundred lines in where the game actually starts with its splash screen. Those two defines need to be taken out of the middle of a script scene and moved up into that top section instead.

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Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Well dont know if its just me

But felt like we didnt progress much in this update

And that for a long wait expected a bit more

But the characters are beautiful at least and the sex at the end was a nice touch
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Sep 3, 2020
Yeah, I gave up. Daisy receives all of the focus and now there's alternate reality Daisy too... Considering I liked the mom (or "mom"?) more than anyone and the best we got was a hot kiss an update or two ago and then more Daisy... I figured this is not the game for me and moved on. Where is the new "girlfriend" at this point? She had some great scenes and then the game became the Daisy show. As I am uninterested in her and her scenes were a requirement up until the very final release of the last update I decided to cut my losses. Best of luck to the purple fellas and all the Daisy fans.
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