Scrappy can you please make an update to ver. 0.8 cEdit: Fixed the errors
Updated for version 0.8 Beta
I've made a Walkthrough/Gallery/Cheat mod for this game
Download : MEGA
- Best choices in dialogue colored green
- Scene replay gallery added to the main menu
- Cheat menu button added to the top right of the screen
You must be registered to see the linksYou must be registered to see the links
Don't know why it was removed but it was there last night when I downloaded it. Uploading the patch I downloaded last night and think it worked alright for v 8c. Remove any pre-ceeding numbers when you save it out - should be called patch.rpyc when you put it in the game directory.Ipatch please?
people say that all the time even if its serious or not pretty common actually.What's with westerners and women beating their asses? A lot of games go like w: don't do that or I'll beat your ass m: I'm sure you will cause I'm a little bitch hehe. Maybe is some kind of playful thing that due to my cultural background I don't understad. Whatever's the case overall I think you're doing a good job man, wish you the best.
so i put the Ipatch above in the game files and it still says im adopted by Eugene and the sisster are too......
The patch does not introduce blood relations, but a more cordial tone instead. Making for a bonded family by having the characters refer to one another by relational terms instead of only by name. […]
PC x64 & Win x86 are both for Win right? Is there a difference?Savior [v0.8c] [Purple Fellas] crunched
Original / Compressed Size PC x64: 4,67 GB / 314 MB -
Original / Compressed Size Win x86: 4,65 GB / 298 MB -
Original / Compressed Size Mac: 4,65 GB / 297 MB -
Download (PC/Mac): Workupload -You must be registered to see the links-You must be registered to see the links
99% of the credit is due to Techstar as I just updated his compressed version of v0.8 Beta!
Drop him a like there if you haven't already!
L O A D 'n' L I K E - If you L O A D it then L I K E it!
If not, like it anyway!
This compression is unofficial and untested, use at your own risk.
Compressing process reduces quality and can break the game.
Tools: UnRen v0.91 (Sam@f95zone) - YAC v3.1c (hngg@f95zone) -You must be registered to see the links
PC x64 is Win/Linux 64 BitPC x64 & Win x86 are both for Win right? Is there a difference?
Use PC x64 if your Windows version is 64 bits.PC x64 & Win x86 are both for Win right? Is there a difference?