I don't know where the "You don't need to push someone to tell them you're upset" comes from. Is that a new age mummies "Use your words, not your fists". This is a story, like a movie or a book. His ex-partner is a special agent, he didn't bitch slap her to the ground. Just moved her out of his way and kept walking because he was not interested in what she had to say. That move being if the MC happen to be male or female, was the only thing he did in my eyes that stood out besides chasing down and catching the mugger, including his dialogue as the character having some backbone and not just asking her for a kiss, because he likes to be kissed while he's being f***ed.
An "Alpha" is determined through actions, their words, the way they carry themselves. As the example I gave of the MC from " Alison Fall of the Apple". If you had played through that title you would know the MC is in no way a jerk, but a leader, a take charge and get things done kind of guy. That would take a bullet for any of his friends and loved one. Did any of the MC's actions from this title besides catching the mugger, come across as a man on a mission/a take charge action hero, NO. Did his dialogue come across closer to that of a mummies boy who is ready to be dominated by the first woman that comes along, YES.
As I said in my initial post, there are so many titles but only a handful of memorable ones. Creators should be putting there best foot forward if they want to make a career of this or be remembered, proof read their work and get input from a few people before publishing. These are like choose your own adventure movies. It's all good putting pictures, animation, music and sound effects together. But in the end if the characters and dialogue are not believable and it's not entertaining, nobody is going to wait for the next update or if it were a movie want to watch it. Too many of these titles being released suck because they come across as being written by a 12 year old living at home with no real world experience or the ability to string a sentence together. If your just in it as a consumer for the Fap and not the story your better off waiting for a complete game with a gallery unlock mod to knock yourself out or just go to theporndude, saving yourself the time, effort and hard drive space.
If your still unsure of Alpha/Beta, have a look at "Culture Shock"
https://thef95zone.info/threads/culture-shock-ch-2-v0-3-bugfix-king-of-lust.13753/ .There is a walkthrough showing you how to play an Alpha route through Love/Romance and not being a jerk.
Does that make sense...