Well this is my review based on v0.1.3 of the game and I can say without even completing the whole update that, the game is great and has tons of potential
- All characters are great looking with some really high quality renders
- The map, UI and navigation are all great looking and feel really polished
- The characters fit their persona really well and are very likable
- Story is simple to understand
- Nice choice of music, really enhanced the experience for me
- I love the inclusion of those shameless plugs
- The thing I kind of hated about it is that the font used for the textbox...Don't get me wrong the font is nice but without a 'textbox' per se, it is really hard on the eyes to read, especially that fucking red text...makes me feel like my eyes are bleeding
- A bit of a grind
- Needs more flavor text during the animation loop(my personal opinion)
- The date, time and money that is displayed at the bottom right can be hardly read on most backgrounds...so maybe make it a different color than black?
- Since the game is a bit of a grind...it would be nice to have separate things while hanging out on random
(eg with Estelle we could watch tv once, while hanging out another time we could go to the park,)
- Instead of having the hangout or work event be a blank screen for many I think adding the visual event like
-showing mc actually doing the chore, or
- watching tv with Estelle, or
- mc speaking with Azula in lake, or
- while working in store it would show us actually working
- mc drinking tea while hanging out with Laureate in Town Hall, etc.
Such small addition I think will really improve the experience you can get out of from this game
- Also maybe actually show Estelle and Silvia sleeping during midnight instead of telling they are asleep but having their bed clearly empty
The game has got a great potential and I like the way the dev is going with the game
Hopefully the dev makes the game feel less of a grind with a more engaging affection system as well as add tiny detail to make game feel more alive
All the best to the dev and hope I get to see the game grow to its full potential