RPGM - Completed - Scars of Summer After [v1.08] [shinachiku-castella]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved it, great continuation of the game, art is still amazing, writing for the H scenes is hot af, the h scene poses are great. If you liked the first game I dont think this game will dissappoint.
    Ill be keeping an eye for any other game this dev puts out, just pure quality.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I play using Joiplay, I have also downloaded the plugin.js, but after loading to enter the game suddenly force close, when I checked it in log.txt it turned out there was a missing file, will this be fixed?
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    To be honest NTR game without VA always miss, and this one is not a exception. Why making a RPG maker type game if you don't use the mechanic of the engine ? Overall the game make me feel nothing, the MC doesn't work at selfinsert because he never question anything or confront her.

    Its a 2/5 game at best.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not as cleanly made as the first one but im still very glad it exists. Some routes were definitely far better than others, and the gatcha mechanic to unlock sakis content felt like unnecessary bloat. However all the actusly scenes were amazing NTR content and I legitimately felt glad to complete it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    CG is great, other than that.....

    There is no gameplay here,all you do is spam T to pass time and watch the remaining CG.

    The worst thing of all : THERE IS STILL NO SEX SCENE CG FOR NON-NTR ROUTE!!!!

    This is not a sequel, for me its just a small DLC or add on on the base game.

    4 years for this? what are the devs doing?
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Finally got around playing it! Took a while to refresh the thread and find the 1.08 patched up with the translation! (Thanks for all the contributing parties, Dazed MTL implementations, auto patching and everything)

    Been an anticipated release (pun not intended) and has been quite the while since I've tried its demo.

    Initially found it being received poorly , I did a couple fast plays as of now, with a no mobile battery hack (Haven't finished all endings at point of review) and had a built in anticipation for more Saki related content.
    (Have developed an unhealthy obsession for her :BootyTime:)

    While the game features an adequate amount, including her own controlled perspective and corruption gameplay, it doesn't feel adequate, the delivery is too fast and the breeding/pregnancy gameplay feels like a parody and unbelievable game-play lol. The variation of Clothes and scenes were great though, just not enough!

    Over-all lacks the polish and slow-burn delivery that the original went for and is indeed a glorified CG viewer, it is ofcourse a DLC or a filler episode of the original, however doesn't justify the gap-time of about 4 years between the original's latest patch and this.

    The CGs, ofcourse take a lot of time to polish and illustrate, i can understand. However, somehow they don't improve upon the original's scenes enough. SNS content and voice overs weren't too compelling to dig into, and the reading/screenshot material on the phone was boring.

    I am greatly satisfied however, that this has a good end and did not attempt to corrupt that aspect of the original's story. However the corruption paths themselves were sufficiently adequate in the first, and feels like many aspects like the dagashi/candy store shopkeeper, the sadist rich brat, the classmate running the bathhouse store, and the Yasui route, and pretty much all the vagrants and ugly bastard routes really didn't hold much juicy scenes. The Yasui 'Blacked' route was almost too comedic to be taken as a corruption sequence, but the finale ending CG was pretty bland, I just liked the inclusion of Saki in the Yasui route but the ending was trash.

    Oyama and Vagrant route could've had tons of interactions (more visible Oyama interactions could've been in the tea/rest house) and include saki-nee but it was left out.

    Similarly candystore grandpa could've included Ryoka but it just elaborated on reanimating and slighting adjusting the original's scenes a bit, too inadequately. (I sound dastardly at this point for wanting more ugly bastard scenes LOL but that's what the genre is)

    3*s for being inadequate (brings down the average from 3.5 -> 3 at point of review)

    TL;DR- The CGs are overworked on to make them glossy or animated, but the whole experience, I found it lacking and not many scenes to relish, as the first game was adequate enough.

    I've taken note that a lot of games being made have taken inspiration from SoS to make a SNS based corruption game on RPGM. Ochikano feels like a notable on

    Edited (Multiple)
    Extra: on a side note, RJ314482 "MUCCHIMUCHI ~Busty Bumpkin's Bumpin' and Humpin'~" wasn't too diffrent of a game, but less of a "NTR" title and has ample amount of content!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good conclusive dlc is what this game should have been not exactly a sequel but an extension of the ntr routes and a good conclusion of the happy true ending which is completed in this game as well, the story is excellent and the characters are very attachable exspecially the fmc, the playable mc is weak but not much can be expected from an ntr protogonist. All in all good cgs but not a sequel and people waiting 4 years for this and being disappointed is justified.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This dev and artist always puts out a really good story, and scenes, and different diverging plots and/or paths. The setting is always very well written and the games including this one are very polished.
    However, the gameplay of the Scars of Summmer games has been jarring, this one is less so than the last one, but still not a great improvement.
    This devs earlier works have had a more traditional type of gamplay, which i personally prefer, but the the direction they are taking with the type of gameplay for me is very annoying to play.
    Like said before, art, story and scenes are always good from this dev, if you can get past the gameplay, or you enjoy this type of gamplay this game is a 5/5.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the prequel one is better but this part is till good (about 8/10 to the prequel one). This part show how seriously the Studio working on it. I feel like they make this game is not because the money, they love their works. The game made by money deadline is finished when it's done, but to them, the game made by passion is finished when they feel it done <3 <3 <3 Thanks

    Story: 8.5/10
    Sound and music: 9/10
    Art: 9/10 (I prefer the old 2D style than the animation one)

    P/s: sorry for my bad English, but atleast you guy understand what i mean, right?
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Scars of Summer Alright. That's pretty much what's there to say.
    It's nothin too crazy or new... just additional scenes. Some of them next to the plot of the main game, some of them after,
    Didn't catch me at all though.
    Bit disappointing
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Well playing this just give me a bad after taste. I can't really call this a stand alone game it's more like a DLC. The scenes are just have the same feeling as the first game. Since the first game already showed us that FMC got broken already. Maybe this game was going to amplify the MC's suffering. Like the MC tries everything to pull FMC back into him, just to end up failing.

    I really thought this sequel was going to full on double down on the NTR. But it didn't which the reason why it leaves a bad after taste.

    Great art and scenes, especially the Vagant route. This is just a 2.5/5 for me.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the previous game was better, in this one you select the route at the start and follow the rails to reach the conclusion of that story. The freedom the prequel had added to the voyeurism aspect that made Scars of Summers so popular in the first place.

    That being said I still really enjoyed this game, having so much Saki content was what I wanted more of from the previous game. I think the secret end is worth working towards (completing every route).

    Edit: Like the game itself recommends, play the previous one before this so that you have a little more context since the routes pick up at various points from the previous game
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It's hard for me to give this one such a low rating given how much I liked the prequel, but it just feels inferior in alot of ways which sadly destroy the magic that the prequel has created.

    The main takeaway that you have often read (which I fully agree with) is that choosing the routes at the start takes away from the immersion, makes the whole phone system kinda obsolete (since you can already kinda guess what happens) and turns everything into a linear story without any initiative, whereas in the first game that wasn't the case as you could choose and prevent who she went with and could even have her go at it with all of them at once.

    What also strikes me as weird is that the "voyeurism" events are just straight up not as good as in the prequel. Take Oyamas route as an example, in the prequel you had CG's from the MC's perspective, many character dialogues, sounds etc. which in combination worked perfectly to create an anxious atmosphere. In this version, you merely have some sound indicating they are having sex, cannot interact with the room at all and the only thing you can do (besides the ending) is to watch the scene in the recollection (making the map, ambience and characters on the map entirely useless). This happens more often than not, and while in some scenes it may have been executed well, in most it just disappoints.

    The art has definitely improved, but the animations feel "off". They are good and hand drawn, but don't fit in with the art style of the standing CG's (which also often changes (?) given the characters looking different, indicating that there must have been alot of time between the creations or some of them being straight up rushed). But some of the scenes definitely deserve praise, especially in the vagrant route.

    In conclusion, as a standalone it's still better than most of the knockoff clones, but in comparison to the prequel (especially given it's development time) it threw all the gameplay out the window and just kinda disappoints me.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's basically a DLC to the original game.

    There's not a lot of scenes, not a lot of gameplay, and most everything feels like some kind of "Hey it's DLC, it was only 5-10 bucks!"

    But it passes itself off like it wasn't.

    Still, it's good enough compared to a lot of short games on its own, but if you played the 1st game it just feels like a lack luster rehash.

    As a side note, if you really couldn't care less about the main heroine and wanted more of her sister, then this is especially worth a look, since she has a lot more going on in this one.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    A really under performing game in imo. As The heroine was already corrupted, I can only see this being good for people who wanted to see more scenes and nothing else. But for me and probably most of us, it was just like seeing a slut having fun with no gameplay at all. Sos was such peak before but this is just mid. There may be good explicit writing when kagura version arrives but that does not improve the game much. Would have preferred if the creator just assumed the user got a good ending, moves out the city, married the heroine and there were other bulls to cuck mc instead. Not worth the wait for 4 years, not even 1 year imo. The creator just looted his subscribers, nothing else.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    gameplay: none, just choose a route and go with it, nothing to do.
    scene: good, but not very good.
    story: none, just follow the base game SoS

    overall: 1 year for this is normal, but 4 year is very very bad game, i want give 1 star, but for the sake of SoS, i give 2 star.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Shigeru Miyamoto

    Finished the game.

    It's meant to be hybrid of a extra story + sequel. Imo, it delivers on that front.

    The game was confirmed to pick up either in the middle of some routes or after some routes. So, it should've been expected that she'd already be a slut from the get go. That's why the corruption progression isn't as good (and non-existent in some cases) as the base game.

    I do understand that this approach will disappoint many though. Imo, a better approach might've been to add the CGs to the base game and expanding its length accordingly but I'm not sure if such DLC add-ons are even possible in RPGMV.

    The corruption depiction could've used more work. For example, during high corruption when she's wearing leopard bra, it'd have been better to have more NPCs even ones not relevant to routes comment on her. Like, villagers could make even more lewd comments in the Yasui route about how they're seeing her nipples through her shirt. They don't have to bang her, just an acknowledgement would've been good as it'd show the world reacting to the FMC corruption. Also, a significant lack of clothing corruption is disappointing. Yasui and Nobuo routes turned Ryoka into a bitch in heat. She should've revealed more cleavage, shortened her skirt and stopped wearing a bra (not even the leopard one). Also, no body writing or used condoms in post sex character model is disappointing.

    - Cellphone. Specifically, the SNS isn't used as interestingly as the base game.
    - Scene Hunt. I like that he bothered adding pixel sprite variations for some scenes. Like, if you stumbled upon Ryoka getting fucked, if you time skip, you'll see her getting fucked in a different position.
    - Route selection. I wasn't sold on this one in the demo, and was a little disappointed with it making into the final product. Would've preferred if your actions in the Prologue impacted the routes you'd end up on. Would've given people more freedom to play the routes that they wanted.

    CG quality:
    The CG is good. I feel like, we'd have gotten better scenes if he didn't decide to start practicing animation mid-way through development. Animations while decent weren't needed.
    Also, there seems to be a quality difference between scenes designed early in development and scenes designed recently. For example, the gangbang in Nobuo route was designed way early in the dev cycle. I know this because I remember seeing its concept in a very early update. That's why it looks so good. Compare that to Yasui route gangbangs, you'll notice the Yasui ones pale in comparison. This might've been avoided if he didn't increase development complexity by adding animations.

    Scene variety:
    It's decent but I can't help but wonder that it could've been better. For example, Yasui fucks Ryoka in only one fucking outfit and in only one or two fucking locations. The basketball outfit isn't utilized as much. Neither is the white top that gets transparent when she's sweaty. I mean the basketball outfit is in the previews despite being used only once. That's disappointing.

    - Yasui. My favorite route in the base game and again my favorite one in this game. He corrupted her just like how I expected him to. Broke her innocence and turned her into a cum dump. I would've preferred at least 1 or 2 additional stray NPC scenes though. For example, the basketball nerd could've fucked her after she stops wearing a bra during basketball practice. This way, we'd have gotten an additional scene in that outfit and would've gotten another stray NPC scene to prove her slutinesss. The guys that gangbang Ryoka in the car, I'd have preferred another set of CG for her with them post-corruption before the Saki-Ryoka event with them.

    As mentioned earlier, this route had potential for clothes corruption. Ryoka's school outfit could've gotten skimpier. Shorter skirt, slight cleavage and no bra at high corruption levels would've been hot.

    The route ending was weird. I know QOS is making its rounds in the hentai community but I don't think Castella understands what's hot about QOS. Seeing a little spade tip peaking through the cleavage of the character model of an innocent character while the rest of the spade hidden is one of the highlights of QOS NTR designs. Then, the FMC slowly gets more corrupt as time passes and her outfit becomes skimpier making QOS more visible signifying the end of her corruption. Case in point, it should've been a separate mini-route.

    - Oyama. I feel like it didn't contribute much to the base game. I wasn't the biggest fan.

    - Tajiri. I liked the extensions to his route. Would've preferred an orgy with Saki and Ryoka with homeless. But that's just me.

    - Diasuke. I liked it. Nothing much to say.

    - Masaru. It was hilarious because the game sort of implies that Keita got cucked by someone with a smaller penis than him. But, I can't comment too much on the route since my experience was soured by the route end not playing.

    - Nobuo. My second favorite route. Loved what he did with this. Would've preferred the brats by the river to have also had a go at her. But, I liked it. The corruption levels did rise to quickly on this one which isn't great imo. As mentioned earlier in this long ass post, would've preferred more clothes corruption. Like having Ryoka stop wearing a bra for all outfits and running around the village in a sweaty white t-shirt revealing her boobs.

    - Kurosaki. What an actual piece of shit route. The route needs you to beat previous ones to be unlocked. It creates a hype for itself that way only to fail spectacularly. The route has no mention besides the normal end of the base game. So, unlike other routes, there was no reason to skip the corruption phase.
    Also, Kurosaki is such a non-character. Sekiguchi being the sole focus would've been more interesting. He dated and fucked girls on a whim. It'd have been better if the route had either not existed or was a full on "Office slut" Ryoka route where Sekiguchi sort of fills in Yasui's role. Practically, he should've axed it completely.

    - Good end. Kinda weak imo. Would've preferred to actually play this one than just see some unskippable events.

    Saki stuff:
    I've never been a fan of her character. But seems like those who liked her in the base game would enjoy this as she has a lot of CGs.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I agree with some the people here, if the game is good or not it really depends on what are you looking for in a hentai game, so read all these reviews with that in mind.

    The gameplay is worthless, you choose which path you wanna go with at the start of the game so there's no freedom at all like the previous game had, so if you are looking for a fun game, this is not it.
    However, if you enjoy NTR, and played the previous game (or even if you didn't played it and you just want a quick fap out of a silly hentai game) you'll enjoy it for sure because of the top tier art, scenes, and animations.

    So yeah, we are all a bit dissapointed by this one but i'm sure we played much worse.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Im sure the route selector at start makes for easier programming but it sure makes the "game play" fucking boring. unlike the battle royale of the orginal scars, After is a completely linear scene collector. Granted most of those scenes are good with a few exceptions (was the close up of oyama's ass really necessary?).

    the animations don't really add much and some just look janky.

    for a positive note: there is a lot more saki content if thats your thing.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR Rating:
    • You have played SoS1 and wanted to see more of each route: 5/5
    • You have NOT played SoS1 and just looking for a good NTR story: 3/5
    • You are looking for an actual game: 1/5

    This is why the reviews are so divisive...because it really isnt meant for everyone.

    You will get the most out of this game if you play this as an extension of 1. Like you might even want to go back and refresh your memory of a specific route before continuing here because they are THAT intertwined. Stories here will make 0 sense if you did not play SoS1.

    Honestly this should have just been a DLC of the base game where the additonal contents are added, but perhaps there are technical reasons why it was not.

    That being said, if you enjoyed the scenes of SoS1, you will have a blast here.
    They even added animations to some scenes (y)