Disclaimer, a while ago i started downloading and playing Ren'py and Unity games, simply based on their rating (everything above 3 Stars) and not based on whether i "think" they are good or not.
And so Schooling was also on the line, and oh boy oh boy was my gut feeling right

I honestly dont understand how so many games get so many 5STARS WOOP GREAT GAME, HUUGE POTENTIAL reviews and this is no exception
The Renders : They are good, not the best out there but kinda Average in quality.
The English : Im no native English speaker myself, so take my judgement with a grain of salt. However, to judge the English in this game, you dont have to Study it. Its not the worst i've come across, but it makes the playoffs for sure.
In the beginning i really thought i wont mind that much, but the longer i played the more it became a problem.
The Girls : Well here i cant really be objective, cause you either like them or not, there is no real inbetween. I do like them but mainly because they are not one of the 50 Faces you see all over the place.
The Characters i.e whats behind the Pretty Face : Not much, like super weird nymphos that you know nothing about other than that they open their legs for you, describes it the best probably.
The Story : You go to School, you fuck around, the end. That sounds harsh but thats about it, sure you have to do some quests and talk to people to get your quests done and whatnot, but there is no real Story that somehow connects it all together.
Special mentions i.e the UI and the like : The UI is okish, for the most Part its good to handle, some buttons are in weird places but thats not game breaking. After opening the quest menu for the 5th time, you got it that the close button is on the bottom right instead of the top, but still weird.
TL : DR Another Game i dont really understand how it could end up with a rating above 3 Stars. Only download this if you can handle terrible Google Translate and can get over the fact that you play a dude that looks like a 12 year old.