Unity - Seaside Mystery [v0.29.2] [KsT]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v 26.1 this game shows enormous potential along the lines of the previous game by the same creator.
    It suffers from a fairly streamlined experience, but comparatively few bugs compared to the amount of gameplay.
    The build up is slow, and requires some patience, but like the previous title, Seaside opens up to more and more interesting encounters, albeit with very little choice for now.
    With that out of the way, if you like the unity engine as a platform, if you like being able to customize all your LIs (with progress unlocking more options), if you want to dive into a story with an actual arch, then this is a game for you.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It feels harsh to give a game like this 3 stars, but its an incredibly long and grindy game that calls itself a sandbox/freeroam when you can't really do any of that because if you dont do events in a exact certain order the game doesnt progress at all. Similar to the the dev's previous game "The Twist" except this time instead of using an external walkthrough you get to use one built into the game ... yay...

    The sex scenes are good and I enjoy most of the characters but the grind for some of these characters is absurd, it makes sense that Brenda and Emily have a long build up but for the others ones (especially Janice) its just annoying and tedious to progress their story because every time you think you're finally going to fuck them they actually just give you a handjob instead. And keep in mind you HAVE to progress these annoying blueball scenarios to progress every other character so everything just feels like a waste of time.

    Certain events are hard to get due to what the characters do at the location are random and some days you just spend the entire day skipping waiting for a character to be doing a certain activity and then they just never end up doing it. (Brenda in the bathtub took me ages to finally get).

    The actual story is just a bit boring and forgetful, when you do get a sex scene its usually good, but I am not even sure how many hours I put into this game but after what felt like 7 probably even more hours I finally get the first sex scene, I kept playing and you can only sleep with 2 of the girls in the game so far... keep in mind this game has been out for years at this point.

    I'd just recommend to skip this game for now and just wait till its completed or nearly complete, which will be in a couple years. If you do play it you'll probably enjoy the content thats there but will be left annoyed and frustrated by the end of it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, let me say that I love this kind of game.
    For anyone who likes sandbox games, this is a great game.
    It's especially interesting to move and explore the main character in real time.
    Most adult games are played on a single, stationary screen, but this game is a real adventure.

    However, there are still a few things that bother me.
    1. First of all, it's an open map game, but the visibility is not ideal.
    Typically, games of this type have a button that aligns your view to the front. This game also needs such a button.
    2. You should also make the dialog opaque or resize the text to make it more readable.
    The game has a lot of bright backgrounds, which makes it hard to read the dialog, and this should be fixed.
    3. I'm not going to talk about optimization, because many people have already pointed that out.
    But I would like to emphasize this point. When changing from ultra quality to medium quality, the quality of the background decreases, which is natural.
    The background doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter if they're very low quality.
    However, it's a big downside when the character quality goes down along with it. The borders of the hair or the ends of the clothes are poorly represented.
    So I would like to suggest that you can adjust the options a bit more so that you can lower the background quality but keep the character quality high.
    This is because the game is poorly optimized, and playing it at Ultra Quality will cause a lot of issues.

    This review was written in the 0.25.1 version.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very nice compared to The twist, better animations, better graphics and better written tasks. Still not much content, but the game is being developed. Game worth attention and recommendation. :p
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't normally review games but you gotta give credit where credit it's due. This is the second game of this dev and I've played the first one "The Twist" and let me tell you it was rough. The game was basically impossible to play without a guide with poor game design and with things barely explained, and I went into this game expecting the same, I followed the guide until the guide was finished but because the guide never covered the following updates I was left into playing without it so I expected the worst, but no everything was nicely explained and easy to get so it already shows improvements from the last game. Graphically speaking the game deserves 5 stars, I mean the game didn't need to have those nice waves and water at the beach but hey I'm not complaining and again it shows another improvement from the last game, the physics and animations are also really well done. Character customization is also very well done with nice options and clothes to choose and I hope we get even more in the future. The characters are also really well designed. Overall I'm really satisfied and happy from what I experienced, definitely a nice surprise and I wish a bright future for the game and hope the dev can bring even more good things to the game, I'm not giving it 5 stars because it's not finished yet and still can improve a lot but it's a solid 4 star game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very cool, featuring impressive graphics. It offers a wide variety of characters with customization options and a range of clothing variations. The game has significant potential for the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    game has great visuals, amazing art style, and a good story. love to see this dev team keep up the great work making amazing games. just wish the updates were closer together and with more content. solid 5/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, great scenes, great animations, nice immersive story, beautiful models. And for the Tester before me: U can save, im not a Patreon, figure it out yourself (just read and use everything that it mentioned here in this thread ;) )
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I so badly wanted to like this game. Character customization is great and the ability to control the camera is also really nice. Other than that, this game is a masterclass in wasting your time and money. Most events end with item checks or stat checks you're SUPPOSED to fail. meaning you'll do most events 2-3 times just to complete it. Everything needs to be done in a particular order. half the battle is figuring out what you need to do first. YOU NEED TO BE A PAID PATRON TO EITHER SAVE OR LOAD. i didnt know that so i lost 5 hours of progress. This is my first ever review and i am fuming.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, great scenes, great animations, nice immersive story, beautiful models. Everything the Twist did great but now with better definition.

    The only con I could think of was the money-grind (but there are ways to cheat that I think) and in the Twist we had blue/red options in scenes (soft/rough) and those are not in Seaside Mystery.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, when I first saw this game I had low hopes. I've tried getting in to The Twist but the game is so unbelievably sluggish. Poor optimization and general lack of focus in the story was a real let down since the game is quite well-known. I'm surprised that this game runs so much better than The Twist. It's sort of open world which is kinda strange. So far the mechanic hasn't really seen too much of a use. This game could've just as well worked as a point and click adventure game. Honestly, it is the only downside of the game so far. Exploration can be a bit tedious but it is not too bad. The character models and scenes are some of the best. There is good build up and the story is simple and straight forward. Progression with the characters is also not as tedious any longer. You get helpful hints. There's also customization options for the characters. This game feels like what The Twist should've been. There are also recurring characters which is a big plus. Updates are also pretty frequent (once every 2 months) for about 1 to 2 hours of content (if you don't skip). And it's not just story progression and scenes. Updates typically also include new locations and character customization. KST is definitely proving to be much more capable than I once thought. I just hope that he makes more sense of the open world in the future. Honestly collectibles would be pretty fun! They honestly don't need to be lewd collectibles. They could be world-building collectibles. Like fun easter eggs to The Twist or something. Or a meme. I can definitely recommend this game for people as it is getting better with each update!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game , nice story progression , maps are good too , nice characters , i can understand 3d games are tough to make , lot of appreciation for developer or kts team if its a team or single guy , waiting for further updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Miguel B

    best game of the forum simple as that, amazing gratphics and gameplay something you will not find in any other game.. nice storytelling as well a lot os naghty stuff that is why i like this tipe of game to beging with.. and the developer dont save on the cenes! all very diverce and well made!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really has potential. But there are some bad things.

    +Women are very attractive.
    +Customizations are satisfactory.
    +Stories are interesting.

    -Walking speed is very slow (especially the city center and college are torture!).
    -No auto-save.
    -Needs a better gallery.

    I'm giving this game 5 stars because I liked the first game (The Twist).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed KsT's new game. I played a lot of "The Twist" but eventually I dropped it when became too long and I didn't had patience to find where I was in the walkthrought. The new hint system works perfectly. The models kept his style, but are better. The animation is very smooth and good, the scenarios are beautiful and the game runs smoothly too. I really enjoyed start playing now that there's a lot of content already. I understand some complaints, but as I know and like the style of the creator, I think he's doing the same, but much better.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Characters look terrible, especially the giant breasts,
    women wear high hells at home, even in the bathroom, really?
    minigames not avoidable,
    long loading times when changing locations,
    tons of typos / spelling mistakes
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a top notch 3d game from KsT. The Twist was good. But this? Takes it to a whole new level. This is like Summertime Saga if it was 3D and ACTUALLY delivered timely updates.

    I have to give points for a lot of things:

    • Great character models -- holy shit is Brenda and Emily absolutely gorgeous. Probably up there in the pearly gates of Mom/Daughter character models
    • The great build up. Seriously -- this is one of the best slow burns I've seen, and once everything starts to heat up it gets exponentially better. I've always hated games that had the love interests DTF from the getgo with no real buildup of emotions, especially to a stranger they haven't met until the game starts.
    • The amazing character customization -- letting you pick how you want your ladies to look, in addition to the plethora of cosmetic options and variants (day/night/workout/etc.) gives so much control to the player how they want to see their love interests.
    • The lewd scenes are fantastic -- camera controls that allow for not only 3rd person views but POV perspectives make the already great sex scenes even more immersive.
    • The walkthrough system is intuitive and easy to understand -- this renders the gameplay pretty linear and makes it clear to the player what they need to do in order to progress with the story. A big peeve of mine is having to rely on a .pdf document or user post to figure out the sequence of events to trigger a naughty scene, with no help in-game. Seaside Mystery's navigation system is simple and easy to understand.

    Some minor grievances, but not overall big enough for me to lower the score:
    • The movement takes a bit of time to get used to, but once it clicks it seems largely very intuitive.
    • Aside from that, the only other minor issue is that blasted volleyball minigame with Janice (but I finally got it!)

    Absolutely stellar game. Really helped cement my decision to support the creator financially.

    If you're a fan of slow burn games like this, definitely try out this game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    lot of potential this game , nice customization of characters , only problem is that dev should add pov button other angle buttons to experience the intimate moments
    load up screen slightly slow, may be rectified
    milf, teacher, roomate are all very hot
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Is the attemp ok? Sure.
    Is the game ass? Yes.

    Yes the models are passable but we have all seen better.
    Yes its 3d navigable. To what point, I am not sure, it is just a waste of time.
    The minigame encountered (voleyball) is absolute ass. (Waste of time)

    The entire game is built on wasting your time (not grinding, just World of Wrcrafting you to navigate an empty 3d world).

    The game is less than mediocre so far.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall: 2/5 - If this game were completed, it wouldn't be worth more than $10. No way I'm going to be a supporter and pay at least $1 every time there's an update just so I can save my game while also being a beta tester and having to deal with bugs.

    Story: 3/5 - I didn't get very far into it, but it was average at best.

    Writing: 2/5 - English is abysmal. I've seen worse, so I give it 2 stars. I found it really ironic that one of the first quests was to find a book about Advanced English Grammar.

    Graphics: 2/5 - I very much appreciate the dynamically-rendered 3D models as I think that's where adult games really need to go, but... the graphics/models really look like they're close to 20 years old.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - Gameplay was a complete letdown. It's tedious and non-intuitive and reeks of a disconnect with best-known practices in gaming.
    • Moving around is slow and clunky.
    • The user interface for controlling the MC is both inconsistent and non-intuitive. Game studios have been making 3rd-person and 1st-person 3d games for 30 years and the dev chooses to create a garbage interface because... not invented here.
    • Dialogue stops the character from moving, yet players can still change the camera orientation. Why? Seriously, why? Especially, when it's just the players thoughts like "I don't have to pee, now."
    • Hint system is sometimes broken because it requires a specific day or to wait a specific amount of time, or completing a different quest first is required.
    • The world available to the player is really empty.
    • Progression is too linear for the type of game.

    Lewd content: N/A - I never reached any. I gave up beforehand.

    Bugs: 2/5 - Twice I hit a bug where all of the user interface buttons never reappeared after clicking the Skip button. The MC wouldn't move (although the camera could still be changed and items like doors would still highlight when the mouse hovered over them) and the only way to recover was to quit the game and reload an old save. Finally, I think that I hit a soft lock, but I'm not 100% sure. After I read more of the thread and realized I might've hit a soft lock, I decided this game just wasn't worth pursuing.