Finish the peep scene without joining her, then go back into her bedroom and get in bed.I am also getting stuck at sneaking in to the bed on friday, she just jerks me off
You're spying on her. Waiting for the end of masturbation. GG leaves Brenda's room. And immediately you press on Brenda's door. You'll see Brenda sleeping. You approach her and you will have a choice (take off your panties carefully, wake up, and go to sleep) Take off your panties and drove to fuck her)))I am also getting stuck at sneaking in to the bed on friday, she just jerks me off
sameI can't seem to unlock Michelles House, I'm stuck at meeting her at the pier and repeating the "its a nice beach" line.
Hello, sorry for asking, last night I asked where to find the air mattress and someone answered "at Michelle's pool" I said: Where is your house? and that person responded "she's your neighbor" and I keep walking around and I can't find her house from the protagonist's house.Where is the air mattres?? Ok in Michelle pool
The game is bugged for me in Michelle s house
The apartment block is locked? The new house is locked but that is Michelles. Janice is the first door on the right side of the apartments.I think my save game is bugged. I got a job to massage a Janice, but the her home is closed on the map to me. Anyone else got the same bug please?
I tried the door on the right. Nothing happensThe apartment block is locked? The new house is locked but that is Michelles. Janice is the first door on the right side of the apartments.
Yes the appartment is locked - that gray lock on it. I think it could be my save. It is probably from some very early game versions...The apartment block is locked? The new house is locked but that is Michelles. Janice is the first door on the right side of the apartments.
I'm stucked at Mitchelle quest too, can't go to her house.
Can anybody share a not buged save?