- Apr 12, 2024
- 9
- 3
I can't disagree with that! But the most frustrating part is that I have absolutely no issues on my end. I tried/played the game multiple times and never encounter any errors.On the bright side, at least this is great experience bughunting in your code lol, it'll be very useful for modding work you'll do in the future
Same game and same mod files as you all. So why it only works with me? I should get this " TypeError: a float is required " too.
This is the hardest part of bug hunting. It would be easier if I were affected too. But for now, I can only rely on your feedback.
Don't worry, I won't give up and I'll keep on looking later.
For those whose game crashes after naming the MC (especially for those who know a little Python), here's the code.
I don't see any errors...
label start:
jump namemc
label namemc:
scene black
$ mcName = renpy.input("Name your character! Max 10 characters", allow=" 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", length=10)
if mcName == "":
"Please give your character a name that is between 2-10 characters long."
jump namemc
$ check_name = len(mcName)
if check_name < 2:
"You must name your character a minimum of 2 letters."
jump namemc
$ mcName = mcName.title()
centered "{size=-20}Do you want to name\nyour character [mcName]?"
jump v1_a
jump namemc
label v1_a:
scene 1_a_0
show screen points
with fadehold
mc "{i}When I was almost 10 years old, my [mom] walked out on me and my dad. The only time I would ever hear from her was on my birthdays.{/i}"