VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Second Chance [v1.0] [Maks]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Thank you for making and uploading this game.
    MC: '' Mom why is there only couple of years age diffrence with me and my sister and i never met her before ? There is something shady about this can you explain please ?
    Mom: '' Oh dear i knew this day would come.So let me be perfectly honest with you. When you are almost 2 years old your dad and i dicided to take a break and in that time i met Derek your sister's father.And after that your father and i tryed to make things work but he did not accept the fact that i had a baby with someone else.Thats why it did'nt work.''
    Joke is over.Man this is the worst way of telling a story i mean i have seen some other bad writing and stuff but this is something else for real.And the story telling makes it normal like '' Every wife makes babies with other man every weekend so whats wrong with it ? '' Dude ofc he did'nt accept some other mans offspring.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just an awefull story and waaaaay to kinetic, Its starts by MC moving in with hes mother and her husbond and 2 daughers, from the very start she starts lusting for MC? next you meet the next door naightbor girl which are the whore of the town, doing drugs and has a sexual relationship with another girl, this girl is then forced on you even though you do nothing what so ever to be with her and her girlfriend? its idiotic, later it forces a sexual relationship with Ashley the queen bitch as well? no matter what you do.
    Also force sex scenes with girls you have already turned down?

    Its pretty much just the basic mindless fuckfest game with a ton of fake choices that dosent matter or change anything.

    Girls are pretty good looking and theres a decent diversity in builds but your forced to fuck pretty much everyone no matter if you hate them which just ruins the hole thing.

    Animations are pretty poor and below average.

    Choices dosent matter its all kinetic, it just change what type of scene you see and some are still forced after turning them down, its pretty much an all out kinetic story.

    As for music there are none its a silent game which makes it even more boring.

    First time i met her i dident go home with her, dident pick up her call, left her and her lesbian girlfriend when they started to make out in-front of MC which was also insanely weird, next MC goes to the park with her and get a fucking BJ????? why????? if you put in choices then make them matter or just make the damn story kinetic.
    You can also turn down doing drugs but then later MC will do drugs anyway?
    Also when you wake up so the mother dosent kiss MC, then she cant stop thinking about the kiss next day? choices are a huge freakinig mess.

    The mother also trows her self at MC when hes in bed and i went with dont forgive the mother route, yet MC takes the mothers side instend of Ashley?
    nothing in this story makes sense, same goes for MC droping hes pants to get nude with Ashley to get a BJ when you have been treating her like shit from day 1, calling her a bitch and so on? nothing you do changes anything in the story its truely this shitty.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A 4/10 game recommendation to those who want to give this game a try maybe.

    Gameplay : Most single choices don't matter too much except your choice interactions with your former role model. Those choices dictate a bit of the story, and how the ending plays out.

    Story : The story was so so, not really that great. It felt kind of rushed where you former role model just becomes attracted to you for some apparent reason. There really isn't much story build up to the point where relationships blossom slowly.

    Visuals : Visuals are also just so so, I would say worse than some other VN's published in 2019-2022. Things are pretty bland, I mean you can pretty much tell from the thumbnail.

    Scenes : Scenes aren't great. There are no audios at all, no music, and animations are made with stop motion.

    Customer Support : N/A

    Overall, I am not even sure if I can recommend this to be fair, but it is worth a try. Just don't expect much elements of surprise or a B+ tier story to come out of this.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a fully functional (+1 point) and finished (+1 point) game. That's all I can really say about it on a positive note.

    While I like me a concisely told avn, the story of this game (if you wanna call it that) paces rapidly and it makes little to no sense.

    The characters are all one-dimensional and/or bipolar. The latter is an effect of the inconsistent writing and the poorly implemented love/hate mechanic. The story hastily wraps up with an infantile happy-ending. Well, at least it's over quickly.

    Here are some things that I found just really odd:
    - Every time your friends smoke weed you get to choose if you want to join
    - The reefer chick keeps referring to herself in third person (who does that?)
    - I had the harem ending and didn't even know who wifey no. 4 was
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    OK OK renders

    your average 'MC returns to Mom after a decade' story but nothing wrong with it
    but the dialogues and the actual story writing is Dogshit.

    Mom takes no time to jump on Mc's dick and all she has to say is
    'oh no, I am doing this to son, this is so wrong' but her actions show literally no hesitancy.
    The concept of Taboo love is there but very badly executed.

    Dialogues are extremely short and badly written.
    A scene that should be a 2-3 minutes full of dialogue exchange, gets over in 15-20 seconds.
    thats how ridiculous it is.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's important to take in consideration the time this vn was made, for the good and bad aspects, and for me the worst aspect is writing, I like the kind of fetish this type of vn tries to do, but the development of the plot feels ver average at best. Theres some good things if one tries to find them.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game graphics, the sex scenes and the story-telling and how your choices can branch the story in at least 2 ways, others way can minorly change the dialogues between certain characters. The amount of content for me I found it appealing and hot. I really like the decisions you can make which affects how the story goes,
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    After reading many of the reviews I decided to give this a whirl, just to see what it was about, and understand the wild swings of opinion in reviews.

    First this is a VN, or two VN stories within one. One choice at the beginning sets the path you are on and you get to see a interesting story play out based on that choice. A few other selections later on can make some minor changes in dialogue and encounters with side girls. Forgive your Mother/Do not Forgive your Mother, seem to be the only choice that truly matter.

    I played the "Forgive" path first and found an interesting story, with better than average graphics. The dialogues were well done , and I wasn't torn about who the Mother was and things that she has done (some reviewers were pretty harsh about her character) very wholesome ending (wholesome in a incesty way) but pretty well done and a nice VN.

    The not forgive/harem path was a little more convoluted, harsher, and I didn't enjoy it as much. Still very interesting.

    If you are a fan of good graphics, incest (Mom/Son) pregnancy endings are there as well, go for it. Fast paced, but not crazy so.

    Only three stars..the Not forgiven path was a little out there so I dropped a star. It wasn't a mind bending or long experience, it was an evening, a quick fap experience.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is solid game with medium amount of sex content. The graphics and renders is quite good. The story is around average. The endings are interesting. I would like there more clothes teasing. Overall it is typical 3star game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't say I have good time playing Second Chance even though the renders are actually decent.
    The story is quite mediocre at best and the dialogue is just bad and easy to guess;
    The point system is quite useless because you are basically forced to choose one of the only two routes at the very start of the game and have basically no option to reverse;
    Character arcs are too plain and sometimes broken, especially in terms of Nichole/MC's mom. After the first few encounters in which the route are basically confirmed, she can either be a lustful cougar that longs for you or a complete evil bitch that strives to make you suffer. The transition is just too abrupt and you feel like you are basically left with no authority in playing this game.
    Also the most insufferable part is Nichole herself. She might be the worst mom I have ever seen in adult games: she cheated her husband and abandoned her son out of lust and money, and after MC/her son grew up and came to her out of respect of his father she was immediately drawn by him and wanted to seduce him as best as she could. But if MC hate her for her action, which is the most sensible attitude judging by how horrible she is towards his father and his childhood, she immediately despises you for not forgiving her cheating and accepting her seduction. She also despises everyone in the family except her daughter that she got by cheating.
    All these make the option to choose different paths even more pointless. You either choose "good attitude towards mom/MC becomes a cheater like her/lose basically everything he once held dear except his cougar who might cheat in the future if you can no longer satisfy her in bed" route or "bad attitude towards mom/MC has four-people harem/his relationship with his mom gets better and remains as friends/all the people around, especially women, worship you" route. Do the math.
    Overall, Second Chance is not a good AVN to play but at least it shows me how bad a mom can be.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    There are AI algorithms that can compose music and even write (very) short stories. Now imagine an AI would learn how to write VNs by analyzing other VNs. The end result may look pretty ok at first, but something will just feel a little bit off, a little bit too uncanny valley and ultimately wrong, as if an alien with no understanding of human psychology tried to write a story.

    Second Chance in some ways feels like that story written by an AI that has no actual concept of how human beings feel and behave.

    Now Second Chance is not without merits, almost all characters (other than the fashion store owner who has a very minor role) look very pretty. Yes, these are the DAZ models you have seen elsewhere, but when they are pretty I have no problem with seeing them in various VNs. And the mother character is one of the few that actually has a realistic bodytype, actually, all the characters in Second Chance more or less look like actual human beings and not caricatures with sliders pushed all the way to the max.

    The animations range from pretty mediocre to ok, some scenes are nice, others are boring. For some weird reason though the dev decided to have many of the scenes with the mother in almost complete darkness. You see very little. Ambient light exists for a reason and those scenes really need more light. This is an issue you don't have with any of the other characters and their scenes however.

    Where Second Chance really struggles is in the story and character department. Many of the characters in the story display very odd behavior with the mother and step sister character even bordering on being bi-polar.

    Some of the problems stem from the fact that the VN has two paths, the mother path where the MC forgives her and then the path where the MC pursues all the other females. The story does not always do a good job of separating the two paths. If you don't forgive the mother her behavior is sweet and trying to get on the son's good side in some scenes... and borderline psychotic and hostile in others without any real rhyme or reason.
    In the non forgiveness path the mother eventually even turns all psycho and tries to turn her son into a sex slave only to make a 180 degree turn a bit later after one of the pivotal events in the story.

    If the MC does forgive his mother her behavior is consistent, however she's a lusting cougar from the get go without any build-up - and that after abandoning her son 10 years earlier. It makes no sense really, it seems the dev didn't want to waste too much time with building things up and jumped straight into the action instead.

    The step sister Ashley is also affected by this, in both paths she can be either "ok" or an outright bitch and that changes from scene to scene, at least she eventually admits that she's kind of bi-polar. But she does have somewhat of a redemption arc and changes for the better towards the end.

    The other love interests are your typical porn tropes. Virtually everyone jumps on the MC at the first opportunity (the step sister is lusting after the MC eventually too of course), even if they met just 5 minutes earlier. Some LIs are of course bi-curious sluts and everyone is of course 100% ok with sharing and group sex so the MC can have his little harem in the non forgiveness path. The usual.

    The only really normal, nice and sweet character is the younger half-sister Chloe, but she's apparently still underage during the main story and there are no options for her, but since this is your typical VN you do eventually get a scene with her in the ending sequence that is set a few ears after the main event, she's been lusting after you all these years after all and saved her virginity for you, how sweet and romantic. That AI analyzed the VNs pretty thoroughly it seems.

    Actually, it's a bit of shame that Chloe is (apparently) underage and not an option in the game since she (apart from the ending) seems to be the most "normal" and wholesome character in the VN and would be, in the real world, the only one really worth building a life with, I believe the term for that is "waifu material", since everyone else is a bit crazy.

    This VN has one of the rare stories where you might actually feel bad for your quasi step dad, who is neither a bad person nor mistreats or abuses his family, he actually even helps out the MC here and there. He also loves his wife, but she is very cold towards him and with the exception of one very short scene denies him any intimacy, while she is lusting for her own son.
    It's also one of the rare VNs in which the biological father is not an idiot and actually a pretty cool character with whom you share a few great moments. So kudos to Second Chance for that, since most VNs either have abusive or dead father figures.

    But despite all that the writing is all over the board here. The overarching story is a bit silly (the step-sister's ex wants to take revenge on her), but Second Chance is at least fun if you just switch off your brain.

    And that is why, despite the very inconsistent and weird writing Second Chance is not without merits, Second Chance has a certain fun factor. Also, the VN has a proper ending and it's not overly rushed, you do get several nice scenes and a proper "happily ever after" conclusion, something not too many other VNs achieve. The VN is also rather short and if you have time you could play through both paths in one long sitting.

    So there are definitely worse VNs out there, Second Chance may feel like an AI tried to write a story about humans and ultimately failed, but it's silly fun if you just accept the fact that people in the VN are caricatures and tropes.
    And I don't know if the dev made excessive use of time cards in the game for comedic purposes or if it's meant to be taken seriously, but if you read all the time cards in the Spongebob Squarepants narrator voice things become even more hilarious. The time cards are also oddly specific "15 minutes later"... "20 minutes later"... and one time card even says "A few seconds later"... You get these time cards all the time when there is a scene transition. I wish the dev would have just used the original Spongebob Squarepants time cards to further emphasize how silly everything is.

    Of the two paths the mother path is the more consistent, but in my opinion the non forgiveness path is more fun. Both paths result in a happy ending, but the non forgiveness path is the even happier ending where virtually everyone is in a good place.

    So Second Chance is not a masterpiece, the story and the characters are too nonsensical for that, but if you go with it you will have a good time, give it a try and have fun. Just check your brain at the counter for a few hours. If you absolutely need and want a good story, actual build-up and characters that make more sense you may however not enjoy this. If you can enjoy mindless fun and some (involuntary?) comedy Second Chance will give you an entertaining afternoon or evening.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The change in attitude in the "Not Forgive" route is just too abrupt, like literally in your face in one scene she is fine in the next she's suddenly evil bitch mode. In the "Forgive" route, the mom is depicted as having the hot for her estranged son on the first day they reunite. This is the worst mother I've seen in any of these type of games. The family route in this game is pretty unenticing: your mother is psychotic, the older sister is a major bitch, the younger sister is super nice but never got any development, at the very end of the game we get one sex scene with her and that's it. The plot flows like a roller coaster. The one saving grace is the rest of the love interests.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Solid story, although you really have to play through twice to see remotely all of the options. The girls are visually beautiful, if not a bit similar. All in all a decent game, but certainly nothing spectacular.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris

    The premise is interesting and offers a lot of potential, but I decided to play the " don't forgive" route and I immediately noticed that the story suffers from inconsistency. Often actions don't make sense, or charcters undergo bizarre personality shifts and mood swings. Often decisions are not taken into account and the dialogues are the same, which leads to nonsense. Another strange thing is that you can make some decisions, but from the second half onwards there are practically no decisions. So you can refuse drugs and Carol at the beginning. At the end you are forced to do both. The potential is there, it's just not being used, and the story is so chaotic and sometimes so stupid that it ruins the game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is average.

    - good visual
    - beautiful girl (not the best there is, but not bad at all either)
    - animation ok.

    - story is average : there is drug, jail and the "half sister of the half sister" issue which is a bit interesting. All the rest is classical etc. Edit: i removed one star because i felt like there is no story in fact. The events are quickly dealt with with no interest whatsoever in their consequences. If the "dark story" theme is your thing, check other works such as depraved awakening or acting lessons.
    - no music is a big issue/no sound either

    - theme is incest, so the need for incest patch is clear.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: great sex content, great ending, not so decent story; in general, I like this game.

    Extremely beautiful girls, among the best in the VN world. Well done visuals and exciting lewd content. The harem path has group scenes with up to 5 pretty female sex partners.

    The writing style is concise and natural; the characters are endearing; plot twists are mostly good.

    The game would definitely deserve 5 stars, if not sometimes stupid story (especially in the first half and in the middle) and poor branching design. For instance, if you are nice to your mother, then you are (without any logical explanation) unable to participate in the threesome and in developing the harem path at all. It's not because of any particular choice you made, it's just the developers decided to separate the two paths like that. (So if you want the best route (harem! :love: ), keep your motherlover points at 0 or below.)

    You are either fawning over your Mom (or "Role Model", whatever), or you are in the confrontation. There is nothing in between (at least until the late game). Some story elements seem a bit strange too.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Had an interesting premise but wasn't explored to its potential. This felt more like the average days of a highschool boy where u make out, smoke weed get busted, etc. The story though not that interesting still kept us entertained. I chose to not to forgive mother path cuz to me personally I felt like the mother was a ho who jumped onto(/impregnated by) rich Derek when she was married to our father then later when she meets the MC whom she has never visited after divorce now tries everymoment to jump onto his younger dick.
    Best part was the waifus 1-(My fav) pot loving Jessica, 2-Cum loving Carol & 3-Hot step cuz Reedley. 1 character that I felt was totally unnecessary was Mandy who is introduced at the last quarter who has no significant role/interaction with MC except when all girls have groupsex with MC still ends up as his harem wife in the end probably to satisfy those who have a thing for redheads or to just avoid that awkward moment when Jessica & Carol are pregnant at same time but Reedley wasn't. I was really impressed with the slut mom when she literally blackmailed the MC into giving his D after turning down all her advances.
    Most sex animations are done well, good character models, NO MUSIC/SOUND WTF:(
    Overall not that great but still has its own entertaining moments here & there.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    an interesting premise not executed very well. The issue here isn't the narrative per se but that the paths are too extreme. You can either forgive your mother, locking yourself out of pretty much all other LI content or not forgive your mother in which case you are an absolute asshole to her while she tries to earnestly make up for her mistakes. On top of that the writing isn't really that great. The models are nice looking if generic and the sex is passable. Overall a really generic AVN worth a playthrough if you've got nothing better to play
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This will make the total ratings go to 70 so don't hate me for leaving it at 69 :)

    It is a fast paced story that feels like a football game. You know a little of the character backstory? Then lets pass the ball on and on until you start scoring goals (the *ahem* moment)

    I believe this is a very generic 'slice-of-life' AVN type and trope. Look at the tags and decide if it is your game or not.
    Its either you love or hate it.

    - 5*

    Story - 4* (liked the ending where it gives a conclusion to all the characters as well as the 'bad karma' dude)

    Gameplay - 4*

    Total - 4*

    Chloe is best girl! Her matured model is hot :p
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    this review is related to my own taste and opinion

    overall this is the first time to play a game and be so attached to it the game is so pure it's woow mom and son relation is the best relathion touching my heart

    the render (8/10)
    the story (8/10)
    animation (7/10)
    decisions (7/10)

    totally 30/40