HTML - Secret Taboo [v0.3.2] [Livervt]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has excelent visuals, nice progress speed and mediocre writing. Story is very trivial as with all other bimbo corruption games, but it is well made and starts off gradually. So far the only thing I miss in it is motivation for the MC. Besides corruption, there is not much more driving the story. Maybe it was designed that way.. who knows.
    A place for improvement would be a brother/sister and maybe male MC with an option to change gender or go to trans. But that would complicate it quite a lot. (although the game would be much more diverse - no pun intended). Another thing is there are videos playing in the middle screen, a image of the MC on the left side and another one on the right side, representing the other character during a conversation or sex. However the left side is also video (or gif) sometimes which can be distracting. The UI is a bit overcrowded and instead of volume slider, gym pass, etc. I would appreciate having list of "quests" on the main page like: In 3 days: go there and do that. The stats are a bit messed, since Relationship can be easily boosted to 100%, while corruption takes ages. Due to to the Levels of corruption introduced, sometimes the events I do produce corruption or relationship, but stats stay at zero. So they don't really matter much. I think it is best to either remove Mom/Dad corror make it matter. Clothes choice can be improved. and more gradual. The overall feeling is that game needs some re-balancing and simplifying.

    Waiting for new and interesting updates!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.6

    This is something of a dying breed: An HTML-based game that is not about gender-switching or sissification. However, it is about corruption and bimbo-ification and so the dynamics and plot-structures are pretty much the same.

    The game revolves around a basic teenager who suddenly becomes aware of sex through an impossibly fast school-friend. For reasons that are never made clear, the realisation that one of her school friends is getting railed by her dad inspires the MC to follow her example and so the game's grind revolves around a) getting hotter by working out, b) looking hotter by getting a job that allows you to buy more revealing clothes, and c) slowly seducing your parents while trying not to exhaust yourself in the process.

    All of this is very familiar and none of it is particularly well thought-through or balanced. The game makes it clear that there are systems being affected by the daily grind but it's all quite linear in so far as you get hotter and so find it easier to corrupt, and so find it easier to unlock scenes.

    This lack of balance does create some interesting effects as one of the game's few innovations is allowing you to switch to the viewpoint of an NPC for a single scene when they go off and get fucked. There are also moments where your character stumbles across people having sex or gets propositioned and these encounters serve to massively increase your corruption level and give a nice glimpse of a much larger and more perverted world lurking just beyond the horizon of days spent chastely flirting with teachers and letting your dad look down your top. It's a nice effect and a real change from the gradual expansion of perversion that features in most grindy HTML games but I will be intrigued to see how the dev handles this going forward. I mean... if your friend is fucking his sister in the first twenty minutes and you're fucking your dad in the first hour while the game is going 'this is really basic shit' then the game really does need to deliver on that promise going forward.

    As of version 1.6, there are loads of sub-systems and mini-games and you can tell that the game has been designed with room to expand but there are definitely bugs (I couldn't get the office stuff to work at all) and the lack of balance in the grind means that some activities feel less rewarding than they should given the fact that they require a bit of grinding to unlock. There's also stuff like gifts and different clothing choices that don't seem to serve any purpose and the game hints at a number of different endings but I didn't feel empowered by those choices and I'm not even sure what they mean.

    Technically, the game looks a lot better than a lot of other HTML-based games but I think that recent releases like the female spy game have really raised the bar on what can be done with an HTML interface.

    This isn't a bad game, but it is a bit of a mess.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v1.6

    Overview: Power corrupts, also friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, pretty much everything corrupts.

    Story: You are a doe eye virgin with zero life experience who has suddenly discovered her own body for the very first time when you move to a new city where everybody has their own secret agenda. Or not so secret, since it's pretty clear how many just want to get in your pants. The English translation is passable, I don't think it is straight MTL, but has quite a number of confusing phrases and outright ungrammatical parts. The sex scenes are by-the-numbers and rely more on the videos than the text.

    Gameplay: It is one of those by-the-hour free roaming games. There is a help system that is fairly complete, but sometimes lacks some crucial details . Grind level is medium-high, with the early game money grind being pretty terrible and most of the better earning options not unlocking until after you've been required to buy all of the most expensive stuff anyway. The affection/corruption grind is usually a bit better, although it typically requires you to repeat a scene 20 times to max out a stat. The fitness grind should be done early as it increases your energy level which makes the other grinds much easier. There are a couple of minigames implemented, which are mostly "click on enough objects fast enough to win". Annoyingly these games play simultaneously with the porn videos so you can't enjoy the video without losing.

    This game also suffers a bit from poorly thought out UI elements. For example, you can become a camgirl to earn some money. But you have to click through each 1/2 hour show over and over to grind it. Then to cash out you have to do so in 10 credit increments, needing 4 clicks per 10 credits. Many parts of the game require you to be wearing a specific outfit, but there are only a handful of places where you can change, meaning extra unnecessary clicks. Weirdly, other areas don't require this, for example you never have to explicitly change into the swimsuit to go swimming, it just happens. All in all most parts of this game require at least one or two extra unnecessary clicks, and that adds up over time.

    Graphics: it's real porn in smallish and short videos. The video selection seems nice enough but they aren't all that engaging.

    Conclusion: The also-ran plot, real porn, and lack of any real gameplay innovations makes this a solid 3/5 stars. It doesn't have any major flaws but also no standout features. A completely average game.

    P.S. Is your dad ever going to finish his basement renovations? He's been working on them every day for months now. The new house really needs a sex dungeon.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    A very poorly designed and rather by-the-book HTML game about being a naive school girl and gradually being corrupted.

    Also the English is mostly broken and makes the whole experience unimmersive.

    Skip this one unless unless you want to play that same game where you got to school and gradually become sluttier. If you actually want a good one like this, play Girl Life
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game! I liked the storyline, and I liked the dynamics, though I do feel that the father storyline culminates rather too quickly - jumping right from like 25% to 80% all in a few scenes.

    But this is definitely a game worth trying.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes I'll give it 5 stars as of 1.14d. So far I see no issues with this game in the context that it's early AF but has enough content to feel like a 3 year old f95 game ( cough succubus covenant). Yes it's an html game and uses RL porn, 2 things I don't mind and even sometimes like. Is it tropy as others are saying, yes. It's a bimbo tf game where it seems at least one of the end goals is getting blacked.

    It is slightly grindy, but a lot of it can be fixed with a save editor. It does use "energy" and while I don't particular care for that, it's needed here. Events happen that really need you to progress in this way. 1 major nice thing you don't see often is you can increase your actual energy. I got to the point I know I had over 150 energy easily. Going to the fitness center really reduces the amount of grinding you can do. Go after school and on days off for 15 bucks and you can max out your fitness and get the energy upgrades.

    While the "to do" list seems a little cryptic at first, it's not wrong. There are just a lot of errors in the english that cause quite a bit of context confusion. Which is something that makes sense for a non native speaker so I don't grade that.

    Story is more interesting then I expected, and the relative freedom you have to really slut it out is refreshing. I'm very biased as I love the whole tf to a bimbo slut stuff, and here it's done in a fun way that kept me playing to the end of current content faster then a lot of other games I've played.

    Currently I'd recommend holding off playing unless it fills some of your personal niches ( like myself). There is a lot here already but there is ALOT of room to grow and iron out the english, bugs, and content. So far it ends just as things are getting REAL good. Only thing I would personally LOVE to see is preg content, but that sounds like a lot of work lol.

    BTW, go full slut at the club and'll know it when you come to it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is yet more proof that people here will give 5 star reviews to literally ANYTHING. Not that it's terrible but certainly not 5 stars. This game is average at best with typical porno logic, corruption etc. Same old shit. Nothing new or special here at all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that doesn't feel like just another corruption game. There is no real annoying grind that you have to stugle through to finally get to new content. Also, the built in guide works great to lead you to what you need to do next so you dont have to wonder around guessing
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    reviewed against v1.4d

    Good game. It kind of follows the path of quite a few similar games whilst having enough bubbling over to make it feel new. The story hints towards some type of supernatural element so that alone gives

    Not as grindy as other games too. Still got the issue all games suffer from where you are dictated by energy which seems unnecessary as it just draws the game out needlessly but it's such a staple of these type of games then it's understandable it's in there.

    There's a bit of content there but it still feels a bit early doors. Some hints of things to come and the like. Little to no mother content for example. Beyond one scene with a teacher there wasn't much in the school side. But that's not a criticism, just an observation, it feels obvious there's more to come and as a game it certainly feels like it's worth the wait for.

    Suffers from the usual tropes though. It seems the push is to have the MC (blonde, naturally) eventually become a bimbo with all the surgery therein and to get the blacked treatment. Again, cool if that's your thing but certainly from an early game point of view I didn't see much in the way of choice around that and as I said, it's a old trope in these type of games. There's nothing original there in that regard. Like the coming and going of the tides if the HTML game has a male MC, there has to be transformation and sissification, if the HTML game has a female MC then she has to be blonde and ultimately end up looking like a doll.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare gem of a corruption game where you cannot wait to see how perverse the main character can be, and how it'll affect the people around her.
    I just wished this has more content so I can actually play it again and again without being bored by it, because it's just that arousing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice Game.
    I liked story a lot. Corruption pass pretty interesting too.
    Would love to see more. Great realization of side bars in the scenes.
    Nice idea of showing perspective from different characters.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fabulous ! The most commons downsides of a HTML game are it's lack of visual content and it's bad UI, this game doesn't have any of these.
    The UI feels really smooth and natural.
    A great amount of content for a game this young.
    And a great selection of images and gifs.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks great, great polish an UI on Twine. The story whilst not really anything new is okay.

    But after the initial wow factor the game mechanics quickly fall flat and devolve into a bog standard HTML game click a thon. After about 30 mins in became obvious i was spending a good 80% of each day having to navigate back to my house then upstairs then to my bedroom then to my wardrobe then to the outfit section., in order to sect the outfit i needed to trigger the scene that i needed to move the game on. Dev if i own the outfit just put me in it if the game requires it.

    Also if the game requires outfit changes and lets me change at a location, like work, once my shift ends at least let me access the locker room again to get changed. back into the clothes i was wearing pre shift.

    The sidebar needs shortcuts so I can direct to my room, neighbourhood , city etc.

    The game is full of extra clicks when there shouldn't need to be one. Want to webcam, log onto you computer click do a show then click start a show. Why do i need the extra step to start a show?

    The UX for this game gets very tedious very fast. Its a shame, there a good game in here. I probably out 2 hours into it but 90 mins of that was just navigation or seeing the same scene multiple times
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The game fails to present a somewhat believable world and thus fails as a corruption story. The english reads like a mediocre mtl and the writing is worse. The dev does seem to use a spellchecker, which is nice, but some graphics have very obvious spelling mistakes.

    Integrated videos and fitting sounds are a nice touch, but almost every character looks ridiculously "porny". Im talking porn parody of a porn parody level here.

    The characters are flat at best.
    The main character has no motivations for what she does; sometimes not even porn logic would work. "Why not steal your fathers wallet" - "Ok" with no buildup or at least something the character wanted and couldnt afford. Thats coming from a girl that has never even lied to her parents before the story began.

    I did like the UI, but some clicks are unneeded like in the clothing menu and the clothing restrictions for sports etc feel annoying, since the outfits seem to do nothing except lock you out of stuff.

    If i am not immersed in the game and like neither the characters nor the world, why would i not just watch mindless porn?
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a proper good game. Well, build, good story and build-up. It’s one of the few female protagonist games that doesn’t turn you into a slut within 3 minutes. There is one big ‘but’ for me though. The start of the game is really good. But when you near the end of the update. There are many bugs and also the objectives list doesn’t update anymore or is not giving you the correct hints. I would like a ‘this is the end of the content’ message or something, now I feel like I’m running around for no reason. But I guess (hope) that this will be fixed in future versions and I won’t hold it against the creator (yet).
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    6 God

    Amazing game one of the best HTML games on the platform.
    The story is amazing, the visuals and edits are great, also the sounds in scenes and edits are just perfect. I just hope this game get more updates for now it's going well and I wish all luck to developer.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe I haven't caught on to this game by now, it was everything I always wanted in an HTML game.

    The corruption speed and methods actually flow well across the story. I kept going through the content and just hoping that I wouldn't run out because I always wanted to know what the next change in the relationship would be.

    It's also a perfect mix of real world combined with fictional magic/hypnosis powers that makes the game all the more interesting. I think the final thing I really appreciated was the easy-to-find walkthrough right in the game. I never felt lost, and even though I tried to find all the content without using it I would always know exactly what I had to do if I took a look at the hints.

    Just going to cross my fingers and pray this game doesn't end up in the sea of abandoned HTML games, because it would be such a damn shame.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely needs a lot of polish, but it's a great effort for a first release. Really looking forward to seeing where this one goes! Sure, there's similar games, but it's a solid formula, and there's enough new here to make it interesting. The hints about your parents' strange backstory and connection to lucas, the fact that other people in the game are *also* in incestuous relationships to ease the MC into the idea that it's okay, etc. Hope it sticks to the more natural corruption by being influenced by the people around her instead of diving too deep into the Bimbo/Mind Control stuff.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    nice game, times with a different story, let's see how it continues. Still has a few bugs, but for the beginning very good. Läßt hope that it will be even Interesanter, I hope but that there will soon be a continue
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A large amount of content for a first version and a lot of small details that really enhance the game like the video editing to fit the story more. Would have been better with 1 or 2 extra family members but again for a first version its already huge!