There's a genuinely good story being told here that's absolutely smothered under the creator's need for plot twists.
The NTR in this game is between the GF of mc and her MOM. Lesbian how much ntr content is there
Girlfriend?The NTR in this game is between the GF of mc and her MOM. Lesbian NTR.
i followed this one from the start and have replayed it many times, i agree it feels confusing but in reality there is for now very few choices that matter the most important choice is between the 4 routes, but no matter what you did before that you will always have those 4 choices, then there is one choice early in the game with selene at the hospital that will decide how a later scene play out, that scene could become important someday but for now its just a matter of taste, everything else before the 4 choices you can just play around with they have no lasting impact at the moment.any walkthrough I try to search it but I got no luck...this game is a mess, confusing in early playing...
there is very few scenes you can miss, at least until the 4 route choice, almost all sex scenes before that split are hardcoded in the story, remember you have too think like this that most of the game is the past, so even though you can change small things while playing it all major plotpoints relationships and sex scenes are forced no matter your choice, let me give you an example early in the game you choose too have sexy fun with kylie or rylie until now the choice have no consequence, another is at the hospital talking too selene kiss her and she will be in a later sex scene with your devil daughter the other choice and it will be your girlfriend on the phone instead, but no matter what you choose you will still later engage in a secret relationship with selene and cheating on your girlfriend. The first few choices in the game also change beginning of the story but with no consequence. Confusion is a part of this story and we have all experienced it but the game is really not that complicated and thats not a critique i love this game have followed it from the would be very nice if the devs include some scene gallery or maybe a pdf where our chioces lead us, i would like to see all the scenes but cba reading the same dialoge like 3-4 times.
Good morning. Blazing-Sun asked me about this the other day as well. I'll be honest, I've never played this VN. With that said here's the deal: I'll dl the VN this morning and if it's something I feel I can be entertained with (and not cringe every time there's an update I feel obligated work) then I might do something with it. TBH I have 3 other massive projects going on right now and wasn't looking to add another title at the moment. Bottom line, no promises for the moment except that I will take a look. Give me a few hours to drink some coffee and get my mind around what kind of mess I might be getting into hereSancho1969 Can you please make a WT and gallery mod for this game?
or selinablow=False
so that conditional boolean logic can be analyzed in the script. This allows additional code to perform conditional logic in a proper manner. This dev does something I've not seen in any recent memory, assigning most boolean conditional variables as text strings. With the same example, in this VN, they are being written as selinablow="yes"
and selinablow="no"
.Here's some teasers of the initial rough port. Disregard some of the sizing issues and whack coloring. It's picking those up from the VN defaults and still need to be tuned up. I'll work on the GUI for a bit while I debate on whether I deal with the VN's string variables as the are or completely rewrite the dev's scripts so they are proper. I'd seriously rather not do the latter as that would inherit that responsibility for every update going forward and a boatload of work. Anyway here's a few teasers (I'll add more later):
A quick look at SanchoGallery, not sorted yet but showing quick ability for sharing/non-sharing variants: