Here's some teasers of the initial rough port. Disregard some of the sizing issues and whack coloring. It's picking those up from the VN defaults and still need to be tuned up. I'll work on the GUI for a bit while I debate on whether I deal with the VN's string variables as the are or completely rewrite the dev's scripts so they are proper. I'd seriously rather not do the latter as that would inherit that responsibility for every update going forward and a boatload of work. Anyway here's a few teasers (I'll add more later):
A quick look at SanchoGallery, not sorted yet but showing quick ability for sharing/non-sharing variants:
A quick look at dynamic ChoiceGuide in action (I'll clean it up, it has my notes in it for tracking paths currently). These change depending on previous choices made and a more recent addition to SanchoMod. In this example this is what happens in Ep1 after just the MC's shower "jerk off or don't" choice before the end of the episode: (I realize the pics aren't all that clear due to smaller text, but if I upload the 4K images they bog down the post)