You are already overdoing this. You will burn out and lose motivation completely this way which is way worse than just do it slower, in smaller steps, which will keep you on track for much longer. No point in exhausting yourself after 1-2 updates if you wanna keep up with this project. One of the first probably most important priority of a Dev is to learn what he is she is capable of doing in terms of time. Overcommitting is bad. Pretty much the same way as it is in sports. Go too fast in a marathon early and you probably won't even be able to finish it.
You have to find the pace you are able to keep up with which isn't the same as knowing whats the absolute maximum you can come up with per day. You can't keep up with that in the long run you see. I know, you sooo want to deliver because you are excited, motivated, in the heat so to speak

But thats basically suicide. Slow down, chill a bit, turn down that raging inferno a few notch into a steady flame before it consumes you and your project along with it.
Now you know that you won't be able to keep up such a tight schedule in updates with the amount of content you hoped for. These kind of experiences are the crucial ones in a first project. Even much more experienced Devs are struggling with this at the start of a new project as this is an issue that always requires new answers with each new projects. Yours is your first one, right? Just take it easy

We can wait. (Not that we like waiting but we have to:coldsweat

Its ooohh sooo much better to see a project rolling on on a slower pace than seeing one gets abandoned after an update or two!