Unreal Engine - Seed of the Dead 2: Sweet Home + Charm Song DLC [v2.10] [TeamKRAMA]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally for some reason I only had version 1.32 from DLSite of this game so finding the complete version was awesome.

    Can't wait to see what content I missed since this is the full COMPLETE game.

    Hopefully something very ara ara R-18 worthy.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The worst thing about this game is the optimization.

    Everything else is a huge step up from the first game.
    Every girl has something appealing about her.
    Running and gunning through the levels is decent.
    You find items that you gift to the girls back in the hubs for progression. Once you have enough there is a scene and they level up and gain better stats.

    The DLC adds a whole new idol management mini game and a few more levels. At the end you can unlock some nice costumes as well.

    I recommend focusing on 1 girl bcs if you want everything for every girl it will be quite grindy.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is all over place.

    NTR can be turned off as simple as turning it off in the settings. (Thank you devs)

    The graphics are terrible with just anime girls stuffed into it which makes it art wise very confusing and unappealling at time.

    The guns are fine by itself but they are misplaced, the MC holds them very awkwardly which is my biggest complaint. And there are some silly weapons such as a Vibrator that electricutes targets.

    The dialogues are mostly fine but there are the occasional translation errors but they are forgivable. Small team afterall.

    The Character are well done, Good designs and the personalities are okay. The H-scenes can be scuffed at times as the dick often is not really penetrating the puss or arse and is also misplaced.

    Sadly there is no customization for the MC himself but you can Customize the Girls with unlockables, Outfits and Sliders... Boobs and Butt slider can be bought as an gift item! You can also get sliders for the head too. The game excels in this area.

    You can unlock an Onsen (Hot Spring), A Bathroom, Restroom, Armory, Lab and you can get scenes there with specific girl in those.

    The bond stories are pretty alright, Nothing to write home about it but H-scenes are not in every episode which is a nice addition, It shouldn't be all sex.

    The performance is alright, As stated by reviewers, You need a decent GPU, My RX580 had some dips in perfomance in some areas. The game will crash if your PC is alittle unstable like when overclocking RAM like I did. But it will not crash otherwise.

    The main story is a little poor in writing, And it is short as it ends after act 8 if you only play without the DLC.

    The grind is entirely optional if you want cosmetics like the earlier mentioned sliders, You can find outfits though rare in the acts.

    The AI is mostly crap, your companion will sometimes run away from if you approach them, It gets annoying if you want to heal them.

    But for some reason, Despite all the negatives, I really like this game.

    6/10, Can be better if more effort went to animations
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It doesn't crash.

    Nicest thing I can say about it. Graphics are ugle, models are mediocre, gameplay is tedious while the game is tediously long, even the guro is cheap. Stick with the first game, that wasn't any good either but managed to be far less annoying and cheap feeling than this one.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    It's L4D2, but the benefit of playing alone since most of us here don't have friends.

    But no seriously, this game is great. Engaging characters with actual fun gameplay. People may say it's grindy, but I think it's just right as you occasionally need to go back to earlier levels to fetch items as side quests (Dunno if that applies to non-NTR runs). I never had an issue and felt that the progress was justified and fair.

    Give this game a shot, and be sure to support them by buying it on steam!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I only managed to play 2 hours before giving up.

    This is obviously a Left 4 Dead clone, which by itself isn't a bad thing if it wasn't the fact that the gameplay is fucking unbearable. Everything from movement, gunplay, and even the sounds feels like something from a steam shovelware or mobile game. Adding the poor optimization on top of it and you get a frustrating and unenjoyable experience.

    I can't comment on the story as I haven't even reached halfway, but from what I've seen its what you'd expect in a Japanese porn game with zombies in it.

    Porn wise this game is also disappointing. The weird models I can overlook, and personally the customization options are alright for a L4D clone. I've seen people complain about content which I can get why, as the NTR focus is a strange choice and gore isn't for everyone. Personally my main gripe is that the H scenes themselves range from "mediocre" to "amateur SFM" levels of animation. Clipping is a constant issue, and they feel rather stiff.

    I honestly can't recommend downloading this game even with a full save due to the 15+ gb size file. You're better off playing modded L4D than this mess.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is, perhaps as one would expect, pretty poor, but considering its extensive and unavoidable presense, it gets pretty annoying.
    The story is... there, I guess. The girls individually have a semblance of a story line to lead towards H scenes but that's about it.
    The H scenes themselves are alright but many times they havent even bothered to make sure the girl isnt clipping halfway into a bed or something, and many times the genitals dont align either.
    Some different themes here and there, especially between the different heroines, but you probably wont miss too much if you just pick the one you like and get those scenes.
    All scenes voiced though, iirc, so thats pretty nice, and the quality of it seems good, though I dont have much to compare it to.
    Also have to say though, while not the grindiest game Ive seen here, you definitely need hours upon hours of gameplay that is mediocre at best to get to those H scenes, so youre probably better served by simply grabbing one of the full saves in the thread.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Great animation work, an H game where you need a decent GPU is a nice way to flex too. Bad everything else as far as H gameplay goes. If you look at the tags, this H game has amazing positives under it's belt; dating sim lite, combat sex, Rival love interests, optional gore content.

    The downside is the majority of the content requires you to either play half-erect most of the time or play the entirety as a video game and then enjoy the gallery, functionally making this a gallery H game. You can't see almost all of the H scenes without progressing through Left 4 Dead-esk gameplay levels and story content. The combat sex which would have saved you from the monotony is a simple looped animation on playback with no further complication nor mention. Game over scenes are the gore related content always as well, and the NTR is nukige mode making the dating sim just a grind and dine, and later turns into just cuckloidry if you want with the DLC.

    This is a bad H game due to poor or half assed mechanic implementation that relies on gallery mode for all your needs. I recommend you use a full save if you must see the H content and play the game if you need a fix for a worse L4D. Much like the first Seed of the Dead, it has potential is all I can really give it credit for.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though I'm not satisfied with every part of the game, I can't give it less than 5 stars, since it has brought me so much joy and good memories. Starting from the discovery of the home town, including the zombie massacre and the ntr events, I had a lot of fun hours, and I rarely experience anything like that among the adult games. But now I don't exactly want to write about these fun times, but rather about those elements that made me feel a bit lacking.

    In this game, the focus is mainly on the heroines. Their personalities are unique and engaging, their looks are particularly attractive, and their voice actors are commendable.
    Every player could rightly assume at first, the real goal of the game is to "conquer" these heroines hearts with our "heroic deeds" during the missions and through the adventures we went through together. But that's not what happens.
    This relationship build-up between the MC and the heroines takes place in a form of a separate side mission called Intimacy Events. But even if you reach the maximum level for all heroines, it doesn't change anything in the main story.
    It's actually like having three separate stories in the game. The main story, the intimacy events, and the NTR. These three lines have no influence on each other. It's true that in a kind of game like this there is no way to connect these events at all, but it's quite disturbing that even after you've completed an ntr event with a certain heroine, the intimacy events still continues as if the cheating didn't happen.
    But since I'm talking about the ntr, I have to mention that the first three scenes was an excellent hit with all heroines. I can almost say that they were perfect, and matching their personality. The problem with the sequels was actually not that the MC found out the cheating, but rather the lack of creativity. From the fourth scene on, the story was more rushed than enjoyable, so the genre had no effect on us from that point on.

    But in a nutshell, the new ntr events were mostly about this:
    - Quite an anemic scenario, but eg. one of the bull just out of blue gives you a wardrobe key through which you can see him having sex with your loved heroine. (And I ask.. why did the bull want to catch himself at all??)
    - Watching a hidden recording from Hikari was somewhat more interesting since it's closer to Netorare, as they don't know we have saw them together, just the MC's indifferent reaction ruined the most events.
    - And at the end, the most heroines: "Ok, you caught me, I cheated on you, I'm sorry ...Oh wait, why are you turned on? Did you like it, you perv." ...I could say, in the end the MC was who had to explain himself.. o_O
    There was no tension, conflict, jealousy or any of the emotional reactions that make this genre so unique. The option of breaking up didn't even come up. The change to netorase was quite unexpected, and the MC accepted the whole cheating too easily. In fact it was like he showed no interest at all, which rather turned the whole ending into an emotionless swinging genre (when the couples do what they want without conscience), than any kind of ntr..
    Einomaru's event was the worst. In the last scene she rather became a brainless sex cyborg who practically admitted to being a nymphomaniac whore.
    Overall this object seeking as a basic idea didn't really work in long run. It just made every storyline somewhat similar and pushed the whole genre behind limits, which made the new events quite ineffective.

    The other topic I want to talk about is the Home Town. The place is simply brilliant and it's perfectly designed. It's clearly visible that the developers spent a lot of energy to perfect this part.
    I'm one of those players who like to wander around the Base between two missions or even after finished the game to admire the exquisite decoration, while enjoy the music and watching the movement and behavior of the NPCs. The problem is that the life at the home Base is limited to the main corridor and there is only activity within that.
    The localities of the Home Town, such as the heroines rooms, or the unlockable facilities such as the laboratory, the armory, or the hot spring, are only in used for a few missions.
    Kirara should occasionally go into her room to read, and Hikari could train, Aya could work on the computer, and Ichika could play video games. The residents and heroines could sometimes practice in the armory, and use the hot spring. Aya could go into the lab from time to time, and so on..
    I simply want to see as the life goes on in all areas of the Base. On the other hand, it might also prevent the npc's from getting stuck because of the crowd near the entrance.
    Some sex activity at different points of the Base, be it ntr or vanilla I also think it's a good idea, actually I really want it. But I only see its meaning if it can be in sync with each heroine's intimacy level where we are at currently in the game. Otherwise it's pointless. This also applies to ntr.
    The new facilities of the dlc such as the Inn, the Game Center, and Hikari's hometown I consider completely unnecessary and pointless just to be there for a short mini-game, since these rooms are not part of the Base according to the story.

    For me the new missions and stages was a great success. The new locations was cool, and greatly decorated, and the missions was pretty long and challenging. The new weapons was great. At the end when the zombies celebrated with neon tubes during the concert I felt it a bit excessive, but it was definitely good for the mood.
    Overall I'm glad the devs continued this game. I hope we can still count on more updates.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    since this game is clearly trying to follow the footsteps of left4dead2, my advice is just to play/pirate left4dead2. I still have it installed and for some reason I can play online with it through private servers. even though the servers are in Russian. but there's just no competition. a versus l4d2 game is miles better than this poor attempt of a l4d2 campaign game.

    to give some examples on how this pales so badly with l4d2:

    ambient sounds/music. oh no, this game is QUIET. the silence is deafening.
    character lines. i read somewhere that just one character has over 1k voiceovers in game.
    animations. sure the hair has a lot of polygons, but once you go down and things start to go bad very fast. the running animations for one, and how inconsistent the footsteps are.

    what's worse, said private servers has an active 3rd party modding community to this day. there is just no way this game can compete with that kind of activity.

    aside from that, the game also VN/dating sim elements. which btw you can just cheat through cheat engine. skip the clunky gameplay entirely and just jump straight to the animated sex.

    I feel sorry for the voice actors. they did a good job voicing the characters but they're stuck with pretty much a dead on arrival game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say that others haven't already said in the reviews?
    Fun gameplay, difficulty selector to make it challenging or just destroy hordes of zombies without sweating, VERY sexy animations, base building simulator, skill upgrades, a bit of dating sim, and what surprises me the most, some amazing voice actors that give this game a giant superiority over other similar ones.
    If you are one of those who plays l4d2 with sexy mods, this is literally THE game for you.

    10/10, I will support this project.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's not be modest, this is probably the best FPS shooting game that exists on this forum. And if we even add the porn contents to that, then we can safely say that we have found a real treasure.
    In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, if you like this kind of games, then you will not be disappointed in this either, but if not, you won't feel that any different after this game as well.

    At the first try the game may seem quite difficult, so I absolutely don't recommend starting it on hard level, no matter how confident you are. But since you can use the points/money you earned on missions to improve your skills, the hardest level won't be a problem later. And ofc your earnings will be also bigger.

    It doesn't hurt to know one thing. In this game those tons of porn contents we actually have, won't be landing on your lap right away. You have to "work" for them. But that's how it should look like. This game is not just an animation gallery which you drop after watched everything. You have to play here. But if you just came for the porn scenes and don't want to enjoy the game itself, maybe you shouldn't even consider to start it. But if you like challenges and zombie hunting, then you found the right place. Ok, it's true, if you insist to unlock every each stuff in the game including the costumes, then yeah, maybe it can be a bit grindy, but not terrible.

    One of the biggest challenges in the game will be to keep the heroines who fight on your side alive. When their health reaches zero, they become helpless and a nearby mutant can easily take advantage of the opportunity.
    The problem is that while the scene lasts, you are mostly busy with the hunting, and on top of that you are practically running a race against time, because if you late with the rescuing, you will fail the mission. So the best way to enjoy these scenes if you unlock the laboratory, and watch them afterwards.

    Another great strength of the game is the insanely good NTR events. Like in the most games, it's also just optional here, but it's done even better than in many novels on this forum that specifically only about this genre. The developers also paid attention to such basic things that these events only become available for each heroine if you have already developed a kind of emotional bond with them in the game.

    I'm just missing one thing yet, the non-mission NTR scenes. I mean, only then when you've already done all the NTR missions with every heroines, and you already just wanders around in the home base watching the npcs, there could be some random NTR scenes as a bonus yet. When the heroines randomly decide to go to their room with their partner to having some fun. This could be quite exciting.

    Overall, I think this game is a very demanding creation, and it's definitely among my top 5 favorites on this forum. Even if you're not a fan of the FPS games, it's worth a try.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't deserve more than 2 or 3 stars, people who say it's really great and interesting are extremely... doens't matter.

    Art style: none
    Maybe devs are great(not really) at creating anime character models, so they just bought everything they could in asset store,but problem of this is that most of the game start to look inconsistent since everything looks like you just downloaded everything for free to show flex on your friend who can't make games in UE4. Because of this game has no art style. You can see triangles on head of normal zombies and then some abomination comes with smoothest head in world. Also it looks like game doesn't have LODs or i'm wrong.

    Gameplay: trash
    Since this is first person shooter game with porn both should be good for this great rating, right? FPS takes most of your time since to get to second part you need to grind.
    Shooting mechanic is pretty simple and has no random in ADS, so it's like CS, but with extremely bad animations. Some guns are just copy with higher RPM. Also it looks strange that after 10-15 shots your guns stops gaining any recoil like it's done in Tarkov. In summary shooting feels boring because you can just pop heads of zombies with ak/deagle or b-hop with shotgun. Also when i saw that AA-12 isn't full auto i had my heart broken for this game.
    I'm not saying that animations should be on level of triple A, but at least you could try to immerse player and make everything look consistent, yet nothing makes sense.

    Zombies: not hard
    Even on very hard zombies don't appear that much of a problem because you can always find a place where ai can't make path(zombies can't climb like in l4d2), jump there and reset girls because devs so bad they decided to make this feature manual. Because of this you can just let game play itself and do nothing. Maybe scariest thing you can get is a tank which is pretty easy if you can aim in his head.

    Scenes: 3/5
    Unlike first game it has no unique scene after death for each heroine against any type of zombie, here it just changes model of heroine and each act has it zombie in game over scene, so it's just 8 scenes with different model.
    For normal scenes it's just ok, nothing that great you could say "wow".

    This game is clearly not 30$, you can always buy l4d2 for 10$ or less and get more with your friends with chinese porn mods or pirate koikatsu for scenes because shooting in this game is boring.

    If you disagree with me please post your(pick one): CS 2 rating, Faceit elo, BF5/2042 K/D ratio.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Literally L4D but its Hentai(y)

    One of the few H-Games I actually had to buy all because it was entertaining for me in many ways. I found this one time in DLsite looking for h-games to see/download and couldn't believe my eyes that Seed of the Dead had a sequel and it visually looked okay. The Combat wasn't exactly good, but i feel the passion, and especially on the seggs, Exquisite. most of the time 3d H-games you'll find are hella janky and this one had a little more polish(?) in comparison, but of course as time passes by, some h-games passes by this by allot.

    But never have i seen a proper FPS H-game yet so props to them, really hoping for more awesome successors. Gameplay wise, the combat was...eh, FPS animations were okay, but the seggs are good, not mind boggling but good. Post-End Game content was lack-ish, I made a mistake of posting my review on a discussion thread, but here i could reiterate and say MORE. Maybe it's because of my impatience, but i want to always 100% games that i deem entertaining, so i went through the NTR Quests, Costume Collecting, Base Upgrades and Skill Unlocks.

    Max-ed out Skills/Last One on the Skill Tree-Type Skill, are very lacking. They make you feel powerful but it doesn't let you progress faster, maybe a tiny bit. But still rather slow, You can run any of the Max-ed Skill, but it barely makes the run faster/rewarding, so i always have any of the Max-ed Skill with Ninja and More Primary Ammo Buff Skills, allowing me to clear stages faster. It is very numbing, it felt like i wasted so much time for something so little.

    So, Proposal. ☝ :geek:

    Make it so that there are some skills with HIGH amount of money gap, but once acquired allows you to mop up Zs super fast and navigate around the map faster and in ways you never expected, a game-destroying idea indeed. But this allows for already stupid idea to be more stupider such as:
    1. placing Costumes/NTR Quest Items on a seemingly impossible spot.
    2. Events that could only be triggered by said broken skill.
    3. Enemies that are only meant to be killed/damaged effectively by said skill.
    These are the only ones i could think of... but y'know there could be more.

    Plus if the girls can use active skills, why can't you?

    I hope successors/sequel of this game makes it more movemet-y, just overall better combat. And please implement active skills. I'm more than willing to get rid of the broken skill thing proposal, if this is implemented.

    Making this review because i made a mistake of posting it as a discussion on thread instead of making a proper review. :FacePalm:
    Likes: kark
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Game isnt bad by itself, considering H games are worse in general than normal games, but honestly it was waste of downloading 10gb and my time.
    - gameplay is like left 4 dead but way worse
    - graphics are worse than 15years old game and my pc was heating up like crazy to run this on high settings
    - girls are freaking annoying, they have problems following you and get stuck all the time, you have to look at them all the time and they get rekt all the time by anything, i had problems beating second level on hard and i beat doom eternal on ultra nightmare, like dude cmon
    - game requires you to grind like crazy and repeat levels
    - design of some events is simply bad, for example end of third stage zombies spawn on full-speed riding train from nowhere, i know its a game but im not sure im buying zombies materializing from air
    - overall game like this have potential, maybe on 200fps full graphic settings i would enjoy it more but still its very not polished bad game with H scenes that are okeish
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A must-play, gorgeous, fun, fast paced FPS game with lots of sex that you will not want to stop playing.

    • Beautiful artwork and animations including sex scenes.
    • A blast to play all the while getting you horny.
    • Intriguing story keeps you drawn in.
    • Customizable builds to fit your playstyle.
    • A good variety of enemies to slay.
    • Game can really get you going and there are scenes that are well setup for fap sessions.
    • Your teammates can get lost/stuck sometimes. (you can reset them when out of combat)
    • Teammates sometimes run in on their own or wander in the wrong direction and others don't follow them. (sniper gal is really bad about this)
    Other Thoughts:
    • Models of your teammates are anime girls while every other person including yourself are more "realistic" which I don't mind at all but a little strange.
    I highly recommend this game! Easily one of the best adult games ever made if you enjoy some shooting and fucking!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Made a tierlist for the pickup-able weapons of this game (that excludes the pistols and grenades)

    Here's my ranking:
    View attachment 2440331

    Rankings described (as tested on Very Hard):
    PulseRifle: Insanely accurate, you can hold it to fire fast, or even tap as fast as you can to shoot at lightning speeds. Headshots are guaranteed. Very large mag size.
    BattleHawk: Oneshots mob zombies in a single hit, even on Very Hard. Two-shots the lanky skinwalkers with buff. Very common drop.
    AscSword: The best melee weapon. Long combo, altfire direct hit can two-shot Tintans.
    Chainsaw: Second best melee weapon. Absolutely grinds through mob enemies, although quite weak against mutants.

    N90: A step-down from PulseRifle, but still very accurate. Has a bug that gives it the fastest firing speed of any weapon if you hold mainfire and rapid-tap altfire.
    MAS12: Best shotgun, large mag size. The only mag-based weapon whose reload you can cancel in case of emergencies.
    CM2000: Huge damage, beautiful firing sound. Has the same fire rate as an SKS although very high recoil, which can be mitigated by quickscoping.
    SKS: One step-down from the CM2000. If you don't have a BattleHawk, use this. Higher mag size and zoom but lower damage.
    Shot12: One step-down from, and almost similar to MAS12. Has shell reloading and is more common. Extremely versatile.

    SMG90: Good for headshots because of large mag size, very fast reload speed and very common. Another workhorse.
    FlameThrower: Even if it looks cool, it's weaker and much more inconsistent than the Chainsaw in terms of a fixed attack range.
    AP5: Good all-rounder weapon. Decent fire rate, accuracy and recoil.
    KA47: IMO worse than AP5. Has more damage but worse fire rate and recoil.

    GrenLauncher: Use it either as a mobility boost or to clear mobs of Zs, then drop it because you shouldn't be reloading this in the middle of a fight.
    Phantom: Pitiful damage and terrible reloading speed. The scope is just a gimmick that doesn't help in any way whatsoever. It should also show the critical hit spots of all enemies.
    Denma: Apparently the melee has a chain-lightning effect, but it's still weak. The altfire however is quite strong for quick mutant disposal.
    AR4: The burst fire bullshit on this is abhorrent and makes it ammo inefficient. Hard to score headshots because of the kickback.
    V014: A total downgrade from SMG90. Might be useful with the reload and ammo perks, but terrible otherwise.

    Moss50: The worst shotgun. Fires slower than Zs can mob and surround you and has worse spread. Just use a Shot12 instead.
    Katana: Slow and painful to use. The altfire takes way too long to charge and should not slow you down for it to be anything effective.
    RocketLauncher: Probably the worst weapon in the whole game. Even grenades are more powerful than this. Slow reload speed and a terrible projectile to even try aiming. If you desperately want a rocket launcher, just use AscSword's altfire.

    Weapons which are not tiered in the image:
    Molotov Cocktail: Insanely helpful and should be in its own S+ tier. It's actually overpowereffbf7fd with the grenade perk.
    Revolver: Two-shots mob enemies, infinite ammo. If you're a pistolero cowboy, you can use this for decent results.
    Default Pistol: It's actually a decent weapon and can save your life if you're a headshot champ.
    Fist: It does its job as a utility, but the buffs to make it actually decent are neither powerful enough and also hog up perk slots.
    Cyber Pistol: Worse than the Default Pistol, as it not only feels underperforming but also hogs a precious perk slot. Do not sprint with this weapon in hand, or you'll blind yourself.
    Sticky Grenade: Worse than the Default Grenade, as it might wander off 20 feet away from the danger zone if one of the Zs decides to run away randomly. Otherwise has the same damage as the default but also hogs up an extra perk slot.

    Hope this helps!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A good sequel, but for me it feels too long/stretched

    The first one was short and had plenty content.

    Here they added mechanic to progress your relationship with girls and It added grinding to the game... :confused:

    If they made it similarly to the first game where you get "animations" after completing the levels, or during the levels It would felt better.

    Instead we have very big levels with lots of enemies and pick up items.

    The overall shooting stayed the same from the previous game (maybe a little better), so the long levels drain the energy a lot.

    Compared to the first game where you finished level in 5-10 minutes and got an "animation" as a prize and got motivation.
    Even after completing the game I had to grind a lot to open the "animations" and I don't like it. I didn't manage to open all of them because I got bored.

    Replaying some of the levels was fun, but doing this over and over to get all the "animations", again, drains a lot of energy.

    This game is good, but developers made several bad decisions.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 21050

    First, I want to give a huge warning to anyone playing this game: The download on here is for an old version of the game (v. 1.103). The current, most updated version of the game is on Steam and is called Seed of the Dead: Sweet Home. That being said, the differences aren't major. Namely, a new mini-game (a pretty fun one though) that you get from opening up a new room (lvl 7), some very minor QoL changes, and access to seasonal events when they have them.

    Second disclaimer is that you should take ll of the old reviews and stuff said in the forums with a heavy grain of salt. This is because all of this is old content and they've fixed a lot of the issues that plagued the game early in it's development. The Steam reviews are "Very Positive" and I think more reliable as the game was more complete when it released on there.

    Now to the review. I'm not going to spend a lot of time or detail, but I will say it is one of the best overall H-games I've played, for two reasons. One is the gameplay which is a lot of fun. I'm not a FPS guy, but I do enjoy them occasionally (I played a decent amount of Microvolts and Counterstrike back in the day). Not going to say much more about that though. The other reason is the Hentai, particularly the NTR. Now, if your not an NTR guy or girl, that's completely fine because the NTR content is optional and completely non-canon. There is even a setting that let's you block it from the game entirely. The non-NTR content is also completely superb but I want to focus this review on the NTR stuff which is a lot better than I expected given some of the reviews I read about it on here. Some of the issues I've read are things like they reuse animations, the models are janky, ugly, have clipping, and don't align correctly, and so on. All of those things are true to some extent. But none of those things should be deal breakers in any way. First of all, what I don't understand are why are people not a little bit lenient on a rag tag team of upcoming game devs that are only on their second game and until this game make very little money. Their Steams sales on this game have done really well, so I'm hopeful the next game will be even better and more polished, but I'm totally supportive of upcoming devs like this if you enjoy their content and their potential. Anyways, more importantly, all of those cons are outweighed by other things. The voice acting is SUPERB for one thing and they do an incredible job. They really sell their characters and the sex scenes. In addition to that the actual writing is top-notch. It's not always perfect by any means but I'm okay with that. I usually focus on the highs of a game rather than bitch about each and every mistake along the way. The game was a bit grindy and not exactly respectful of your time if you want to 100% it, for example, but it has no way kept me from giving this game less than 5 stars, because I enjoyed the other stuff so much.

    Another thing about the NTR scenes is that some of them stick the knife in pretty deeply. They definitely don't hold back, and I'd say even one of the routes even made me feel shitty at the end, because I felt so bad for the MC and the girl and the guys she did it with were just shitty people. So definitely be prepared for some hardcore NTR and not lightstuff, although some of the other one's were a little light and kind of comedic in tone. If you have thin skin, beware.

    The models of the girls themselves really grew on me. They have very little facial expressions in the scenes, their models are very janky, etc, but they manage to do so much with what they have. The animator really impressed me. If they could get a 3d modeller or buy a better 3d model in the future that would be amazing, but I'm always extra impressed as a dev myself when I see other devs making the most of the limitations they have. In short, the models are mediocre, but they do so much to make the most of them.

    Lastly, holy hell there's nothing else like this on the market. You'd be hard pressed to find another H-game with this level of gameplay, story, and H-scenes mixed in. Yes, you have things like Rance and to some degree Illusion games, and I love those games but this is just different and most of all unique. Judging by the Steam sales, I feel like there is an untapped market here. I'm really hoping these guys grow and pave the way for more games like this and more dev teams like this that make dark, Adult content with great gameplay.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this is a true game, I'll actually buy it on Steam to support the Devs that deserve it.

    For the bad parts is that most of the weapons feel bad to use, zombies can spawn out of thin air, you lose the mission once a girl dies (at least you get a cool death scene) and the AI is horrendous. I hate 3D games but even so I can't help but enjoy this game.

    For the good parts it's fully voiced, the weapons that feel good to use are really juicy, every mission has a new mechanic so you have to adapt yourself, the girls bodies and clothes are customizable, the H-scenes are ok and, at least for me these are good points, it has good NTR and exceptional Guro scenes.

    It's hard to find games with guro as good as this one and you get one special scene after every map defeat. It goes from the generic "I'm dying" while the zombie bites her to even more cool stuff like her being multilated by a giant worm. Really good stuff.