HTML - Seven Sins [Ch.2 v1.7] [Lianland]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    "Seven Sins" by Lianland presents a unique and engaging narrative where players embody a 19-year-old protagonist who unexpectedly becomes the host of Lust, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. The story is well-crafted, offering a blend of supernatural intrigue and psychological depth, making for a highly original experience. While the game is primarily text-based, its descriptive storytelling compensates for the lack of full-fledged renders or animations. The writing quality is solid, with recent updates improving grammar and readability. The absence of voice acting is understandable given the format, though a subtle soundtrack could enhance immersion. Sound design is minimal but not a dealbreaker, as the narrative itself carries the experience.

    In terms of playability and performance, "Seven Sins" runs smoothly, with an intuitive interface that allows for seamless navigation. Bugs are rare, and the developers have actively refined the game, introducing features like tooltips and expanded character sections. The branching storylines and moral choices add significant replay value, ensuring that every decision has weight. Content updates are consistent, making the game feel ever-evolving. While some might crave more visual elements, the game's depth, choice-driven mechanics, and intriguing plot make it a must-play for fans of interactive fiction. It’s a thoughtful exploration of human desires wrapped in a gripping, supernatural tale.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is difficult to rate. For starters, I think it is a fantastic html game, but trying to explain why I like it ends up with some contradictions in what I have to say. So instead of condensing everything into a main point I'll just state them plainly.

    This game has plenty of writting issues. I'm not talking about grammar or mispellings (though the game has an ample supply of these too), I'm talking about problems at the base and problems at the structure.

    You can't strain much further into cliched territory than 'The Seven Deadly Sins' and in a porn game especially, Lust is an uninspired choice. This road hasn't so much been walked as it has had the dirt from which it's made of compacted into a solid foundation of bedrock. In a setting like this, a story really needs something to set itself apart, and I am sorry to say, there isn't any one thing I can point to as doing that. But there are plenty of small things that add up.

    For starters, Lust's characterization. I am a big fan of Lust's arc, at least in the love route, where she's initially annoyed at the lack of sex and progress and eventually ends up respecting the player's different process. One of the most important aspects of lust I think are underexplored in these stories is the different shapes it can take. The very embodiment of lust can't purely be a sex fiend who needs rough sex 24/7, because that simply ignores too big a subset of lust. To represent the entirety of Lust she has to also be interested in loving caresses and slow burns, the build up and release of sexual tension. Hate fucking and love making. And this is a story understands that.

    The second thing, which really shouldn't count yet it does a lot of heavy lifting for this game is timing and focus. That a story would have a good sense of timing and be able to estabilish events as being important or not important within that timing should be a given. And yet if you've played htlm games in this website before you know that makes a game a gem. The character arcs overlap in just the correct way to always have something of some importance happening while still doing a good job of separating individual important events to give them the focus once in a while. Not only that, the relationships develop at wildly different pace, giving a feeling of groundness thas is really important to the story.

    Thidly, the way the game handles it's archetypes. Most of the main cast is comprised of stereotypes. The affectionate little sister. The cold, distant older sister. The works too hard single mom. The slacker. The nerd. The prude. The bully. Having these many seemingly one dimensional characters required some potent character development and most of them get it. Now, as with all games of this manner, it bears saying, character development by way of mind control is the biggest writting crutch of all times. Need a character to behave in a way the character you've written thus far wouldn't behave? Mind control cum. Works everytime. The systems aren't sufficiently well explained to give the player an idea of what is and isn't possible, just the usual, vague "has to be gradual, person has to trust you, has to be horny" which...yeah, that doesn't tell me much. And yet, I feel credit is still due for almost every character development. Most of the time, they feel very organic

    Last and most importantly, the game is passionate. It's difficult to quantify and I certainly can't prove it but it comes through in the text that the writter actually cares about the story they're telling. Anyone with a creative disposition can recognize the signs, and even some fundamental building blocks from which the rest of the story was crafted. And that matters, because it gives the overall story a sense of cohesion that holds everything together even as the individual pieces fail.

    In the end, it all comes together to form a charming, fun game, that should really, REALLY consider hiring a proofreader
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I did not expect this game to be this good. This game is on on par with amazing works such as Love and Vice, Paradise Found, Become Someone, just to name a few, and many others. Truly a gem of the real porn genre.

    There's a significant amount of gameplay which is a lot more than what the file size makes you expect. The videos, gifs, and images are very well compressed without sacrificing quality, and the writing is incredibly good. It also has quite a bit of replayability which doesn't feel like a slog like some games do.

    The pornstar choices are also on point, which is usually make or break for real porn games, and this one nails it on the head.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Been on F95 since 2017. This is among the best of the best. Especially if real porn is your preferred genre. There are a lot of very positive reviews that describe the game well. I will say real porn games present their own unique challenges and Lianland does a great job of curating media to fit the story, and/or adapting the script to fit to the media.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an elite game, yes there are typos in scenes, and yes sometimes the same scenes repeat, but the choices in both pornstars and how their characters interact in this story are absolutely perfect. The amount of content this game has is amazing too, it is at the top of this specific genre of porn games. and the relationship you have with Lust is so good, that you really feel like you're on the same team if you make the right choices.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Laki IH

    Summary first, Seven Sins is well worth your time if you're interested in this type of game. It has flaws, as it is still in development, but most of said flaws are actively being worked on according to the dev. Without said flaws, I'd rate it 5/5

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    With a bit more development, Seven Sins can be one of the greatest HTML games on this site, and many would say it already is. Cheers, all!
    Edit: fixed a formatting error due to a misplaced bracket
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This ranks among the best sugarcube games on this site. Even though there are spots where the translation to english is rough it's content makes it worth it. The characters are not entirely two-dimensional in spite of cliche's being present. The game itself has multiple characters that are a slow burn and others that are quick and easy. The concepts of lust and shadow and their execution is interesting enough and there's a feeling of progression along with that critically missing element in so many mind-control/corruption themed games: Your choices do actually lead to different outcomes, different scenes, and different recurring available scenes. Choices can and do lock you out of certain content depending on your path, but unlock others. And the corruption/love/trust spectrum being on both a main-character level as well as the individual npc level is awesome. This dev clearly puts effort beyond the bare minimum for a wank-game in and is trying to tell a compelling story - which they are succeeding at. I am enjoying it and will follow and support it going forward.

    I have to hard disagree with the review claiming the protagonist is constantly being put down or controlled, you can certainly go against Lust and do your own thing, she may rebuke you for it because she's trying to influence you, but if you actually read the dialogue when she tells you who and what she is over time it's very much in character - in her own words she's about freeing inhibitions and spreading sex and lust throughout the world and 'encouraging' people in their own sexuality (to an extreme sure) - when you go against her it's usually for the sake of controlling another person or refusing to set someone's sexuality/inhibition free or build their self-esteem and force it to rely on you. She very clearly states that is a thing Envy does and she doesn't like it, but that doesn't stop you from doing anything.

    Further proof that you aren't just there to be put down - there are two 'bulies' in this story - one in chapter 1 and one in chapter 2. In chapter 1 there are multiple ways to deal with the bully and she has multiple endings, to my knowledge only one leaves her as a domme of sorts, in chapter 2 toward the end of the game it's obvious that the same will go for her - it's entirely possible to make the lionesses into docile kittens and Lust won't rebuke you for it. She does have some snyde remarks for you any time you choose subby-protaganist options though, but even that is done in a clearly teasing sort of way.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed the game. The writing is witty, characters nuanced and the presence of Lust adds to the game without being redundant. Sex is never far away yet it does not take away from the corruption going on. I'd say that corruption is the main theme of the game, a theme it does well as it understands human psychology.

    As for kinks, they could be more varied as it is of now mainly vanilla. Something that really breaks the immersion, enough to unsettle the pace of the game, is that sometimes the MC is white, black or latino. Highly confusing, was there really no other porn to choose from? There are times where the dev needs to proofread as spelling errors find themselves into the writing. I also can't help but notice that the quality of the writing fluctuates, chapter 2 feels more... Rushed, without spoiling anything.

    All in all, it's a strong recommend to play the game if corruption themes with the paranormal interests you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of fun with meaningful and interesting choices. I really like how varied the relationships can become and how much content is in the game already. Really scratches the incest and mind control itch while still feeling grounded. Looking forward to the next update.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Another amazing html game here in the site, if you like college daze you'll probably like this game as well. Cant wait for more updates, the number of kinks isnt that much yet but i can see it being easily added so we hope. also there is some interseting gameplay every now and then.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game started off a bit slow for me but boy did I really get into it. There is a lot of thought put into the story line, the actions of the MC and the consequences. I think that's what makes it really stand out for me. I would like there to be more of a free roam element with various outcomes based on the actions of the players but apart from that the game is fabulous. Looking forward to the next update!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best HTML porn game around. A real good story with the right balance between world building and sex scenes. 3 different paths with specific dialogues and images/video.

    A really nice dev. He is really active both here and on his discord. Moreover he releases the game for free just after 1 week on his patreon.

    Videos and images are carefully selected but they lack the coherence of games with rendered images. However this is a common problem for games with real porn.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What a wonderful game. Three separate paths, and a focus on narrative over grind. A story that doesn't need to gatekeep its content behind artificial gameplay gimmicks shows a writer who is confident in the story they are telling. I look forward to where this story is going, and the world that Lianland is undoubtedly building.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    review for ch2 v1.4 rebuild.

    love this shit , probs ma fav current html real porn game.
    great choice of models, and lots of them.
    funny dialogue , lots of choices and paths.
    lots of nuts lost to this, will lose lots more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I just have finished my first run on the game, Chapter 2, in love route for most of the characters, and I came here to say some nice words about the game. But, first of all, I checked the date of the starting post and I see that the game have been running for less than 3 months. The amount of content delivered it´s impressive to an insane level!. There are games that have delivered less content in 3 years.

    The prologue and the first chapter seems almost perfect to me. It have a good pace, the game it´s not just an excuse to put porn clips glued one to another, and the characters have deep (at least for the parameters of a porn game) and there are an story developing. Chapter 2 it´s not so well rounded, IMO. Still good, but it´s too cramped with sex scenes. A slower pace should have fit better my taste, having 1-2 sex scenes per day, not 5-6.

    A minor nitpicking. When the chars speak in Spanish it´s awful. From simply "bad grammar" to "I´m unable to understand what they are saying" in some cases. It´s not a big deal or really important for most of the players, but for me, being a Spanish native speaker, every line hutsw the "suspension of disbelieve".
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It is a nice game, interesting characters, interesting story, a lot of content, it is a good game to pass the time.

    My biggest problem is that sometimes the mc is white, sometimes black, sometimes Latino, it takes away the immersion a bit but hey, it's a real porn game so we can't expect much, and another big problem is the number of typos that there are in this game. the dev needs a proofreader ASAP.
  17. 1.00 star(s)



    Thus, it is disappointing because only what we have high expectations about can disappoint us, and in its prologue this game had generated, at least in me, very high expectations, given that the premise that the story presents seems tremendously interesting to me, the characters have enough personality and the narrative rhythm does not falter at any time.

    So why do I give it such a low rating? Well, because, if we talk about capital sins, the game suffers from the only one that I cannot ignore: treating the protagonist as a puppet at the service of the plot, under a false sense of free will.

    In games of this type I can tolerate spelling mistakes (I myself am not an English speaker), I can tolerate images or gifs that do not match 100% with the description of the action (it is very difficult to make an original game when resources are limited)... But for me, the fact that they present the protagonist as a "chosen one" capable of subduing all women, either with his own means (path of love) or with his supernatural gifts (path of corruption) and then it turns out that he is little more than a pet for his female colleagues, it is a red line with which I cannot compromise.

    And I am going to give three very specific examples:

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    In short, the game has a charming story and accomplished characterizations, but if you don't like constantly humiliating a protagonist, who is presented as strong and independent, just for "the sake of the narrative", don't even think about approaching to Seven Sins.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, it is an HTML game, so if you liked other ones, this is in similar vein. What is good, it is different and has good dialog, but has a ton of typos and errors. Honestly if you just read it, you know what they are trying to say. If you paid big dollars for this, maybe you would have a complaint. But the story is unique and fun. I would say the models are fairly similar and the scenes are kinda, what they had, not always in style. But If found it fun. I found it engaging and it was different, though I still went corruption so banged all the ladies. If the starlets are not your style, then skip this game as it is the same ladies. Recommend for folks who liked other HTML games like this such as collegedaze or secrettaboo
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The overall format's good, and the CG's are well-chosen, but unfortunately 'Lianland' is making an HTML-based game. In other words, the game is incredibly text-heavy, and the text is the worst part of this game. Seven Sins desperately needs a proof-reader to go through and fix the absolute mess. Grammar problems, spelling mistakes...even ignoring that, the writing style matches a 15-year-old with a semester's worth of HTML classes under their belt. Every other page is "insert generic pop culture reference here". There's a solid foundation here, but unfortunately if this is just being made by one person, it's not gonna get much better.
    Likes: qaz11
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    first game I've played that is on the level of College Daze. Great work!

    Characters are interesting, gameplay is very simple with a lot of text and few choices which makes each choice feel more meaningful