Unreal Engine - Completed - Sex Chess [Final] [Evil Boobs Cult]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game with unique unlockable 3D animations for each individual piece combination. The main story mode is basically like 7 games you play and is decently animated and voice acted albeit short.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Good for one playthrough if you are bored I guess.

    The chess is easy, the animations are short loops for each piece vs piece. Unfortunately not fap worthy. The execution was kinda lackluster, the chess side is just a weak ai with the same opening, and the sex isn't appealing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    love the femdom in this game, I had so much fun played it multiple times until I had finished the story and then came back to play random matches!

    Cons: (probably nothing but I am not very good at chess so I struggled in some levels), and the male domination scenes where you defeat a piece with your priest or king.

    Pros: everything, every scene, astectics, variety of animations etc
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly wouldn't give it more than 2 stars.

    It have nothing to "catch" and even worse, it have multiples things that "suck".

    I dont even know how to start this review... As even as a chess game, it's terrible.

    the graphisms are nice, from the distance (half-top view, classic asymetric chess board view), but if you zoom in, you notice that te characters are not that great.

    the chess itself is bad, as the "evil" (hell, or whatever the name) have like 90% chance to win all games.
    And keep in mind that it's not possible to play them (at least, i couoldnt find a way to do so).

    the game have some skills/bonus that can be used ingame, but they are just ridiculous and OP. first play, the opponent bot will instantly destroy one of your most important piece. (can't target king or queen, obviously)

    Sometime, depending on the move and the chess piece. An sex animation is possible. Wich resume in a pre-made sex animation, with bad sound and not so great as you can't see nicely and just zoom a bit and turn around.

    If you want to see how bad this game can be, just make a game Ai vs Ai, and look... the "hell" team (more precisly the queen) will kill everything very fast and easily, weirdest thing on that is sometime the queen kill an opponent but dont even move at all.
    meanwhile, the "saint" (whatever name) king and queen will instantly move randomly for being killed.
    i got the king and queen being killed by a random laser beam (it's one of the game mode addition/option).

    you unlock animation after each game, 99% of them are bad and useless.

    to me, the only good point of this game is the way the "saint" queen is yelling "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" when she point an opponent to kill it. I dont know why, i like her voice at this moment.

    Pretty bad in all point, and horrible chess game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Shy Pirate

    The AI has NO reason to be as dickish as it is. (Since when did having a cheeky wank become something migrane inducing.) The animations are just low quality loops on top of that. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, devs.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Meaning Less

    Had high hopes but ended up being a below average experience.

    The chess gameplay is a bit clunky, you have to wait before clicking and the square detection is a bit lacking which can result in your piece moving to the wrong square instead of the one that was exactly under the mouse pointer.

    The graphics are fine but the animations are very repetitive, there is basically a single loop animation for each piece, so after you've captured one piece you start skipping the animations...

    My main issue really was that the gameplay missed the mark on connecting sex with chess, those two elements are still unrelated and the end result still felt like you were just playing chess and unlocking unrelated gallery scenes as you go.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Idea is really good. I love the idea. But why it must be done in so cringy setting?? Scenes are... well, there are bunch of them, it's just they are not enough. Like looking at pics in porn magazine. No controls in scenes, no interactive elements, okayish camera controls, bad mechanic of switching scenes. Game is poorly optimized as well. Hard to play chess, impossible to jerk off. I do like chess however, hence 2/5. Almost died from cringe in title menu.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting idea poorly refined.
    The game consist of a chess game where you play as the devil servant managent the pieces, the campaing concist of 6 matches, on the first matches you will be able to use powers like clonning pieces but the final battles those powers will be given to your oponent.
    About the IA: it is really really poor that is sad some people in others reviews people recommend it for enw chess players. But in reallity I would advise against it because this game doesn't provide any feedback about the matches.
    The 3D models are very good, but the interface feels a little bit annoying. The animations in middle of the match are bad but you can see them again in a gallery, I recommend to deactivate them in battle in the options.
    It's not a difficult game but I believe isn't good for chess novices or experienced players it's just a little weird experiment.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun, just limited in content. I did enjoy actual gameplay and torture scenes. Magic makes the normal chess much easy, but it also makes it much easier to get the sex scenes you want. Would love for other modes (maybe like a puzzle mode or scenarios with limited/expanded amount of pieces.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    Too easy. The same combination. It's easy to win. The scenes are cool, but not enough. There is no interactive. The graphics are not super. The background in the game is super. The chess models themselves are cool. Who knows how to play chess, then the plot will pass in 20 minutes. The gallery is normal. The game itself is not super, but you can get away from ordinary chess
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's alright and a good waste of an hour/fap session.

    Chess: Great for noobs, boring for experienced players

    In a word, unimpressive. The AI has the same opening and tries for a scholars mate all the time. I played every game with the Scandinavian defense and had zero problems. Some variety would have been nice. The A.I. seems to sit at a low difficulty so just about anyone with basic chess theory should be able to clear the game. Which is a plus as this is SEXchess and not just plain chess. I can finally play the cum gambit and it will mean something. It could use a better chess engine and perhaps selectable difficulty. I did like the superpower mechanic as it brought a little bit extra to a game. It lets you spend your turn causing a special effect on the board from placing a mine on a square to straight up removing a pawn. It is surprisingly balanced as using a power is your move and you have to waste tempo in order to use them.

    Sex: Thinking with both heads is harder than I thought

    The sex part is above average for me. There is a good amount of variety and the graphics are impressive enough. The problem I ended up running into is that sex and chess do not mix well. I usually found myself much more invested in one or the other but never both. After a while I started skipping the animations more and more just trying to get through the game. At least there is a gallery option which is nice for when you want a change of focus.

    TLDR: Bad at chess, good at sex, sex and chess is a bad mix, power mechanic is interesting. 3/5 might nut again. Maybe with friends as it is multiplayer.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving it benefit of the doubt, because nobody has made a sex chess game for a very long time. I know only one very old 3D game, but it wasn't good either.
    The game is definitely not bad and developers tried to put effort into it, but it lacks of content and has weird or even bugged camera movement.
    The story is not bad either, but its undeveloped, feels like much more could be done in between matches and the playthrough could be larger.
    There are exactly 7 matches in the Story mode, first 3-4 matches you can use special abilities to "cheat", at the end you can't use any but your opponent does.
    I actually like the idea with special abilities, since it adds more strategic and unique approach to standard chess. But the Story could be better placed around it. Like each game you win, you unlock a new ability that you can use once a game and with the time the opponent gets also abilities, so you have to fight abilities with abilities.
    Also in the story you're only playing for black, what's also pretty boring.

    Models and sex sceneres are pretty good, you find a lot of different positions and even some gay stuff, for people who likes it, but not too much to make it no go for others.

    I feel like the game has an potential to become better if developers would keep working on it or it could be a good start for a second bigger game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I say it's "Good" nothing more nothing less really.
    It's about exactly what it says it is, I didn't personally come across any bugs.
    Unfortunately I can't rate performance as I have a 3080 so my review on that would be pointless.
    But essentially there's some semi attractive poses going on here.
    As far as chess gameplay goes, it's... Hard to say..
    As someone who is not very good at Chess probably a 500-800 rating on Chess.com right now. I play rarely in bursts of a couple days. -> it felt pretty easy. The enemy plays a Queen bishop attack multiple times and their defense seems pretty weak, but they'll take any free blunders you give them. The AI is easy to trap, gets into a lot of forks.

    Yeah there is one, it's pretty simple kinda goofy if anything, but there's voice acting and very basic cutscenes. You'd have to see for yourself.
    Even me with ADHD was able to stick through the cutscenes.
    If you enjoy chess, and you like sex.... Well It's good, try it!

    Edit: anyone good at chess is naturally going to leave a bad review here btw. ;)
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    So, a bit of context to start with: I play chess fairly well and I know enough of the original language to understand the intent behind the... story. To give a quick overview: it's clear the developers tried and put in quite a bit of work, but I can't recommend you go to Steam and buy this. I don't really recommend it for free either. It's not a horrible game, but it's flawed in several big ways.

    So what is Sex Chess? It's a lewd version of Battle Chess. Or I guess a remake of Love Chess if you remember that obscure title. It's a game of chess where pieces have unique animations for "taking" each other. The concept is quite good if you happen to enjoy chess. The models are good too. They are obviously where the majority of the work and budget went. They're both appealing sexually and unique enough that you can still recognise each chess piece. The animations are okay too. They're done with quality, but here is where we start to run into some issues.

    The animations are basically all that there is. There is one for each piece of each color taking each opposing piece. Sounds good, right? Well, yes, but they're also just a loop with some variations. There is no progression, there is no orgasm animation, there are no special animations for winning or losing besides the nightmarish devil TV animatic that I can't understand the purpose of. There are no sex animations related to the story mode either. Oh right, there is a story mode! Let's talk about that.

    The story mode is easily the worst part of the game and if you happen to download or buy this thing I recommend never touching it and just doing single player skirmishes against the AI. (Though you can unlock the entire gallery if you complete one mission of the story mode.) It attempts to have a story about a confrontation between an angel in hell and Satan, but it's neither interesting nor erotic. It's two cutscenes and a bunch of voice quips of the devil and the angel arguing as you play through the matches. The English voice acting is quite bad. The angel is bland and the devil's voice is frequently distorted with unpleasant noises. I haven't checked the Russian audio, because again there is nothing of value in the story mode. The devil keeps making crude poorly translated regional jokes that were never funny to begin with, and the angel just keeps rambling about how much he thinks everyone should forget games and serve the Almighty. It's not a very engaging exchange. Sometimes Satan tries to comment on the match or give tips about the additional gameplay elements, but these almost always don't actually match what's going on on the board. It all ends with a cutscene that I honestly wish I never saw. But okay enough about the story, what about the chess?

    The AI is very dumb. I have a suspicion the devs developed their own chess AI to fit the new mechanics they added, which would be admirable, but it still makes the AI dumb as rocks. I saw it make a move that resulted in a checkmate in 1 twice. No normal chess engine, even severely handicapped would do something like that. Does the addition of spells help elevate the gameplay? I can't say because I never used them. I didn't need them in normal matches. The AI in the last story mission does start cheating like a motherfucker with these, but by then you no longer have access to them. It results in you having to play down two rooks which actually made me lose once, but I beat the scenario on the second try. There are no AI levels either, there is just one AI and it's not good. I didn't mind the slower movement of the pieces as much as other people, but I can confirm it takes a while for them to get moving.

    In summary, I like the idea. I hope the devs do more in the future. I hope other devs try this again. Battle Chess was great and making it into an adult game is a no brainer. Unfortunately this attempt falls short in almost every respect save for the actual models. It is best experienced as a gallery of 3D animations rather than through actual play.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    It's Chess
    Visuals are above average
    Animations are well animated and high quality
    Lots of animations
    Good sound design

    It moves really slowly. You get an hour on the clock and the pieces take forever to move.
    Lots of visual clutter.
    Animations during play are fairly rare.
    AI is quite basic.
    The constant voice lines during play are annoying

    Biggest issue with the game is how slow it moves. The AI is pretty easy to beat but you have to wait 10 seconds for each piece to move, so it becomes pretty draining.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: Final
    The basic ideas behind this game are amazing. The theme with the demonic tones and the whole atmosphere of the game.
    I would certainly say thath execution of that thematic is very well done.

    However the chief problem is right in the title. It's chess. It's slow paced, has a high bar of entry, even if you know how to play it, even if you can win rather quickly it's still too slow.
    Especially being an erotic game, I don't anyone will have the patience to play (as far as I understood the premise) 12 games to unlock sex scenes. We all know what this game is gonna be used for, and nobody's gonna wait that much.
    The entire idea to play chess in this way is sorely limiting. Even with the addition of spells. Unless they speed this whole experience up in some way, or the chess part gets completely overhauled I see really no reason to play this game.

    Also the music is annoyingly repetitive. Beyond the point of sex and chess, but still get boring quite quickly.

    Definitely deserves credit though, the use of assets, the scenes are very great visually. And honestly I expected something much worse when trying it out.
    Even if it's meant to be the final product this needs more work to appeal to more people, but definitely not bad so far.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    IMHO this game deserves better than just 2 stars...

    Sure it's not your usual fap game, but after all it's also not a buggy mess like the majority of 3D adult games, and provides what it claims to be.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    - The file is super big
    - Graphics are of meh quality for 5GB
    - Ai is bad and can't get alternated according to your skill
    - Animations are boring
    - Camera management sucks

    I like the idea of chess with nice sex animations but this was just not doing it for me.
    The story is a bit funny but also not inventive and also without sexy animations.
    All in all not the best experience but not a total failture of a game.
    IF you don's know how to play chess this game is not working for you and even if you do it's weird.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    It's More Chess Than Sex

    I had mixed feelings about this game. I like chess alright and I am not super competent. I managed to win my first 2 games and AI was perfect opponent for me. Not too hard, not too easy. Story is super lame and totally ignorable. Superpowers are weird. You can instantly ignite enemy's queen or freeze pieces. AI can also use those powers. Makes the chess a little less chess.

    Oh yeah we were on f95 and I'm sure you're asking where the good content is. Well h-content is meh at best. You can "torture" (initiate sex) when you capture a piece but it's not consistent. Sometimes a pop-up appears after you capture a piece/your piece gets captured and an animation plays then you continue to play chess. Sometimes it doesn't appear at all. When you win or lose the game, a lame video appears and that's it. You can unlock gallery after first win.

    Verdict: 4/10. If you wanna play chess but with spicy content why not. Otherwise don't bother.