Others Abandoned Sex Machine [v0.052] [UraMomo & TheUnsaid]

3.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Yes, using skills (the ones that i most use is the slow and pressure) and getting "almost" all arrows (i get some of them wrong) my damage is 5-10% of their health, (25-30% of Rouge) but if sandsea_urchin said that i'm playing wrong, that could be too, i'm not too familiar with this kind of gameplay.
It's fine.
Seems like you're at least at the level of gameplay strategy.

So let me test your strategic thinking.

If Rouge uses Overheat what is the best skill for you to use?

If Bleu uses Sadism what is the most efficient skill for you to use?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
Well I'd rather not be babi'ed and talked to like I was 3y-old, so I'm OK with you keeping it that way.
Keep in mind, we'll have a 100% save and walkthroughs right here, 1-2 weeks after your game's out. There isn't any concern to have.

Looking forward to the release (y) I've long thought this was abandoned, lack of any communication and all.

Welcome to modern society, aka the participation trophy age. Meanwhile we grew up in the nes days when we had to try every button and thing we could think of to beat the levels and game and there wasn't a whole lot of hand holding.

The same generation that can't take the time to read posts on forums explaining exact things people are asking most of the time through a simple google (or other search engine) search (most of the time wikis), take the time to use the search thread feature for stuff they're looking for, or can't even be bothered to do piss all, because why should you when someone else can do the work for you to figure it out in the first place/ do research, or just use the tools available to them at all.

Rant aside, if you just want to honestly see the scenes, you can usually find a full save that someone who took the time to get it will have, different story if it's new content, then you'd obviously need a new one.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Welcome to modern society, aka the participation trophy age. Meanwhile we grew up in the nes days when we had to try every button and thing we could think of to beat the levels and game and there wasn't a whole lot of hand holding.

The same generation that can't take the time to read posts on forums explaining exact things people are asking most of the time through a simple google (or other search engine) search (most of the time wikis), take the time to use the search thread feature for stuff they're looking for, or can't even be bothered to do piss all, because why should you when someone else can do the work for you to figure it out in the first place/ do research, or just use the tools available to them at all.

Rant aside, if you just want to honestly see the scenes, you can usually find a full save that someone who took the time to get it will have, different story if it's new content, then you'd obviously need a new one.
I'd like to not belittle AlexTorch please.
He came in asking questions and is putting in an effort. That's all commendable to me. Finding out where he struggles is important for me as a developer as well, as it might help me improve on pacing abilities for the final version.

Most of the people who complain about gameplay eventually just hack every game and get full saves anyway. This guy's at least talking like he's trying to play.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
I'd like to not belittle AlexTorch please.
He came is asking questions and is putting in an effort. That's all commendable to me. Finding out where he struggles is important for me as a developer as well, as it might help me improve on pacing abilities for the final version.

Most of the people who complain about gameplay eventually just hack every game and get full saves anyway. This guy's at least talking like he's trying to play.

Wasn't talking about him in this particular case, hence why I quoted the guy talking about not being babied, because I see that quite a lot around here unfortunately, and people abide them and the pattern continues (I'm more so talking about the kind of people going hey guys anyone have a full save, when it's clearly in the thread, and what feels like without even trying to figure out the game, straight up saying how I play game?). This is why I said WITHOUT doing any work/research, and just being silver spoon fed stuff.

That's all, sorry for the misunderstanding, it's just a tiresome behavior to deal with.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Wasn't talking about him in this particular case, hence why I quoted the guy talking about not being babied, because I see that quite a lot around here unfortunately, and people abide them and the pattern continues (I'm more so talking about the kind of people going hey guys anyone have a full save, when it's clearly in the thread, and what feels like without even trying to figure out the game, straight up saying how I play game?). This is why I said WITHOUT doing any work/research, and just being silver spoon fed stuff.

That's all, sorry for the misunderstanding, it's just a tiresome behavior to deal with.
OK, I misunderstood you. That's also my bad, and I do agree with what you said there.


Active Member
May 7, 2019
Yes, using skills (the ones that i most use is the slow and pressure) and getting "almost" all arrows
Now that's odd; Pressure is the skill I was sure you weren't using.

You can't possibly have missed Ordina? She's the, uh, hospitable pink-haired unmoving bot. Equiping passives is a must, and consumables can make most battles a joke.
Other than that, as inferred above, battle Speed is the key element. Every girl has a speed they're worse at (passives can alter that oc).

If you're a cheapstake like me, you can write down patterns on a piece of paper. Escape/heal/rematch is also an option, should the Pink diamonds really, really hate you for several turns in a row (and you're dead set in not using any item).


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Looking forward to the release (y) I've long thought this was abandoned, lack of any communication and all.
i personally prefer devs that stay quiet and focus on getting their game done;)
instead of promoting a demo of a game that never gets done just so they can milk money from cows:cautious:

in fact if TheUnsaid manages to get it done till the end of the year or mid january i buy it:cool:
how much is it gonna cost?
you selling on steam or dlsite?


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2017
If Rouge uses Overheat what is the best skill for you to use?
If Bleu uses Sadism what is the most efficient skill for you to use?
Overheat i use ready, and sadism i use calm, and thank you very much for your time, i really appreciate.

If you're a cheapstake like me, you can write down patterns on a piece of paper. Escape/heal/rematch is also an option, should the Pink diamonds really, really hate you for several turns in a row (and you're dead set in not using any item).
That's a good idea, but i'm playing for some days, and i'm beginning to win, like i said in some older post, probably the problem was me, i'm new to this kind of gameplay (arrows and time), for me is somenting complete new. And thank you for your time too.

Meanwhile we grew up in the nes days when we had to try every button and thing we could think of to beat the levels and game and there wasn't a whole lot of hand holding.
Hey, in 1989 when i was playing my old atari 2600 that we don't have anything to help, in 1994 i begin to buy the games magazines to help in some games,but now, with this new kind of gameplay, is something new, that probably the problem was me, i'm not gonna lie, but nothing that some days trying, of course with these days, i have a lot less time to keep trying.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
i guess the release got delayed to late january...
also still no store page, where are you gonna sell the game?


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
i guess the release got delayed to late january...
also still no store page, where are you gonna sell the game?
Yeah... Life happened.
Sorry for disappointing.

I'll sell it on steam and itch.io. I'll also try and get a DLsite page up, but that's gonna be slow in coming.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
Yeah... Life happened.
Sorry for disappointing.

I'll sell it on steam and itch.io. I'll also try and get a DLsite page up, but that's gonna be slow in coming.

I'm sure you already know man, but please never apologize for life happening shit happens, we're only human after all, way too many entitled impatient whiny people that think the world revolves around them(they also act like they know everything and they don't), I've had plenty of delays on things I was waiting on, cancellations on things, and many other things happen.

I just found something else to do while I waited (lord knows there isn't millions of things to do, besides games too). Am I still disapointed said thing didn't come out when I was waiting for it? Sure, is it the end of the world? No.

But please don't let people like that rush you, because as Shigeru Miyamoto said:

“A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”

I've seen way too many games rushed out, and they're horrible, you do you man, good luck!
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
please never apologize
Worst advice ever.
A clear apology is an excuse for displaying not only one's humility, but all the things that've been brewing despite <insert reason for apology here>.
To correct common knowledge: no, apologizing doesn't castrate you. Always putting yourself in need to provide apologies, does.
I'll also point out, garbage-grade games also get delayed (some infinitely, even, but clueless cows still give milk out) and are still garbage once they're out.

I kinda agree with the point of the rest of the post. Especially since no P* Pay-per-month scheme is in action here.
No choice but to wait and see what happens, for better or worse. Demo was good, full game can't be too bad in the end (though it's been LONG).


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
Worst advice ever.
A clear apology is an excuse for displaying not only one's humility, but all the things that've been brewing despite <insert reason for apology here>.
To correct common knowledge: no, apologizing doesn't castrate you. Always putting yourself in need to provide apologies, does.
I'll also point out, garbage-grade games also get delayed (some infinitely, even, but clueless cows still give milk out) and are still garbage once they're out.

I kinda agree with the point of the rest of the post. Especially since no P* Pay-per-month scheme is in action here.
No choice but to wait and see what happens, for better or worse. Demo was good, full game can't be too bad in the end (though it's been LONG).

Cool story, that's not what I meant, I meant it more so in the way of what I explained later on in my post, you know not apologizing to impatient and whiny entitled people? (you know the ones that "know" everything?) That 99% of the time are getting said game for free anyway? So have mostly no reason to complain? Yeah... those people.

Reason I brought it up is because I could see apologizing for a major mistake, or a pretty bad mistake. But apologizing because something got delayed due to LIFE? No, never apologize for that, the moment you start seeing a developer in that way as a person is complete bs, just like everyone else they're human as I said and have lives too.

I see way too many people apologize for that, and there's just this whole notion in the video games industry in general right now of trying to cater to EVERY possible audience, because god knows the 1% that bitch and moan about your game were totally gonna buy it in the first place. (90% of big companies nowadays, that usually go bankrupt later, for catering to said audience in the first place, seen it way too many times)
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
Uh, so you got caught in that silly argument about apologies I had that day.
I don't really care about making my point go through, I also have my gripes about the dogeza-loving cultures :LOL:
“A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”
I meant this is wrong. A delayed game can be garbage, or never come out at all.
For those that didn't know the quote is from the guy behind Zelda and Mario. Western devs (I'd extend to non-Japanese for argument's sake) are nowhere near as serious, reliable, and 'proud of quality'.
The quote simply cannot apply in a world Cloud Meadows exists in.

Never mind. Looking forward the Steam page - I have high hopes for the final game's quality nevertheless (out when it's out, I guess :p)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
Uh, so you got caught in that silly argument about apologies I had that day.
I don't really care about making my point go through, I also have my gripes about the dogeza-loving cultures :LOL:

I meant this is wrong. A delayed game can be garbage, or never come out at all.
For those that didn't know the quote is from the guy behind Zelda and Mario. Western devs (I'd extend to non-Japanese for argument's sake) are nowhere near as serious, reliable, and 'proud of quality'.
The quote simply cannot apply in a world Cloud Meadows exists in.

Never mind. Looking forward the Steam page - I have high hopes for the final game's quality nevertheless (out when it's out, I guess :p)

That quote is MOSTLY, geared towards AAA games, and yes I would think MOST people would know who Shigeru Miyamoto is. Most of the games you're talking about are indies, and no shit, there's alot of mobile game tier garbage that's assest flips, don't work, super basic, the list goes on.

Just because there have been quite a bit of cases of scamming on sites like patreon, and all the others, DOES NOT mean that all projects are like that(people will say I wasn't saying that, even though they clearly are acting like it), the moment you go down that line of thinking of lumping all developers/projects like that together or any group together, is very ignorant thinking.

By that logic just because one apple in a bunch is bad, it must mean the whole bunch is bad. No, that's absolutely idiotic.

Projects being funded like that are done so the developer can focus more on making the game, and getting it out faster than it would take while going through their daily life, that's supposed to be the intent. Yes you can partly blame SOME of these developers, but you also have to blame the idiots funding them as well. You'll also have said developer fix alot of stuff, try to have a schedule where they come out with new stuff and more stuff for people, but it's never enough, can't please everyone and people will always find something to complain about. Whether it be done in a timely manner, go a certain way in adding features, or just have some problems and have to delay it.

TLDR: Don't lump groups or people together in said group together as all the same, and you can't please everyone.

Done with this discussion after this one, pointless on both sides. Agree to disagree as they say.
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Masked Fellow

Apr 5, 2018
it's a shame this game stopped getting updated, the pixel animations were fantastic, and the gameplay (while confusing imo) still tries to bring something new to the table.

Godspeed, dev, I hope life gets better for you and maybe you can pick this back up again one day.
3.40 star(s) 5 Votes