Uh, so you got caught in that silly argument about apologies I had that day.
I don't really care about making my point go through, I also have my gripes about the dogeza-loving cultures
I meant this is wrong.
A delayed game can be garbage, or never come out at all.
For those that didn't know the quote is from the guy behind Zelda and Mario. Western devs (I'd extend to non-Japanese for argument's sake) are nowhere near as serious, reliable, and 'proud of quality'.
The quote simply cannot apply in a world Cloud Meadows exists in.
Never mind. Looking forward the Steam page - I have high hopes for the final game's quality nevertheless (out when it's out, I guess

That quote is MOSTLY, geared towards AAA games, and yes I would think MOST people would know who Shigeru Miyamoto is. Most of the games you're talking about are indies, and no shit, there's alot of mobile game tier garbage that's assest flips, don't work, super basic, the list goes on.
Just because there have been quite a bit of cases of scamming on sites like patreon, and all the others, DOES NOT mean that all projects are like that(people will say I wasn't saying that, even though they clearly are acting like it), the moment you go down that line of thinking of lumping all developers/projects like that together or any group together, is very ignorant thinking.
By that logic just because one apple in a bunch is bad, it must mean the whole bunch is bad. No, that's absolutely idiotic.
Projects being funded like that are done so the developer can focus more on making the game, and getting it out faster than it would take while going through their daily life, that's supposed to be the intent. Yes you can partly blame SOME of these developers, but you also have to blame the idiots funding them as well. You'll also have said developer fix alot of stuff, try to have a schedule where they come out with new stuff and more stuff for people, but it's never enough, can't please everyone and people will always find something to complain about. Whether it be done in a timely manner, go a certain way in adding features, or just have some problems and have to delay it.
TLDR: Don't lump groups or people together in said group together as all the same, and you can't please everyone.
Done with this discussion after this one, pointless on both sides. Agree to disagree as they say.