This is an incredibly simple, straight-forward, Halloween-themed h-game that you can complete in less than an hour.
Story/Characters- There's basically no story, just go around talking to people and collecting things until you get all the content. The conversations aren't even worth paying attention to because you can just get all the items first, and then go talk to people, and other than that theres no depth to any character. It's just, "do me a favor, and then we fuck".
Gameplay- Pretty barebones. There's a cool idea, where you collect different halloween costumes that give you different abilities, which i liked, but there are 4 costumes and the abilities boil down to, phase through fences, swim, destroy trash can, and turn snorlax kid into a frog ... so its pretty lame honestly. I was hoping for more, but with the small file size, can't say I'm surprised. Also, movement speed is annoying slow.
Sound- Music's pretty decent, and has voice acting. Only downside is the audio blending for the voices wasn't done the best, so some characters seem really loud/quiet in comparison to others. Also, might just be personal taste, but i didn't really care for most of the voices.
The general art style (there are multiple artists) is pretty good, however a few cg's are pretty lack luster, imo. There is really nothing more than maybe a couple lines of text on average to accompany H-content cg's, and the writing really isn't anything to write home about. Also, this game might also deserve a transformation tag, as in the cg with the Jiangshi your character is actually inexplicably female. (Gay content is easily avoided, just don't talk to any male character more than once, and you'll never have to worry about it even if you accidentally pick up the item they want).
Really i think this game had potential, but when i saw the file size, i had a feeling it was gonna fall flat on its face. I think this could've been a much better game if more time had been devoted to it, but it seems like this was just something that was thrown together quickly for the Halloween season. Play it if you want, but (unlike most games I download) I immediately threw this game into the trash after I finished it, so take that as you will.