RPGM - Sex Valley [v0.6.70] [Zehmun]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    yaal should stop giving bad games high rating this gamis is bad in any ways art gameplay story weird fetishes dont waste your time it probably not what you looking for there is better games (it needs to be 200 characters so ignore this part)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.6.50

    Simple, clunky, and charming. I think those words describe Sex Valley well. As the name might indicate, it's a farming-sim inspired RPG where you take on the classic role of new guy arrives to town and happens to be given a dingy farm. Though truth be told though, farming is really only a small piece of the puzzle.

    At first I think it's easy to write this off, especially if you aren't into RPGM games. The farming is pretty mindless, I did mining one time for a quest, I didn't fish at all, the caves system is filled with random encounters I turned off, and the scripted fights I (mostly) steamrolled. To top it off, you're sort of limited by stamina and day/night cycles as well. Thing is, all those elements are really minor inconveniences at worst.

    Where the game shines is when it focuses on the village and the colorful cast of characters both in and surrounding it, which thankfully it does often. It's almost deceptive in a way. The dialogue is simple, you have to gift girls to raise affection over and over, blah blah. Whatever. But then you start getting genuinely fun quests for them, and despite the simple dialogue, seeing them show a surprising amount of personality. Suddenly you find yourself hooked by it, and that's when I realized I really like this game.

    The dev has done a good job of making this village feel alive. All the girls operate on a schedule that has them out and about doing different things at different times, and it gives this a lot of charm because of it. The art has a cute vibe to it that's surprisingly hot in scenes, the characters are super varied in both personality and design, there's a bunch of fun interactions between them, and overall they're endearing to interact with (more or less). That's not to say this is the most complex or well written RPG out there, as most of the quests play out quick, most conversations are short, and the MC himself feels more of a prop than his own person, but the game still keeps you busy and surprised with all the new stuff you run into. There's a lot of fun little details too when you pick up on them.

    Sex is an aspect that has some of that aforementioned chunkiness to it. There's a lot of nice scenes for a more vanilla approach, but man there's a lot of fetish scenes too. My problem is that they come out of nowhere sometimes. As an example: I went up to a side character and suddenly moments later my male MC is blowing them. Personally not my thing. Then all of a sudden like four different love interests want me to do feet stuff with them. I'm just not into feet man. What I do appreciate is having more vanilla scenes alongside dom/sub scenes though. I feel like dom scenes the MC turns into an asshole, and I viewed a sub scene and suddenly am on the dick end of a futa.

    There's other minor gripes I have, I ran into numerous bugs, and there's some aspects I feel could be a lot better. Despite all that though, I found this to be a surprisingly fun RPG to sink some time into.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I used to play this game every update , Characters and art style are great , it's simple but not overly tedious , Character quests aren't annoying , But since the the last few updates were mostly subbing the mc, bdsm , futa and gender bending content I can't really play this game anymore , I don't mind and enjoy some of that stuff but it that's 90% of what it is then I can't really enjoy this game anymore , might comeback to download in a year and see what is going on . Two years ago would have given this a 5 stars , if this game changes to have more content for more dominant people then will comeback and edited and or change review .
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpgm games for me. I love most of the characters and updates are quite often. The patreon also posts quite often so you can follow the process. I hope the scenes from the patreon polls would be added to the game as well because there are a lot of hot ones.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Rating version 6.0

    It's... okay. A lot of my gripes come from the gameplay, and I dunno, maybe they're minor inconveniences others won't really care about, but they really soured the experience for me.

    First major complaint: Quests and events. Basically every time you complete a quest or character event, the day automatically ends (I think Maribelle's first event made 3 days pass before I could play the game again), but it doesn't actually progress time- crops won't grow, stamina won't replenish, and everyone you talked to and gifted acts as though you already had that day. Clarine's first two quests properly ended the day, so I'm not sure if it was bugged all the other times or dev was trying to rework stuff to fix this, but honestly just this improvement would immediately bump it up to a 3, maybe 4/5. It should not feel punishing to just play the game and progress the story.

    Combat- So easy it kind of just wastes your time. Like, after a few levels, enemies will just start dealing so little damage the 2% regen my weapon gave me would outheal them. Also it gave me a skill that costs 0 mana and would add lifesteal to attacks for a few turns, just in case a boss did like, slightly more damage than a trash mob.

    Mining- Pointless, I think? You can find iron ore to make one piece of armor, and copper ore to upgrade your pickaxe to... maybe mine better? (Also the cave is needlessly labyrinthine, almost every path seemed to have at least 2 dead ends...) Maybe there's more further down the mine, or other recipes unlock later, but it seemed pointless in the current version. Not much of a concern, I'm sure more will be added later.

    Farming- Extremely barebones and awkward, I feel. Maybe I've just been spoiled by other farming sim games, but when all the farming is boiled down to put seed in ground, water, pick, sell for money it just feels like a pointless add-on. It's also tedious to actually DO, since you can't just turn without moving, so every time you want to turn you need to walk away and back just to re-orient yourself. It'd be great if clicking on a tile with a tool out would use that tool on the tile. A use tool keybind would be nice, too. You can't improve crop quality/quantity, there's no harvest festival, heck there wasn't even cooking recipes added yet. You could eat them for hp/mp, pickle them to improve their value/recovery (not that your health would ever go below 80%), none I saw even restored stamina. This might just be infeasible with the engine, dunno if RPGMaker can really support an in-depth farming system. Fingers crossed dev figures something out, though- absolutely love farming sims.

    Some of the dialogue came off as a bit much, nothing bad enough to dock points for, but could be improved. Like, for example sometimes there would be random CAPITAL letters that would put emphasis ON words in an odd FASHION. Like, obviously that CAN work, but it just seemed off quite often.

    Overall, 0/10 has feet (DISCLAIMER: This is just a meme on how several other reviews are like, 5/5 best game ever because it has foot fetish content)

    I'll probably update this review in a few updates or so, since I'd LOVE to love this game, but as is I can't really justify playing it over like, Rune Factory 4 for the eleventeenth time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Love the game.

    Just overall exactly what I want out of an RPGM game. Caters multiple preferences, has a chance for player to change how to approach other characters and the grind can be easily reduced with in game cheats.

    Can recommend.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, all the characters are awesome and have different kinks so there's a variety of scenes and you're able to skip anything that isn't your cup of tea. Highly recommend, and anyone willing and able please support the creator so we get more of this!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a competent RPGMaker game that's still in development as of now, not much to criticise other than some typos here and there. Maybe the repetitive random battles in the caves? But that can be alleviated with the repellant item.

    The main reason I'm rating 5 stars is for the abundance and quality of foot fetish content in this game. Unfortunately most games tagged as such tend to contain only one scene, maybe two if you're extremely lucky, and they always seem to be drawn more for the sake of femdom than foot fetish. I'm pleased to say this is not the case here: feet are drawn nicely even during penetration scenes, multiple girls have footjob options and one of them also has some nice worship scenes.

    Also props for romanceable futa, always a bonus for me!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    great game, been following it for a while and it hasn't disappointed me since.
    I have come across multiple bugs tho that breaks my progression.
    But i do love this game so far.
    The art style is really nice, characters are great, and the h scenes are awesome. I am a big foot guy so there's a lot of feet content here as well as futa. I hope to see more of that in the future :3
    the dungeons are not for everyone, and in one particular area the monster encounters are just non-stop which is annoying.
    but yeah great game! hope to see more soon
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is enjoyable. But what kills it is the endless battles and the complicated tunnel system. Just gave up on the game due to the frustration.

    It is so hard to figure out the paths in the tunnels. Sprites keep popping up after every 2 to 3 seconds. You get no time to look around and figure out how to get out of them.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good characters, good art, good futa content, good feet and well-drawn dicks! What else could you want? Hope the next game will be a male MC-futa harem, god knows there are not enough games like that.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It's sadly such a mess. The farming and battle systems have no debt at all and with all the random encounter the battle system is just annoying. You get attacked like every 8 steps and spam the normal attacks, that's it. The farming system is only there for the money and doesn't have any true progression, besides buying animals that doesn’t require care. So, two systems that don't really add anything, but waste your time and that is a problem in this game, because you have time system. Every day is just a few minutes long and stuff is of course time gated. You want progress with a character? Better hope to find where and when the event will trigger! You want to rewatch a sex scene? Well then wait for the correct day and time! The whole time system is mostly an annoyance. Fixed time slots would do the same, only that you wouldn't miss stuff that easily, because you could choose when to move to the next time slot.

    Now to what the game does right. The art and the girls. They are a deserve bunch and all loveable in their own way. Their storys are fun but nothing really special (besides Lene). The art is good and the sex scenes hot., but for the length of the development still a bit too few.

    But everything around the girls that is required for the progress, like the battle system, the farming system for money and the gift system where you have to guess and remember the likes and dislikes of the main cast, just overshadow the fun side and hinder your progress without any rewards on their own. They are not fun gameplay mechanics; they are a chore. Honestly the game could need a complete rework, so that the other systems have actual something to offer. A better balanced battle system, so that fighting is fun with less random encounters if random encounter at all. Give the MC a reason to farm and make money with it, upgrading your home or the village. Add upgrades for the farming so we can actually use that giant farming plot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As a certain IGN reviewer put it: "It has a little something for everyone"

    For a game that's only in it's 0.3, I'm very pleasantly surprised how much content there is. I'm about 12ish hours in and I've still got a bit of content to finish. Not a lot left, but that's still saying something. It makes me think the devs have too big of a scope since the game has been in development since 2018 but I'll just review the game as it is now.

    First off, there really is a little something for everyone. You always get to decide the part you play in sex scenes; whether it be gentle and wholesome, dominant and commanding, or a meek and submissive. I will admit, feet is a pretty common fetish in the game. Before you nope out though, you can avoid most, if not all of it. It's also got futas that you can either stick your dick in or let them stick their dick in you. Whatever your inclination, this game's got you covered.

    Game also has a nice variety of characters. Lovable and cute childhood friend that loves you, spunky and younger tan girl that likes fishing, lazy mean guard that can warm up to you after you spend with her, noble lady that is an admittedly cute tsundere, shady as fuck but charming shopkeep, and an older-sister doting doctor type gal. There are others, but these are the ones with the main focus and most of the content revolves around them at the moment. All the girls even have a set schedule and everything that lets you experience different content depending on the day of the week.

    I've never played Stardew valley but I've seen a bit of gameplay and it's pretty much that but with monster girls you can lewd. You farm for food which you can sell or eat as consumables like potions, you go into a cave to explore the underlying story and fight, you develop your relationship with the main cast, etc. It's a very nice and relaxing gameplay loop, something you don't see very often in RPGM games. I genuinely have a decent time with the game outside of the sex scenes which sadly is a rarity with games of this genre.

    The art seems a little iffy or off-putting at first, especially the way noses are drawn; but you get used to it and I find the style very charming now. It's got this sort of comfy vibe that I can't quite put my finger on. It's just very endearing and bumps up my enjoyment of the game a lot. That's not to say it's perfect, but it definitely is pretty good, at least to me. The artist has only gotten better over time and you can definitely tell with some of the later CGs.

    The music is pretty generic as usual for RPGM games but there are a few nice surprises here and there. Nobody is really here for the music though so who cares, right?

    I will say though that the writing could definitely use a bit of work. It's not bad by any means, but it's certainly not good either. Fair bit of typos and the flow of writing in general could be better. I think the artist should at least think of getting someone else to help write the game(doing both can be pretty draining) but the project isn't swimming in money so not sure how feasible that is.

    It's got 2 minor bugs where sometimes the character sprite won't leave the screen and sometimes an event repeats right after you just completed it. The former can be resolved by talking to any other person with a sprite and the latter just requires you to play through the event again, you never get stuck in a loop or anything. Pretty much the only 2 bugs I've seen in my time with the game

    Overall, the game is a very underrated gem that is already one of my favorite NSFW games. It's just fun to play and ticks a lot of my boxes. One of the only games on here that I've seriously considered supporting on patreon, so that alone should tell you what I think of the game. I recommend giving the game a shot just for an hour or two if you're on the fence about this one. I just really hope this doesn't wind up becoming abandoned as the dev has been talking of burnout recently.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Stardew Valley but with monster girls and sex.

    Unfortunately the game is prone to bugs and crashes that can completely halt your game. Too many time did NPCs stick around on my screen or I had to reload because of a bug. Spent far too much time getting around these issues. The game is excellent but I cannot fully recommend it because of these issues.

    You spend a lot of your time farming, mining, fighting, fishing, and giving out gifts everyday. So there's quite a bit to do. The art is pretty good. There seems to be a sizeable chunk of foot fetish content if that's your jam. Quite a bit of content it seems but I never got to fully explore it due to the aforementioned issues I was having.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first it's not a solid 5 however, the person that made this game possible, put a lot of effort and it's a really good game, even more for a ongoing game, the characters are all interesting, the story is kinda cliche but works really well, the game have a little bit of everything and dont lack in dialogues to justify some facts and decisions, the bad parts of this game is issues from any other developing game so I'll not complaing about it, can be better? of course! You should play? absolutely, is a good experience and besides the story have a lot of charismatic couples, worth to try it
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Its good, but I kind wish there more animations: twitching body-parts, bodily fluid explosions and reactions weren't so static.
    If these were fixed it make game more hot and create huge fan base.
    Noises for tits and strange song for women, or collect the tunes be that for player would be intriguing.
    I like farming element, I have play one more time give you final star. It was hard to play on gamecore with 40 different ads making terrible.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Most certainly a lovely game.

    The basic premise is you are the only male in the village, surrounded by girls of all different personalities, the childhood best friend, the tsundere one who likes dominating you but doesn't mind switching, the aloof one who secretly wants to be liked and thinks a hug is maximum lewds!, a manipulative one who likes sitting on your face, a crazy one and many more being introduced too.

    The game is a mix of both girls and futa for which the dev is quite brave and yet if that's what they want to do that's what they will do. That said they are both happy to listen to my ideas (how did you like that Lene window scene guys?) and I am fully aware that the game attracts not only futa lovers like myself but the vanilla and harem guys. So even though I'm not the dev and they don't have to listen to me I have suggested to them to keep the game balanced.

    Gameplay itself is RPGM and features a farming mechanic, scenes are still image CG based with descriptive text and also dungeon crawling too, with the prerequisite mounting of monster girls if you win. Scenes are mostly replayable too so you have that added incentive to keep playing the game to either unlock or play scenes.

    So that's my quick review. Do download and play and if you like please feel free to give even $1 to Zehmun and Elliniel. It is appreciated by them.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The artwork is interesting and unique (at least as far as I'm aware). However, that doesn't make it a good game on its own. The lack of a "quest" to strive for at the very beginning hinders your early game experience. However, my experience was completely ruined by the bad google translation (and I mean bad even by google translation standards) it uses for dialogue. The grammar and spelling are terrible and there is a distinct lack of language comprehension. If this gets better dialogue it may be elevated beyond just "meh" quality.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Grinding is easy therefore it's not frustrating to grind and go forward, I liked the interactions with the characters, I'd like to see more futa and foot content.Artstyle is nice too, but sometimes the eyes of some characters creeps me a little bit.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really loved this game... The art and the characters development is amazingly done. It's still a small piece of game, but I already spend some hours on it trying to figure it out... It reminded of Stardew Valley, even though I have never played it, just heard a lot.